
美 [ˈhoʊli]英 [ˈhəʊli]
  • adj.与神(或宗教)有关的;神圣的;圣洁的;强调惊讶、害怕等
  • n.神圣的东西
  • 网络神的;圣哉;虔诚的

比较级:holier 最高级:holiest

holy place


1.[ubn]与神(或宗教)有关的;神圣的connected with God or a particular religion

2.圣洁的good in a moral and religious way

3.[obn](informal)(强调惊讶、害怕等)used to emphasize that you are surprised, afraid, etc.


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... Arabic adj 阿拉伯人的(尤指其语言或文学) holy adj 神圣的;神的 Easter (耶稣)复活节 ...


普特英语听力_百度文库 ... household n. 家庭,户 holy a. 神圣地,圣洁的 hint n. 暗示,示意 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... Arabic adj 阿拉伯人的(尤指其语言或文学) holy adj 神圣的;神的 Easter (耶稣)复活节 ...


诗歌宝藏——... ... Himself He could not save 祂不能救自己 Holy,Holy,Holy 圣哉,圣哉,圣哉 How I praise Thee 我已得蒙宝 …


无标题文档 ... hole n.① 洞,坑,孔眼,洞穴②窘境,困境③漏洞,缺陷 holy a.① 神圣的,圣洁的②虔诚的 homework n.① …

The concept of "constructing a harmonious society" is an expression of a new value concept combining Holy and Secularisation . “构建社会主义和谐社会”的提出体现了向一种神圣与世俗相结合的新价值观的转换。
While stretching out Your hand to heal, and that signs and wonders may take place through the name of Your holy Servant Jesus. 同时伸出你的手施行医治,使神迹奇事,藉著你圣仆耶稣的名行出来。
And the Indian holy man seems dull to us, I suppose, because he seems to be refusing to play anything at all . 我认为,对于我们来说,那位印度圣人显得愚鲁,因为他拒绝玩任何游戏。
Through him, with him, in him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is yours, almighty Father, for ever and ever. 全能的天主圣父,一切崇敬和荣耀,借着基督,偕同基督,在基督内,并联合圣神,都归于你,直到永远。
Its name means to set out for a place, and for Muslims around the world, that place is the holy city of Mecca. 这个名字的意思着出发前往一个地方,而对于世界各地的穆斯林来说,那个地方就是圣城麦加。
he thought , and standing before the holy images , he began to repeat his evening prayer. 尼古拉心里这么想,然后就站在圣像前做起晚祷来。
I'm the president of my church youth group and I have to help give a seminar on keeping your body like a holy temple. . . Tomorrow. 我负责领导教堂青少年活动组的,明天还要去跟他们讲讲如何把自己的身体当成神殿一样捍卫。
I suppose this should have been the initial warning sign, and I should have flung the DVD out of my player and burned it with holy water. 我想这应该是最初的警告标志,我应该扔到了我的DVD播放机和烧伤的圣水了。
It is a great boon to me to have this opportunity of seeing a holy man like the Venerable Acharn. 能有机会看到像尊者阿迦曼这麽神圣的人,这对我真是一个伟大的恩典。
'if any of you know cause, or just impediment, why these two persons should not be joined together in Holy Matrimony. ' 这一版本中向会众发问的措词是:“如果你们当中的任何人知道任何理由或阻碍,认为这两个人不应该以神圣的婚姻之名结合在一起,(请指出来)。”
Later, the power of the Holy Spirit took hold of her so strongly that her body shook and she began to levitate. 后来,圣灵的能力强烈的抓住她,以至于她的身体颤抖并开始轻轻浮起。
Also, Wade discovers some of the inner workings of his own brain when he spends time with this holy woman. 同时,在和这位修道女士的相处过程中,维德发现一些自己大脑内部的运作方式。
And I said: I am cast away out of the sight of thy eyes: but yet I shall see thy holy temple again. 我曾说:我虽从你面前被抛弃,但我仍要瞻仰你的圣殿。
So, people continued to come to this not-so-holy man, to have him pray to God and solve their problems. 所以人们还是继续来找这个不是很圣洁的人,请他向上帝祈求,解决他们的问题。
And I remembered the word of the Lord, how He said, John baptized in water, but you shall be baptized in the Holy Spirit. 我就想起主所说的话,约翰是在水里施浸,但你们要在圣灵里受浸。
And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. 他们就都被圣灵充满、按著圣灵所赐的口才、说起别国的话来。
Later she acquired two holy pictures, one of the Virgin Mary, the other of the crucifixion, and took care to conceal them from her husband. 后来她得到了两张圣象,一个是圣母玛利亚,另一个是耶稣受难像,都背着她丈夫藏了起来。
for though they may know of the Holy Spirit, they do not recognize him, they fail to hear his whisper. 虽然他们听说过圣神,却不认识他,也听不到他的召唤。
It became our habit over the years to look in every jewelry store window as if searching for the Holy Grail. 这些年来,好像寻找圣杯一样,看每一个珠宝商店橱窗成为了我们的习惯。
And they came out of the tombs after His resurrection and entered into the holy city and appeared to many. 到耶稣复活以后,他们从坟墓里出来,进了圣城,向许多人显现。
Father, I enter into the sanctuary of our special place and I invite your Holy Presence within me to engage with me. 父亲,我进入圣域我们特别的地方,我在我邀请你的神圣的存在,与我从事。
One might have thought that Christ did not need to lose His holy life ere He could find it again. 或许有人认为,他实在不需要牺牲这么宝贵的生命,然后又再复活。
4 just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love. 就如神从创立世界以前,在基督里拣选了我们,使我们在他面前成为圣洁,无有瑕疵;
It would be the dawn of a new era of regenerative medicine, one of the holy grails of modern biology . 如果梦想能得以实现,重建医学的时代将迎来一个崭新的黎明,将成为现代生物学的圣杯。
When you are tempted, the Holy Spirit will remind you that you Ire a child of God and that it would be wrong for you to ad in this ~ay. 当你受试探的时候,圣灵会提醒你,叫你记著自己是神的儿女;既是神的儿女,就不该作出有违这身分的事。
Rev. 21. 2 And I saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. 我又看见圣城新耶路撒冷由神那里从天而降,预备好了,就如新妇装饰整齐,等候丈夫。
Once upon a time a man had heard, that in a foreign place, far away, there was a holy flame burning. 从前,有一个人听说圣火在遥远的异国他乡熊熊燃烧着。于是他离开家去寻找圣火,希望将它带回家。
Recognition of the total truth and trustworthiness of Holy Scripture is essential to a full grasp and adequate confession of its authority. 圣经所说的全部是真实的、绝对可信的;承认此基要真理,我们才能彻底了解并正确告白圣经的权威。
We are never told to ask for this baptism. Nor do we need to ask for it. The Holy Spirit does this on his own initiative. 圣经没有教导我们要追求这种圣灵的洗,而且,我们根本不用去追求,因为圣灵会主动做这工作。
Speak unto all the congregation of the children of Israel, and say unto them, Ye shall be holy: for I the LORD your God am holy. 你晓谕以色列全会众说,你们要圣洁,因为我耶和华你们的神是圣洁的。