
美 [heɪl]英 [heɪl]
  • n.冰雹;雹子;【气】雹;像雹子般落下的东西
  • v.招呼;〈正式〉喊;捧;歌颂
  • int.万岁
  • 网络欢呼;致敬;下雹

复数:hails 过去式:hailed 现在分词:hailing



v. n.

1.[t][usupass]赞扬(或称颂)…为(尤用于报章等)to describe sb/sth as being very good or special, especially in newspapers, etc.

2.[t]~ sth招手(请出租车或公共汽车停下)to signal to a taxi or a bus, in order to get the driver to stop

3.[t]~ sb跟…打招呼;向…喊to call to sb in order to say hello to them or attract their attention

4.[i]下雹whenit hails , small balls of ice fall like rain from the sky


冰字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 冰棒〖 popsicle;popsickle;ice-lolly〗 冰雹hail;hailstone〗 冰暴〖 icestorm〗 ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家(Fanyijia.com) ... hack 劈 hail 欢呼 hair 毛;头□ ...


石油词汇英语翻译(GH)--石油百科 ... hail pit 雹坑 hail 雹;一阵;欢呼;招呼 hailstone 冰雹 ...


求WOW命令大全~_爱问知识人 ... /Guffaw( 狂笑) /Hail( 致敬) /Happy( 欢乐) ...


转载 四个字母的英文单词 - 豆丁网 ... gulf n. 海湾 hail v. 下雹;欢呼,欢迎n.雹 hair n. 头发,毛发,汗毛 ...


职称英语同义词词库 - 职称英语考试 大家论坛 ... grateful 感激的 hail 向……欢呼,将……拥戴为 harmonious 协调的 ...


沙特阿拉伯 电话区号查询|手机号码归属 - 查号吧 ... Damman 丹曼 Hail 哈伊勒 Hofuf 胡富夫 ...

But after a bit of time in China, these tourists seem to forget that people that look like locals here could actually hail from anywhere. 但这些游客似乎忘记了,有些人虽然长得像中国人,却可能是从其他国家来的。
IT was a human storm, made up of a thunder of cries, and a hail of sweetmeats, flowers, eggs, oranges, and nosegays. 这是一场人为的风暴,如雷般的叫喊,千万人的欢呼,鲜花,蛋壳,种子和花球所组成。
the name he pronounced , in a voice of tenderness , amounting almost to love , was that of hail e. 他用一种温柔的几乎近于爱恋的声音所呼唤的那个名字,是海黛。
You will feel sweat pour from your forehead, as you jerk the ship to the side, weaving between the hail of destructive incoming lasers. 你会觉得汗水倾诉从您的前额,正如你挺举该船的一边,织布,印染之间的冰雹的desructiveincomming激光器。
For instance, the word used to hail waitresses in Taiwan xiaojie, or 'miss, ' is a common euphemism for prostitute in mainland China. 例如,在台湾招呼服务员时称“小姐”,而在大陆,“小姐”通常是对妓女的一种委婉说法。
This heat keeps the surface of the falling ice slightly warmer than its surroundings, turning it into a soft hail known as graupel. 这些热量使得这些降落的冰雹的表面稍微较周围的环境略暖,并使得它们变成软雹,也就是霰。
You can reserve a taxi by calling the taxis companies in Shenyang. You can also hail taxis at the door ways of any hotels and restaurants. 在沈阳乘坐出租汽车可以通过出租车公司预定,也可以在宾馆和饭店门外随时叫车。
After being absorbed, the particles of water unite and form clouds; then they fall down in the form of fog, rain, snow, or hail. 原来,水分被空气吸收以后,空气中的水分子就会积聚成云,然后它们会变成雨,变成雪,变成冰雹降落下来。
In the initial hail of gunfire, before being able to fire a shot, he had his M4 shot out of his hands taking part of a finger. 在最初的冰雹的枪声,才能火一声枪响,他让他的M4突然伸出他的手参加一个手指。
I smote you with blasting and with mildew and with hail in all the labours of your hands; yet ye turned not to me, saith the LORD. 在你们手下的各样工作上,我以旱风,霉烂,冰雹,攻击你们。你们仍不归向我。这是耶和华说的。
It is highly automatic and practical, and easy to use and spread. The system is planned to put into hail suppression operation use. 该系统建成后可投入防雹作业业务使用,且标准化的软件编程也便于系统推广应用。
I suppose it's better than being mown down in a hail of bullets. 我想那会比排山倒海的子弹要好一些吧。
There were few who did not hail him as a true military genius for his important discovery. 由于他的重大发现,几乎没有人不把他称作名不虚传的军事天才人物。
But it is hard to hail Singapore as a success of top-down economic management in the way some Chinese seem to think. 但是,如一些中国人想的那样把新加坡称为自上而下经济调控的典范是不对的。
hail fell and lightning flashed back and forth. It was the worst storm in all the land of Egypt since it had become a nation. 那时,雹与火掺杂,甚是厉害,自从埃及成国以来,遍地没有这样的。
A line boy helped me push my plane into a hangar as the sky opened up with hail the size of marbles. 一个机场男孩帮我把我的飞机推到飞机库里,因为天空下起了弹珠大小的冰雹。
Wen Jiabao, China's premier, can hail his visit to North Korea as a bit of a diplomatic coup. 中国总理温家宝可以欣然将其朝鲜之旅视为外交上的一种“出奇”之胜。
And went up to him again and again, saying, "Hail, king of the Jews! " And they struck him in the face. 又挨近他,说:“恭喜,犹太人的王啊!”他们就用手掌打他。
Migrants working in the 30-OECD nations come from all over the world - in the case of the United States, many hail from Latin America. 在30个经合组织成员国中,移民劳工来自世界各地。美国有许多来自拉丁美洲的移民劳工。
High-altitude hail or lightning might have hit the birds, which caused them to fall from the sky. 也许是高空冰雹或闪电打击了这些鸟,致使它们从天空坠落。
As she checks into the hotel, you realize you left your briefcase at the airport and hail a taxi, telling the blonde driver to step on it. 当她走进酒店检查,你意识到你留在机场和你的公文包招呼出租车,告诉司机的金发女郎踩在上面。
So far, the hunt for an HIV vaccine has met failure around the world, and experts are reluctant to hail new entries too quickly. 迄今为止,全世界范围内对HIV疫苗的探索工作均以失败而告终。因此,专家们已经不愿过早的庆祝新的进展。
This system is designed with a gas-gun to accelerate hailstone , with which the hail will impact the craft surface with a high speed. 文中介绍了一种冰雹撞击试验系统的工作原理,即利用气体炮对冰雹弹丸加速,加速后的冰雹弹丸和飞行器产生高速撞击。
They said the rare white sea cucumber has come to hail the auspicious event of electing Secretary Kim Jong Il as Party General Secretary. 他们说,这种十分罕见的海参是为金正日当选为劳动党总书记这一喜庆事件贺喜。
The priest absolved him and told him to say ten hail Mary's. 神父宣告宽恕了他,并要他说十遍万福玛利亚。
I might have some raw macaroons, or one of my new favorite raw treats, called a Hail Merry Miracle Tart. 我可能会吃一些生的杏仁饼干,或者我的另一种名叫“海里玛丽奇迹馅饼”的美食。
eg : Yeah, I might have to drive you home. It's really hard to hail a cab in this part of town. 对呀,我可能得开车送你回家。在城市的这个地方是很难叫到车的。
"After 10 minutes of trying to hail a NYC cab in the rain I get one and " Who's Going To Drive You Home " by The Cars is playing. " 在纽约下雨的街头打了10分钟出租车以后,我终于上车了。而车上放的歌正是‘谁将开车带你回家’。
The blue-coated troops marched steadily forward only to be cut down by an unremitting hail of cannon balls and grapeshot. 身着蓝色军装的部队稳健地向前行军,只有当一阵炮弹袭来时才会被打断。
I will pour down torrents of rain, hail stones and burning sulfur on him and on his troops and on the many nations with him. 我也必将暴雨,大雹与火,并硫磺降与他和他的军队,并他所率领的众民。