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  • 网络洪;红;康



名字 中国人姓名_百度文库 ... 弘 : HONG : HONG 后 : HOU ...

fei-fei-股市汇词-中华网博客 ... 自营买卖 proprietary trading hong 行使 exercise ...

中文翻译英文名_百度文库 ... HONG 航 HONG HOU 侯 ...


Esp词汇资料 ... chinchin (请请--打招呼用语) hong商行)、 loquat (枇杷) ...

阿弥陀佛一字心咒_百度文库 ... 列 lie hong ◎ 瓦 wa ...


第九届国际学生影视作品展记录① ... [彼岸之间] Between Shores [树上的鸡] Hong [向日葵] Sunflower ...


Booking.com 缤客:... ... Li,SINGAPORE, 新加坡 Hong, 上海, 中国 Tingting,Guang zhou, 中国 ...

One of them, a 26-year-old teacher Tang Hong, had been working there for seven years and had a seven-month-old baby of her own. 其中一个参加救援的老师叫汤鸿,26岁,在这所小学已经工作了七年,自己的孩子才七个月大。
Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said the US should concentrate on its own rights issues and stop interfering. 外交部发言人洪磊说美国应该关注他们自己本国的人权问题并且停止干预别国。
In the second story, nurse Shen Hong, also return to Fengjie and scours the area for her husband, who has been apart from her for two years. 第二个故事中,护士沈红也来到奉节遍寻她的丈夫,丈夫已有两年不归,而且似乎已经沉迷于一个经理的工作和生活方式。
They amused Xia Hong " It's great for you dare to talk about him in here what about go and talk to him? " 两人逗夏红道:“你在这里说得好,敢不敢去说给阿发听呀?”
It was a fine day today and the sun was bright. I visited Beijing Zoo with my classmate Zhang Hong. 今天天气很好,阳光明媚。我和同班同学张宏一起去了北京动物园。
Once a year the comprador gives a dinner to the foreign employees of his hong but there the friendly courtesies begin and end. 曾有一年买办为外籍员工办了一场晚宴,但是友好的礼数在那里开始也在那里结束。
Mr. Hong said the Philippines should "stop unilateral actions that impair China's sovereignty as well as maritime rights. " 外交部发言人洪磊说菲方应“停止损害中方主权和海洋权益,导致南海争议扩大化和复杂化的单方面行动”。
Prudential declined to specify how much it had paid the exchanges, bankers and lawyers to introduce its shares to Hong Kong and Singapore. 保诚拒绝详细透露为向香港和新加坡推荐其股票,向交易所、银行家和律师支付了多少费用。
HAVING grown up to the ticking of a countdown clock, many Hong Kongers have been worrying most of their lives. 随着回归倒计时长大的香港人,生活一直都是他们最为担心的事情。
The result was that the history attention to reality on the rise and "Hong you lu" was a product of that background. 反映到史学上,即是经世史学的兴起,《鸿猷录》就是这一背景下的产物。
Is Li Hong, Li Hong Yujie it into the seats down, did not seem to smell like waves, like sitting still all right. 是李红,李红便到宇杰的座位上坐下,好像没闻到那一阵阵臭味似的,仍没事儿似的坐着。
Hong said the incident was "an individual case, " but that China was investigating it. 洪磊说此事故是“个别事件”,但中国正在对其进行调查。
All our heavens may have been in a supermarket, "Dragon Siu Hong, " disappeared in the flames, like, the last into a gray ember of fire. 我们的一切也许会在某一天象曾经的超市“天龙兆康”一样消失在火焰中,最后变成灰白的火烬。
We're only going to Hong Kong for a week-I don't know how much stuff you've packed! 我们只在香港呆一周——真不知道你咋想的,带这么大堆杂七杂八的东西?
Wu Hong was a great and respected leader, a good and honorable man in every sense. He was beloved by his co-workers and his friends. 吴泓是一位伟大而受人尊敬的领导者,在各方面都是一个可敬的好人,深受其同事和朋友的爱戴。
Police in Hong Kong are trying to trace members of a group on the social networking site Facebook which appeared to call for a mass suicide. 香港警方试图追踪社交站点Facebook上的一个团体,该团体似乎策划集体自杀事件。
However, for Hong, the dry spell is not the only culprit to blame for her fish-less lake. 然而,对洪而言,旱情并非是洞庭湖无鱼可捕的唯一祸首。
"In the long term, we cannot go on like this by solely relying on Google, " Kim Jae-hong, deputy commerce minister, told reporters. “从长远来看,我们无法继续像这样完全依赖谷歌。”知识经济部副部长KimJae-hong表示。
Hong six F- 7 and F- 8 out to stop the basic equipment, maintenance alone business after the company into a very small contribution. 轰六、歼7和歼8基本停止列装,仅靠维修业务对公司后入贡献极小。
Xia Hong remembered and said as soul out of her body " He definitely has no time to say something. " 夏红惊魂未定地回忆说:“他什么都没来得及说。”
LU Hong-Tip said, chestnuts easy to stagnate gas, stomach weak people, post-natal women, children and patients should not eat chestnuts. 卢虹提示说,栗子易滞气,脾胃弱的人、产后的妇女、小儿和病人不宜多食栗子。
Really want to go to bed, I do not know who in the noisy, Hong Hong is in the machine. 好想睡上一觉,不知谁在争闹?机器哄哄在叫。
Then I have had a deeper understanding and comprehending to the Xiao Hong's life in her childhood and all her life. 对萧红的童年生活和生平,有了更加深切的了解和领悟。
As with the jewelry, Hong pawned it for the money used to cure a severely sick worker who had no money for medical treatment. 至于那个首饰是一个民工得了重病没钱看,洪小玲只好当了首饰来凑钱。
In his late years, Rong Hong settled in the United States, but his concern for the fate and future of his country was as intense as ever. 晚年,容闳定居美国但他对于国家的命运与前途依然极为关注。
Some men were lucky enough to have family in Hong Kong who could house them until their ship was ready to leave. 有亲属在香港的劳工比较幸运,他们可以在出发前在亲属处歇脚。
Because her goals were clear, Yi Hong was the only one with purpose among all the directionless kids, so she naturally became their leader. 因为她目标明确,在一大堆毫无主见的孩子中,只有她能坚持,自然就成为娃娃头。
What a busy man! Well, Mr. Hong is expecting guests from Microsoft. He would be very happy and surprised to see you. 您可真是大忙人啊。呃,洪主任正等着微软客人前来呢。待会儿他看到您亲自来,一定非常惊喜。
Bauhinia is Like. Bud, like a grain of rice, the sharp detail round. Soon, we will be able to see it Ilex Yan-hong, a passion in full swing. 紫荆正含苞。花苞像米粒一样,尖尖细细,团团簇簇。过不了多久,我们就能看到它满树嫣红、如火如荼的激情了。
Hong-Hong Lumber, as a member of American Walnut Manufacturer Association, is one of the largest American Black Walnut suppliers. 红虹木业是美国黑胡桃制造商协会会员企业,全球最大的美国黑胡桃供应商之一。