how can i

  • 网络我不愿相信的事;怎么能;我怎么能

how can ihow can i

how can i


东方神起歌曲,东方神起专辑 ... 传说( RUMOR) 我不愿相信的事( HOW CAN I) 雅典娜( Athena OST) ...


珍藏蔡琴 蔡琴专辑 珍藏蔡琴mp3下载 在线试听 ... 再爱我一次 Love Me Again 怎么能 How Can I 被遗忘的时光 Those Were Th…


happy=? can=?_百度知道 ... can tell 能感觉到;能看出来 how can i 我岂能…;我怎么能… can afford 买得起;有能力负担 ...


我不想相信的故事how can I)填词:Yan演唱:Yan回忆映入泪滴的倒影 被时间掏空了的心抵抗不住夜的静谧黑暗中恨慢慢 …


色拉英语47  ... ... How can I book a ticket? 我怎么才能订到票? How can I …? 我如何才能….? That’s it! 对 …


已补档115礼包下载地址:****... ... 08 乐园( Paradise) 02 不愿相信的故事( How Can I) 07 告白( Confession) ...

'How can I, ' he said, 'unless someone explains it to me? ' So he invited Philip to come up and sit with him. 他说,没有人指教我,怎能明白呢?于是请腓利上车,与他同坐。
How much should I talk with my child about the social injustices in the world, and how can I foster a commitment to social justice in her? 和孩子谈起社会的不公,应该掌握怎样的尺度?怎样培养她的正义感?
How can I tell how much memory my system has? 我怎样知道我的系统有多少存储器容量?
As you're about to add a comment, ask yourself, 'How can I improve the code so that this comment isn't needed? ' 当你打算要添加注释时,问问自己,“我如何能改进编码以至于根本不需要添加注释?”
'We are enemies, ' I said. 'Leave me now, or let us fight until one of us is dead. You are a murderer. How can I be kind to you? ' “我们是敌人。”我说,“马上给我离开,否则就让我们搏斗到我们中的一个死去为止。你是个杀人凶手,我怎么会待你好呢?”
How can I be the bottom of my heart into the sea of clouds, as you join the vast uncertainty in the air than morality? 我如何才能将心底的大海化为烟云,随你一道在辽阔不可测的空中轻德?
I don't have the heart to tell the conference now. It's the second time I've done this. How can I save face? I feel terrible. 现在,我没有勇气告诉上海方面。这可是第二回了。我怎么才能挽回面子呢?我觉得糟透了。
Mamma mia, here I go again. My, my, how can I resist you? Mamma mia, does it show again, my, my, just how much I've missed you? 没错,我已心碎。从我们分开那天开始,我为何要放你走?妈妈咪亚,现在我真的明白了。
My boy wanted to eat the rice straight away. But then I thought, 'How can I let him leave the world after only a few years of life? ' 我的孩子想马上吃饭,但是我问自己怎么可以让这么小的孩子离开这个世界。
'How can I know who I am, when I am all this? ' he said, sweeping the surroundings with a gesture of his head. “我怎么能知道我是谁,当我是这一切时?”他一边说,一边环视四周。
I told you that I did not know how to get money from the ATM machine. How can I ever get rid of these ATM things? 我告诉过你我不会在自动提款机上取钱。我怎么才能摆脱这些自动提款机麻烦啊?
Perhaps it was the Saturday when the big strawberry wore a daisy hat that I began to think, how can I top this? 或许是在那个星期六,在大草莓上放雏菊做帽子之后,我开始在想:我怎么才能够超过它?
How can I expect them to treat me like an adult if I sneak around and act like a kid? 像这样鬼鬼祟祟做事,像个长不大的孩子,我还怎么能期望他们把我当成人看待呢?
How can I get out of the programme? Just a second. Could you speak more slowly, please? 请稍等。能说的再慢些吗?
"How can I? " I said at length. "Let me go, if you want me to let you in! " “我怎么能够呢?”我终于说。“如果你要我让你进来,先放开我!”
Thank you, one more thing , how can I find out how much I have left in the bank? 谢谢,还有件事情,我怎么知道我在银行里还有多少存款呢?
Mr. Dream maker, you are my idol and sample, you were a real workaholic, so how can I be fair gloomy for such a long time? 亲爱的造梦者,一直都是我努力的想成为的对象,你是个十足的工作狂,所以我怎么能在这个时候沮丧呢?
I must pretend. If I can only come across with you , but not live with you , how can I be happy? 我一定是伪装的如果只能够跟你重逢,而不是共同生活,那怎么会幸福呢?
How can I see who signed up under me and how much commissions are owed to me? 我如何看到谁加入在我下面和获得多少佣金?
" As I got ready to give her the necessary information, she interrupted me, asking, " How can I help you? 我正准备报给他一些必要的信息,她却打断我问:“我能为你做什么?”
How can I be assured as a voter that the money being lavishly spent by you and your campaign for re-election is not public finances? 我身为选民,该如何确定你的竞选阵营大批银弹攻势并非公帑?
the warmth of my life is just this much, and i gave it all to you, but when you chose to leave me, how can i ever smile to someone again. 我生命里的温暖就那么多,全部给了你,但是你离开了我,叫我以后怎么再对别人笑
ask: thank for the quick answer. . . it's only just a curiosity to see the code behind this thing. . . So how can i reverse it? 问:谢谢这么快回答,出于好奇,我想看看那些代码,我可以反编译吗?
I'm a Western samurai, if I kiss you just because you let me to, how can I keep my image? 我怎么说也是个西洋武士,你叫我亲我就亲,那我的形象不是全毁了!
I put the plastics tube under my arm, too. Since she was such a great teacher, how can i be a poor student? 猪妈也把塑料管子夹在腋下,人家老师那么敬业,咱也得是个好学生呀!
How can I give it to someone? "the soldier said. " The monkey "s paw brings unhappiness with it. " “我怎么能送给别人呢?”老兵说,“猴爪会给拥有它的人带来痛苦。”
Q and A Q: How can I improve my writing if I cannot write complete sentences? 问题:我发觉写不出完整的句子,该怎样做才能提高我的写作水平?
This is an enchanted valley me how can I did not expect to see here Andrew - Wise with Van Gogh's artistic conception of the images. 这是一片令我入迷的山谷,我怎么也没有想到会在这里见到怀斯的意境与梵高的物象。
but can't be lets me be satisfied , I always did not know I should how can i do , why go to try , What is often hung with her mouth? 但不能让我满意,我总是不知道我应该我该怎么办,为什么还要去尝试,什么是常挂在她的嘴?
A. By the way, how can I get out of the platform after I get off the train? 顺便问一下,我下车后怎么出站台呢?