to be loved

  • 网络被爱;注定被爱;被爱的感觉

to be lovedto be loved

to be loved


to be是什么意思?怎么用?_爱问知识人 ... to be with you 和你一起 to be loved 被爱 to be number one 做/成为第一 ...


- ★★小狼窝★★ - Powered by Discuz!... ... 【Michael Jackson 麦可杰克森】 【To Be Loved 注定被爱 抢先版】 门户 Portal ...


罗南 回家[台]-CDHOME亿家娱乐音乐网站 ... 04. Iris 艾芮丝 05. To be loved 被爱的感觉 06. Superman 超人 ...


Love John... ... living love 爱是有生命的——生龙活虎的爱 to be loved 爱是需要被爱 real is love 爱是真实的——真实即为爱 ...


求几首英文歌曲!_百度知道 ... dying in the sun--cranberries 小红莓乐队 to be loved-- 张靓颖 you are my angel-- 周美新 ...


2006年01月新增专辑 ※ 魔镜歌词网 ... 7.Daddy's little girl (爸爸别紧张) 5.To Be Loved (伴奏) 7.Farway 再见 ...


男人有钱是否... ... 不求人的了解,而多了解人 to be understood,as to understand; 不求人爱,而多爱人 to be loved,as to love; ...

My family is truly blessed and honored to be loved by such a wonderful, kind and loving man of God. 我的家人被李弟兄这样一位仁慈、有爱心的属神的人所爱,是何等的蒙福并感到光荣。
Your most marked characteristic? A craving to be loved, or, to be more precise, to be caressed and spoiled rather than to be admired. 你最显著的性格特征?——对爱的渴望,更准确地说,被爱抚与宠溺多于被赞赏。
She was one chic who only wanted to be loved by the biggest man. 她是那种只想被最强大的人爱慕的漂亮女人。
The United States today is in the unhappy situation of a rich and romantic maiden. She yearns hopelessly to be loved for herself alone. 今日的美国处于一个富有而浪漫的少女的可怜境地。她毫无希望地渴望有人仅仅为了她本人而爱她。
It was a time of questioning how girls saw me and wanting so much to be loved and accepted. 那时候,我会揣测女孩们眼中的自己是怎样的,多么希望有人爱自己,有人接受自己。
What I can only do is to improve myself a better person worth to be loved, the rest will rely on fate or destiny. 我不能强迫别人来爱自己,只能努力让自己成为值得爱的人,其余的事情则靠缘分。
And I'm a woman. I want to be loved by a man from his heart as I would love him from mine. 我是个女人,我需要被一个男人真心地去爱,同时我也会真心地爱他。
He'll love and hate equally under cover, and esteem it a species of impertinence to be loved or hated again. 他把爱和恨都掩盖起来,至于被人爱或恨,他又认为是一种鲁莽的事。
The building seems to be loved by the man in the street and loathed universally by architects . 这座建筑在路上的行人看来似乎不错,但各国建筑师们都不喜欢它。
I used to feel a bit funny about the 'beloved one' stuff . . . but now I think to 'be - loved' is actually very nice. 我对于这“挚爱之人”的词汇总有些有趣的感受…但是现在我想到能够【被爱】确实是非常好的。
It is always necessary to be loved, but not always necessary to be reverenced. 永远需要别人喜欢,却不永远需要别人尊敬。
It would be something to be loved by such a girl, to excite the first ardours of her young unsophisticated mind! 能得到这样一位姑娘的爱,能让她那年轻纯朴的心灵产生初恋的激情,这该是多么难能可贵的事情啊!
The unique need of a woman is to be loved -- to feel that she is the most important person in her husband's life. 女人唯一的需要是“被爱”——“我是我夫生命中最重要之人”的感觉。
Every now and then, I get a little helpless, and I'm longing like a child to be loved. 时时刻刻,我感觉自己孤独无助,像个孩子似的渴望被爱。
Talking of relationships, loving and wanting to be loved back in return are the significant traits of a Leo man. 说到人际关系,渴望爱与被爱是狮子男的显著特征。
Even the most understanding person will not always be able to love you the way your personality wants to be loved. 即便是最聪明的人也不见得总是能用你个人所要求的方式为你所爱。
So now you know that your heart doesn't look like a valentine, but it sure deserves to be loved for all the work it does. 现在你知道自己的心脏看上去并不像情人节心形了吧,但念及它所担当的所有工作,它当然值得好好爱护。
"We have been created to love and to be loved. " just as said by Mother Teresa at the Accepting Nobel Peace Prize. 正如德兰秀女在诺贝尔和平奖颁奖大会上的演讲所说:“我们生来就是要爱和被爱的。”
To be loved by so many who do not truly know one's real, authentic self can actually be a very lonely feeling. 被这么多人盲目迷恋着却不被了解真实的一面,实际上是一种非常孤独的感觉。
Abramovich seems to want Chelsea to be loved because by extension that would mean he is loved. 阿布似乎想让切尔西被喜爱因为这似乎可以延伸为意味着他也被喜爱。
I make it with no feeling of delight. Finally I got that why they prefer to choose to be loved, not to love somebody! 我追到了,可一点都不开心,终于明白为什么他们宁愿选择爱自己的,也决不选择自己爱的!
Being a woman, to be loved is such a difficulty. 生为一个女人,被人爱是如此的难。
to be the apple of someone's eye = to be loved by someone, normally an older relative: "She's the apple of her father's eye. " 奉若掌上明珠(被某人深爱,通常是一位年长的亲人):“她是父亲的掌上明珠。”
if I love to be loved more than to love, to be served more than to serve, then I know nothing of Calvary love. 若我喜欢被爱多于付出爱,被服侍多于服侍人,那我就还是丝毫不懂加略山的爱。
You'd rather keep your secret than experience one of life's greatest joys -- to be loved and accepted in spite of your weaknesses. 你宁愿守住秘密也不愿去经历人生最大的乐趣之一——被爱和被接受,尽管有弱点。
You know there are other facts he ignored but everybody wants to be loved. 你知道还有他忽略的其他事实,但每个人都想被爱。
You do not need any of this human reality; you only need to be loved by us. 你并不需要这个人类的实相,你只需要被我们爱。
No one can say clear diction, magnificent turn, leaving all the sadness, but still be most willing to be loved winding. 没有人能说清的辞藻,华丽的转身,留下满地的忧伤,然而还是心甘情愿被爱缠绕。
Her lover, while a craving to be loved, but often realize oneself love is better than to be loved. 她爱人,同时渴望被爱,却往往意识到自己爱人胜过被爱。
Life is all about love and to be loved. 每个人都需要爱与被爱。