
美 [hɑt]英 [hɒt]
  • adv.热;趁热;热烈地;愤怒地
  • adj.温度高的;热的;觉得闷(或燥、湿)热;使人感到热的
  • v.〈英〉变热;变得激动;骚动起来;使骚动
  • 网络更热;热烈的;更热的

比较级:hotter 最高级:hottest

hot weather,hot bath,hot sun,hot gas,hot sauce



1.温度高的;热的having a high temperature; producing heat

2.觉得闷(或燥、湿)热feeling heat in an unpleasant or uncomfortable way

3.使人感到热的making you feel hot

辣的食物food with spices

4.辣的;辛辣的containing pepper and spices and producing a burning feeling in your mouth

引起强烈感情causing strong feelings

5.活跃的;激烈的;强烈的involving a lot of activity, argument or strong feelings


6.艰难的;棘手的;危险的difficult or dangerous to deal with and making you feel worried or uncomfortable


7.(informal)风行的;风靡一时的;走红的new, exciting and very popular


8.最新的,新近的(通常令人兴奋)fresh, very recent and usually exciting


9.[obn]有望成功的likely to be successful

擅长;熟识good at sth/knowing a lot

10.[nbn](informal)~ at/on sth善于(做某事);(对某事)了解很多very good at doing sth; knowing a lot about sth

性激动sexual excitement

12.感到(或引起)性激动的feeling or causing sexual excitement


13.(场面、说话等)过激的,过火的containing scenes, statements, etc. that are too shocking or too critical and are likely to cause anger or disapproval


14.[nbn]~ on sth重视,确保(某事发生或完成)thinking that sth is very important and making sure that it always happens or is done


16.偷来(因容易识别)而难以销赃的stolen and difficult to get rid of because they can easily be recognized

儿童游戏in children's games

17.[nbn]快找到了;快猜中了used in children's games to say that the person playing is very close to finding a person or thing, or to guessing the correct answer


be hot to trot

期待(某活动)to be very enthusiastic about starting an activity

be in/get into hot water

有麻烦;惹上麻烦to be in or get into trouble

go hot and cold

突然感到害怕(或焦虑)to experience a sudden feeling of fear or anxiety

go/sell like hot cakes

畅销to sell quickly or in great numbers

(all) hot and bothered

(因压力过大、有难题、时间紧迫等)焦灼不安,心慌意乱in a state of anxiety or confusion because you are under too much pressure, have a problem, are trying to hurry, etc.

hot on sbs/sths heels

紧跟着;接踵而至following sb/sth very closely

hot on sbs/sths tracks/trail

快要抓到,即将找到(某人或物)close to catching or finding the person or thing that you have been chasing or searching for

hot under the collar

愤怒的;窘迫的angry or embarrassed

in hot pursuit (of sb)

(对某人)穷追不舍following sb closely and determined to catch them

not so/too hot

质量不大好not very good in quality


《Friends》词汇表B ... competitiveness adj. 竞争的 hotter adj. 热的,热烈的 stairway n. 楼梯 ...


英语词汇后缀 - 09教育技术的日志 - 网易博客 ... presidentially 以总统(或校长)资格 hotter 更热 anterior 先前的 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... competitiveness adj. 竞争的 hotter adj. 热的,热烈的 stairway n. 楼梯 ...


英语bigger类似的形容词_百度知道 ... colder 更冷的 hotter 更热的 later 更迟的 ...


EXenglish 数位英语学院 第 12课 ... fat( 肥胖的) → hotter( 比较热的) → fatter( 比较胖的) ...

BlackpaintedBlack-painted surfaces thatreceivesreceive the sun's heat become hotter than surfaces of any other color. 黑色的喷涂表面会吸收太阳能并变得越来越热,比其他颜色的表面热的多。
That allows sunlight to provide indoor lighting and to help heat the home or to keep the sun out in hotter times of the year. 这使得阳光提供室内照明和加热,以帮助家庭或保持在今年炎热倍太阳出来。
If you leave a dark car and a light car out in sunlight, you'll notice after a while that the dark one feels hotter . 如果你把一辆暗色车和一辆亮色车放在阳光下,你很快就会注意到暗色车要感觉更热些。
Black- painted surfaces that receive the sun's heat become hotter than surfaces of any other color. 被涂成黑色的表面接收来自太阳的热量要比涂成其他颜色使水变得更热。
Weather is hotter now, do not know to take mole scar to cicatrization to be affected to me, I now more and more regretted. 现在天气比较热,不知对我取痣创伤愈合有没有影响,我现在越来越后悔了。
Your criticism of him fitted just like a glove. If you had have made it a bit hotter, he could not have possibly accepted them. 你对他的批评恰到好处,如果你说得再过点儿头,他也许就接受不了了。
When a woman wears a baseball hat pulled way down so the only thing you can see are her eyes and thick lips, it can't get any hotter. 当女人戴棒球帽并且把帽檐拉的很低的时候,我们只能看到她的眼睛和她丰满的嘴唇,不可能更性感了。
Now he felt the cold whiskey breaking a warm path straight through the middle of him, growing hotter and sharper as it moved. 冰凉的威士忌在他体内流动,形成了一股暖流,直通到他的内脏,使他感到体内火辣辣的。
Black-painted surfaces thatreceivedreceive the sun's heat become hotter than surfaces of any other color. 涂成黑色的表面要比其他颜色的表面接受太阳的热量后而变得更热。
Thousands of miles below its cloud layer, Jupiter is hotter than the surface of the Sun ! 在木星云层下方几千公里处,比太阳表面还热!
As the poet Terence, the Roman poet once said, he said, "The less my hope, the hotter my love. " 就像罗马诗人特伦斯曾说过的:“我的祈求越少,我的爱情便越炽烈。”
Predicting how much hotter a particular level of carbon dioxide will make the world is impossible. 要预测出特定二氧化碳的水平将令地球升温多少是件不可能的事。
Then he climbed and climbed and climbed, and this time he found a naked chick hotter than any other he'd ever seen on earth. 然后,他爬上和攀升,攀升,和这一次,他发现了一个赤身裸体鸡热比任何其他他会见过的地球。
AT least most races are held in the morning, when it is usually cooler and more humid, than later in the day, when it is hotter and drier. 好在多数赛跑都是在早晨举行,那时一般很温度较低空气湿润。
But it is the same for everybody, and some seem to be more suited to hotter or cooler conditions, so we have to try and make the best of it. 但这对所有人来说都是一样的,有些车队更适应高温,而有些则更适应低温情况,所以我们必须平衡这两者,以做到最好。
For some time she could see nothing before her but a flat waste of sand, which became hotter and hotter as the sun rose higher and higher. 荒凉的沙地一览无余,她找了很长时间却什么也没找到。太阳渐升渐高,天也越来越热。
If it is hotter, it is yellow, etc. Thus, we could tell the surface temperature of a star by its color. 因此,我们可以根据恒星的颜色,得知它的表面温度。
Dr Pope said there was no doubt that the past decade was on average hotter than the 1990s. VickyPope博士说,毫无疑问,过去十年的平均比90年代更热了。
No, Rio. It's cheaper, women are much hotter. . . I could get a little place in Ipanema. 不,去里约热内卢。便宜些,女人更性感…在伊帕尼玛找个小地方。
DEGREES is how much hotter Manhattan is on average than surrounding suburban areas. 曼哈顿比周围的郊区温度平均高出7度。
In any case, Sawadogo said he had been adapting to a hotter, drier climate for twenty years now. 话说回来,Sawadogo觉得他在近二十年间已经适应了这种不断升温、愈发干燥的气候。
It seems that, at least this time of year, diet pills are hotter than Paris Hilton or Jessica Simpson! 看来,至少在这个时候,有减肥药丸或人Jessica气温比巴黎希尔顿辛普森!
I was that, even hotter, girl and I will never go with you. 我是,即使炎热,女孩我永远不会跟你走。
Black-painted surfaces that receive the sun's heat become hotter than surfaces of any othercolourcolor. 在吸收太阳的热能时,黑色的表面比其他任何颜色都变得更热。
Yeah, nothing hotter than a guy planning out his own imaginary wedding, huh? 没有比一个男人策划他想象中的婚礼更滑稽的事了吧?
But there will still 'definitely' be a decrease in rice production as summers become hotter, he said. 但随着夏季气温越来越高,大米产量肯定会下降。
Under cloudless skies, the surface gives up its moisture, making the ground level hotter and drier while not increasing the chances of rain. 在万里无云的天空下,地表水分蒸发,使地表更热、更干燥而无法增加形成雨的机会。
So the fires to make containers from volcanic clay must be hotter than those used for non-volcanic clay. 因此用于烤粘土容器的火候必须比那些不用于非火山粘土要热些。
It got hotter and hotter and hotter. Raoul was thirsty, hot and thirsty, and the rivers in the pictures danced and laughed at him. 它变得越来越热。拉乌尔觉得渴,又热又渴,而图画上的河流跳动着仿佛在嘲笑他。
Nothing to be afraid, and nothing to doubt, my true love get hotter as you come. 什么都不用怕,毋庸置疑,我真诚的爱因你的到来而变得日趋热烈。