on fire

  • na.燃烧着;兴奋着
  • 网络着火;起火;起火着火

on fireon fire

on fire


英语介词用法 - Mainz - 博客园 ... on earth 到底, on fire 着火, on foot 步行, ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... fire up (突然)生气,勃然大怒 on fire 起火;(喻)非常激动 set fire to 使燃烧,点燃 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... on earth 究竟,到底 on fire 起火着火 on foot 步行, ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... in fact 其实,实际上 on fire 烧着 on foot 步行 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... take place 发生;产生 on fire 失火 scare vt 恐吓 ...


美剧常用俚语 - 豆丁网 ... on cloud nine 九霄云上 on fire 着火了(红火,手气旺) on my nerves 惹我心烦 ...


verb ... on business( 因公;因事), on fire燃烧), on show( 展览), ...


牛津大学英语词典 ... adj of or in the ablative 夺格的. burning;on fire 燃烧; 著火: set sth ablaze 点火烧某物 * ...

Patient wake up in the middle of the night, and the big toe feels as if it's on fire. 病人在午夜惊醒,大脚趾感觉像是在燃烧。
But word of his candidacy did not seem to set the straw poll on fire: he secured just under 4% of the vote that way. 但派瑞对自己候选人身份的讲话并没有太多人买帐:通过这种方式他仅仅保住了不到百分之四的支持率。
She flushed as if on fire, and for the very first time, I felt something close to sympathy for anothers misfortune. 伍德郝斯身上,她脸红得像着了火。生平头一遭,我对他人的不幸有了点近似同情的感觉。
But the Fed's hair is manifestly not on fire, nor do most politicians seem to see any urgency about the situation. 然而,显然,美联储的头发并未着火,大多数政客似乎也没有看出情况有多么紧急。
Then I bend at the waist, and with a strike of a match, I set the last prairie on fire. 接着,我弯下腰,划着火柴,点燃这片最后的草原。
There is usually quite a bit of advance warning between the first signs of smoke and the undeniable reality that the house is on fire. 一座房子着火之前,在冒烟的时候肯定有许多事前的警告信号。
The despot set fire to his house beforehe took to flight. = The despot set his house on fire before he took to flight. 恶霸逃跑前,放火烧了自己的房子。
The photos were beautiful but I wanted to see someone on fire, jumping on a trampoline with a message for curing cancer. 这些照片很美,但是我想要看到某人浑身着火,在写有治愈癌症标语的蹦床上跳来跳去。
The curtain is on fire! I'm pointing at it, a shocked look on my face. 我指着火,说不出话来,脸上惊恐的表情。
There was one technique not impacted by Hendrix's left handedness: setting his guitar on fire. For that, he used both hands. 但是仍然还是有一种“技术”没有受到亨德里克斯左撇子的影响:把他的吉他付之一炬。干这个,他可是用了两只手。
With a magnifying glass, the rays of the sun can be focused to set grass or paper on fire. 用一面放大镜可以凝聚太阳光,而点燃和纸张。
While separating from her mother, he made a "statement" by dragging furniture from the house to the front lawn and setting it on fire. 当他和母亲离婚时,他把家具从屋里拖到前草坪上烧了,以此做了一个声明。
Gunshots could be heard near the square as the sun set; a tree and building adjacent to the renowned National Museum caught on fire. 日落时在解放广场可以听到枪声。埃及国家博物馆(NationalMuseum)旁的一棵树和一幢大楼着了火。
The German ship at once replied very accurately and on her third salvo she hit Hood close to the main mast setting her on fire. 德国战舰的反击是非常精确的,她们的第三次射就命中了胡德号主桅杆附近,并造成起火。
Teachers were reportedly able to rescue two children he had been holding in his arms when he set himself on fire. 据报道,老师们在他已经点着自己时从他手中挽救出了两个孩子。
As she was on fire as to startle, he pushed hard, with her stiff body back several steps to stand firm. 她象被火烧到般惊跳,用力推开他,她僵直着身子,退了好几步才站稳。
Bennie lay under the big tree with his whole body feeling as if it were on fire. 本尼躺在那棵大树下,全身仿佛像是在火上烤似的。
The poor woman was set on fire and her child ripped from her womb (Asklepios etymologically meaning to be cut out). 这个可怜的女子被放火焚烧和她的孩子从她的子宫(Asklepios词源含义,切出)撕裂。
It was the best I remember, the glowing sun sat at the end of a beautiful corridor of trees making it look like they were on fire. 这是我看到过的最美的日出,太阳散发着光芒出现在林中道路的尽头,整个森林似乎燃烧起来。
Today, as a means of getting over my abusive ex, I decided to write his name on a piece of paper and light it on fire. 今天我为了让自己忘记那个没口德的前男友,就把他的名字写在一张纸上然后用火烧掉。
So she focused in on the space property, and all that sense of the house on fire suddenly disappeared. 于是她就定入了空间元素,所有那些房子着火的感觉突然消失了。
The British army got to Washington and set the president's house on fire. 英国军队到达华盛顿,放火焚烧了总统的家。
The pilot appeared to be as cool as a cucumber even when one of the engines was on fire. 即使在飞机引擎着火时,飞行员也表现得镇定自若。
He took the notebook we were using to plan our wedding, lit it on fire, and said, "I think we need to start over. " 他拿起我们策划婚礼的本子点火烧掉了,说:咱们还是从头再考虑一遍吧。
He boasted that if he could find the solution to the problem, the result of it would set the world on fire. 他吹嘘果找到这个问题的答案,其成果就会轰动全世界。
Don't waste time debating whether the building is really on fire or not. Get out at the first sign of danger, and ask questions later. 不要浪费时间辩论建筑是否已经着火了。发现危险信号时立即冲出去,随后再问问题。
Thinking about him may not set me on fire as it used to, but after 17 years and two kids, our love is still warm. 每当想起他,我可能不象当年那样能燃起心中的火。但相伴17年,共同养育了两个孩子,我们的爱仍然温暖。
This team has got to go into the playoffs on fire, their biggest issue is their lack of confidence when tested. 球队应该斗志高昂的进入季后赛,他们最大的问题是当考验来临时信心显得不足。
Japanese media said the tsunami carried away a ship carrying one hundred people . Television images showed a whole community on fire . 日本媒体称,海啸卷走了一艘载有上百人的船只。电视画面显示,许多居民区起火。
Then he said to his servants, "Look, Joab's field is next to mine, and he has barley there. Go and set it on fire. " 所以押沙龙对仆人说、你们看、约押有一块田、与我的田相近、其中有大麦.你们去放火烧了。