
美 [m]英 [m]
  • int.〈口〉嗯;唔
  • n.【计,数】隐式马尔科夫模型
  • 网络隐马尔可夫模型(Hidden Markov Model);现代商船(Hyundai Merchant Marine);隐马尔科夫模型



隐马尔可夫模型(Hidden Markov Model)

隐马尔可夫模型HMM)可以用五个元素来描述,包括2个状态集合和3个概率矩阵:1. 隐含状态 S 这些状态之间满足马尔可夫 …

现代商船(Hyundai Merchant Marine)

6、韩国现代商船(HMM):到中东,小柜只接受货重在15吨以下的货物,货重超过15吨加收USD200; 7、澳航(ANL):到中东…


...信号处理方面有很多独特的优势,该文件夹中包含了有关隐马尔科夫模型HMM)实现C代码,用户可以在此代码基础上创 …

人教版小学英语三年级下册单词表 ... them 它(他,她)们 hmm (语气词) taste 品尝 ...

打DOTA,学英语(DOTA里面英雄念叨的那些话儿) ... None." 无 Hmm." 。 " Dabu." 我服从。 " ...

Hmm. Well, he just played me, you know, so I don't know. If it changes if you ask him in five years' time, you know. 他刚刚跟我交手,所以我不知道该怎么说。可能五年之后你可以再问问他的想法。
and I think that we're going to see this with. . . -Mm-hmm. -. . . you know, not only a Justice Department under Obama. . . 而且我认为我们会看到这个…-嗯嗯。-…你知道,不仅是奥巴马掌握中的司法部…
The second time around, I think, you know, I enjoyed them just as much as a teenager. . . -Mm-hmm. 在第二次的时候,我想,你知道,我就象一个孩子似的非常的喜欢它们···-嗯。
May I see? Hmm. I see what you mean. I'll have to check with the laundry service about this. Could you wait a moment, please? 我能看一下吗?嗯,我明白你的意思了。我要核对洗衣服记录。请稍等一下,好吗?
D: Hmm! So even if I don't have to rush out for pizza, it does sound like an issue from a Great Lakes management perspective. 嗯。所以就算我没有赶得上披萨,听上去就像五大湖自己处理前景的一个问题。
Hmm, how much would a room like that be? 嗯,像这样的一个房间价格是多少?
That's nice. . . now, was that before or after you told him to stop calling, stop sending you flowers and to generally leave you alone, hmm? 真体贴。是在你跟他说之前还是之后送的,叫他别再打电话来,别再送你花,别再来烦你?
but by the end of it all, my body was very used to the exercise. -Mm-hmm. -So it was good! 但到最后,我的身体已经非常习惯于这种活动。-哦。-所以那很棒!
Mm-hmm. -The-The way we're gonna win over the long term is not just militarily; we've got to win over hearts and minds. . . 嗯。-长远来讲,赢得这场战争的方式不仅仅是在军事上;我们必须赢得人心和看法…
She's like the weird, you know, darkish girl who has no friends. -Mm-hmm. 她很古怪,你知道,没有朋友的黯淡女孩。-嗯嗯。
After thinking about it for a while, we might chuckle and say, "Hmm, seems like being American is a bit more complicated than we thought. " 在对这个问题考虑一会儿之后,我们可能会笑起来并且说:“嗯,看来身为美国人比我们当初想的要复杂一点儿。”
Dashan: Mmm, hmm. Canadian beef is excellent. Yunbo, please ask the front desk clerk about good steak restaurants near the hotel. 啊,加拿大的牛肉特棒。云波,你能不能去问问前台服务员,咱们饭店周围有没有好的牛排餐馆。
No. We had no idea. It was a Disney Channel movie, you know? And now, we're on the big screen. -Mm-hmm. 不。我们不知道。这是迪斯尼频道的电影,你知道?现在,我们上了大银幕。-嗯嗯。
Hmm, I'm not sure. I haven't known her for that long. . . She seems to like traditional Chinese paintings. 我不太清楚欸,认识没多久的一个朋友。她好像喜欢中国画。
and you know, about 2 years ago or maybe about just about a year ago. . . -Mm-hmm. . . -. . . I started getting acne really, really bad. 你知道吗,大约两年前或者大概一年前…唔…我开始长粉刺,很厉害。
Ashley: Hmm. The artist. Hi, Mrs. Pennington. You know, you look so much younger in person. Not that I mean you're old or anything. 阿什利:嗯。艺术家。您好,宁顿夫人。你知道,你看起来年轻的多。我的意思不是你老或什么。
So, I mean, if they're gonna follow me around all day I might as well make friends with them, you know? -Mm-hmm. 所以,我是说,如果他们整天跟着我,我也会与他们交朋友,你知道?-嗯嗯。
Ted : Mmm- hmm . How much courage does it take to walk out on your kid ? 特德:唔,你需要多大的勇气去扔下你的孩子?。
He turned his nose up a little bit. "Hmm, " he said. "So, there's a God somewhere up here in the sky listening to you, right? " 他稍稍扬起他的头,“嗯,”他说,“那么,神在天上的某个地方在听你念这个对吗?”
Let me see. . . Hmm. . . just a minute. Here it is. We need your signature on this note. 让我看一看。嗯,等一会,给您,我们需要您在这张票据上签名。
Hmm, a giant statue of me. That could have a lot of uses. . . People could tip their hats to it, fear it, that kind of thing. Ill allow it! 恩…一尊我的伟大塑像。这可以有很多用处…人们会对它脱帽行礼,存有畏惧之心,什么的。我同意了!
All right, it's just a good luck charm. Hmm, help you think positive. 这是一个好运气的护身符。它会帮助你积极思考。
Mechanic: Hmm. Oh, I get it---this must not be your bill. Just a minute. Mr. Huang? 机修工人:哦,我明白了,这张单不是您的。请等等。是黄先生吗?
I'm trying to ascertain if she joined the SS freely, hmm? Of her own free will. 我只是想确认她加入党卫军是否出于自愿。
Hmm, that's a bit of a challenge. Sushi is notoriously difficult to pair with wine. Well, let's see. have to be a white wine, of course. 嗯,那会有点挑战。众所周知寿司很难和酒搭配。嗯,让我想想,当然必定是白酒。
Mm-hmm. -But I think he came out looking wonderful in this. It showed that he had a sense of humor, that he has very fast moves. . . 嗯嗯。-但我们认为他在这件事上看起来很好。这显示了他有幽默感,而且动作灵敏…
Now that I think of it, I could probably get by without the library card if I were willing to read everything on site. Hmm. 现在想想,如果我愿意在网上阅读的话就不用带借书证了,嗯。
Mm-hmm. -It's just a horrible thing and. . . I mean, it sucked. But thankfully, it's over now. -It's over. 嗯嗯。-那是非常可怕的事…我是说,让我很难受。但好事是,现在已经过去。-已经过去。
Hmm. That must be the DVD player that another one of my friends donated. He owns one of the largest electronics stores in Taipei! 呣。这台DVD一定是我另外一个朋友送的。他的电器商场是台北最大的!
Mm-hmm. What was it, a phone interview? 没错什么?靠电话面试?