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Kanto ten-coalition forces in the child early, but the various zhu hou, separately, the daily drinking banquet, do not plan ahead. 关东联军十培于童早军,但各路诸候,同床异梦,每天饮酒宴会,不图进取。
Hou Yi, however, hated to part with his wife. So he gave the elixir to Chang E to treasure for the time being. 然而,后羿舍不得撇下妻子,只好暂时把不死药交给嫦娥珍藏。
Evening, Hou Yi got the home, the maidservants to complain tearfully the matter which the daytime occurred. 傍晚,后羿回到家,侍女们哭诉了白天发生的事。
However, Hou Yi could not bear to leave his wife for the time being had to die to drugs to the Change collection. 然而,郈移不忍心离开他的妻子当时已经死去毒品的嫦娥收集。
As he crossed the stream by Hou's farm and climbed the hill on the far side, a tiger came rushing out of the forest and pounced at him. 正当他跨越过侯家田地的小溪,爬上远处的小山时,一只老虎从树林里冲出来,扑向他。
Brother Hou, I have to ask you to pay this year's taxes. I know nobody likes to pay tax, but I have to report to my boss. 侯兄弟,我是来请你交税的。我知道没人愿意交税,但是我还得向自己的上司交代啊。
People do not care how much you know until they know hou much you care. 人们不在乎你有多了解,知道他们了解就有多在乎。
Do not know his mother's artistic inheritance, Prince Tony Hou also interested in art, in particular, like sculpture. 不知道是不是继承了母亲的艺术细胞,侯贝王子对艺术也颇感兴趣,尤其喜欢雕塑。
Hou Yi's grief, can only look up to the night sky calling the name of his beloved wife. 郈依的悲伤,只能仰望夜空的名字,要求他心爱的妻子。
Hou Bin : hear, hear, but I also have been staring up at me, I have the kind of confidence inside. 侯斌:听到了,听到了,但是我一直还在盯着我这个点往上呢,我有那种信心在里面。
Thinking of his wife day and night, Hou Yi then had an incense table arranged in the back garden that Chang E loved. 后羿的妻子日夜思考,然后安排在嫦娥喜爱的后花园,一个香案。
Mr. Hou is an average Joe who recently became popular thanks to a few photos of his chalk art being posted on Chinese forums. 侯先生本是个普通人,最近因为在中国的论坛上贴了几张粉笔画的照片而蹿红。
She was terrified to see wrinkles appearing around her eyes, and demanded that Hou Yi find some way to restore her immortality. 她害怕看到她的眼睛周围出现皱纹,并要求后羿找到某种方式来恢复她的不朽。
Hou Yi went up to a very high mountain with his bow and arrows, he wanted to shot all the suns down. 他背起弓箭,站在一块巨石上,要把太阳都射落下来。
It is said "Hou Yi" missed his wife, so he made mooncakes. 这是说“后羿”失去了他的妻子,所以他做月饼。
The opinion of Sinopec's Mr. Hou on Northern Gateway echoes that of many executives, investors and politicians across Canada. 侯宏斌对NorthernGateway工程的看法和态度显然与加拿大本土的高管、投资人和政客相同。
A much earlier myth associated with the festival is the rather melancholic romance between the archer Hou Yi and his wife, Chang'e. 关于中秋节,还有另一个更为远久的的传说,那就是是发生在射手后羿和妻子嫦娥之间的凄美爱情故事。
As you know after you've been checkmated by Hou Yifan. 当你被侯逸凡将死之后,你就会明白了。
Another lawyer, Ding Xikui, complained that the police bloodied the face of his client, Hou Xin, as they dragged her away. 另一名律师丁锡奎申诉称,他的女代理人侯欣被警察拖走的时候,脸上因为警方的原因出了血。
The river is as ferocious beasts in the roar, a deafening Hou Sheng, as if the entire valley in fibrillation. 而河水却象凶猛的野兽在咆哮,发出震耳欲聋的吼声,仿佛整个峡谷在颤动。
To avoid arguing with his wife, Hou Yi spent his time travelling about the land alone. 为了避免与他的妻子争吵,他的时间花在后羿对土地单独旅行。
This article has discussed construction and features and problem solutions of the steam temperature control system used for Hou's Process . 介绍了联碱生产中供热蒸气温度调节系统的构成及其特性和解决问题的方法。
The Empress was informed that killed nine of her son, grief, Hou Yi and Chang are not allowed to return to Temple. 而帝后得知射死她九个儿子,伤痛,不许后羿和嫦娥回到天宫。
In Hou's Flowers of Shanghai and Anh Hung Tran's Cyclo , entire scenes seem to revolve around his melancholy, nearly wordless performances. 在侯孝贤的《上海花》与陈英雄的《三轮车夫》中,他那忧郁、近乎无语的表演似乎反复出现在整个画面上。
Hou Yi is very sad for he can only look up to the night sky calling the name of his beloved wife. 郈已是非常难过的他只能仰望夜空的名字,要求他心爱的妻子。
She acted in a movie "tian yu" and this movie helped her get the "Jin Ma Jiang Ying Hou" . She was the youngest person who got the award. 她演的一部电影叫《天浴》,而这部电影使她夺的金马奖影后,她是夺得这项奖上最年轻的人。
To hear the coach tell his own missed what, Hou Yifan although still smiling, but an instant red eyes but up. 在听到教练告诉自己错过了什么之后,侯逸凡虽然还是面带微笑,不过眼眶却瞬间红了起来。
Hou do not give up when sad, as your fans, we will always support you, for you in the distant Eastern oil, so you always have happy smile. 悲伤的时侯不要放弃,作为你的球迷,我们会永远的支持你,在遥远的东方为你加油,让你永远都有开心的微笑。
The core of the company's operating philosophy is: hard-working self-reliance, Hou-based, innovation as the soul, user-days. 公司的经营的核心理念是:勤奋自立,仁厚为本,创新为魂,用户为天。
Grandmaster also indicated that this chess Hou Yifan opening not well, the bureau defense whole is somewhat negative. 特级大师也表示,这盘棋侯逸凡开局走得不好,中局防守整体有些消极。