the tower

  • na.伦敦塔
  • 网络高塔;钟楼;塔楼

the towerthe tower

the tower

塔罗牌_浮屠塔命理百科 ... 【10】命运之轮( The Wheel of Fortune,X) 【16】The Tower,XVI) 【18】月亮( The Moo…


库洛洛·鲁西鲁_百度知道 ... 飞坦 魔鬼( The Devil ,XV) 蚂蚁女王 高塔The Tower,XVI) 蚂蚁王 星辰( The Star,XVII) ...


'一切’的英文是什么 - 已回答 - 搜搜问问 ... be-ke 法国移民子女 ... The Tower 钟楼 ... total value 总值 ...


现担任普林斯顿高中学生报纸“塔楼”(The Tower)执行编辑的徐佳黎,和爸爸徐大本一起担任翠登市(Trenton)红十字会义工,经 …


  「……去你的世界塔The Tower)、去你的奇迹,肚子剖开来还不是这副德性?全是一些又脏又烂的内脏。到头来只不过是一 …


2005 年-俯瞰伦敦塔桥和泰晤士河的伦敦塔酒店(The Tower)被重新创建为一家国丰酒店。 2007 年-靠近特拉法加广场和伦敦 …


火海108/火烧108大楼The Tower)观后感:顶级韩国灾难片观后感 : Diva 华丽之后 ~ 华丽有余 之后不足 铁甲奇侠3/钢铁 …


135 塔厦(The Tower) 杜拜 243米 54层 2002年 136 大连世界贸易中心(Dalian World Trade Center) 大连 242米 50层 2000年 13…

The tertiary shapes are the tiny ships, and tiny lights along the surface of the tower, many of which are just a few pixels large. 三级形在上图就是一些小飞船,巨塔表面的小灯光,很多这些三级形就是几个像素的大小。
He was rather angry for a moment, then he looked at the sky shining beyond the tower of the public baths, and he seemed to get over it all. 他顿时气愤起来,但看到太阳的光辉落在公共澡堂的塔上面,他好象又平静了。
The universalisation of English has happy consequences. But like the building of the Tower of Babel, it has negative ones, too. 但正如通天塔的建造,英语全球化亦有其弊端。
I need not to need , I've always been the tower , but now I feel like I'm the flower trying to bloom in snow. 我不需要什么,我一直都很坚强,但是现在我感觉自己像是努力在雪地里绽放的花朵。
A statue, so with that he sat down on the tower right in the heart of Harvard Square. 他拿着一个雕塑坐在哈佛广场中心的塔上。
And Jehovah came down to see the city and the tower which the children of men had built. 耶和华降临,要看看世人所建造的城和塔。
Or you can avoid all that and just observe giddy visitors pretend to "hold up" the tower in front of a camera on the ground floor. 或者你也可以避免这些,只是观看着这些头晕目眩的游客们,站在一层地面的照相机前面假装着在“支撑”斜塔。
While there has been a good deal of looting in the shops on the tower's ground floor, the LIA does not appear to have been attacked. 虽然大厦1层的店铺中发生了许多劫掠事件,但利比亚投资局似乎并没有受到攻击。
For years, this sort of backhaul has mostly come from incumbent telcos offering expensive, symmetrical dedicated lines to the tower site. 多年来,这种回程大多来自主导电信公司提供昂贵的,对称的专用线路的大楼上。
I knew something had been done with the lights on the tower due to this video, but I had no idea what. 我知道某事完成与在塔的光由于这录影,但是我不知道什么。
She did not exaggerate about the height of the tower. 她没有把塔的高度夸大。
When you think about air traffic control, the image of men and women in the tower of an airport probably comes to mind. 人们一提起空中交通管制人员,就会自然而然的想起在机场地面指挥中心中的工作人员。
Liquid is usually withdrawn (or pumped ) from the side or bottom of the tower and is reheated by means of heat exchange. 一般是从塔侧或塔底部抽出(或泵出)液体,借助热交换进行再加热。
The tower of London is one of the most popular tourist attractions in London. 伦敦的伦敦塔是英国最引人的旅游热点之一。
He poisoned his wife, stole the throne from his two young nephews and ordered them to be smothered in the Tower of London. 他毒死了自己的妻子,篡夺原属于两个年轻侄儿的王位,还下令在伦敦塔中让他们窒息而死。
The first Valentine's Day card was sent by Charles, Duke of Orleans, to his wife while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London. 第一张情人节卡片是由奥尔良公爵查尔斯在被囚于伦敦塔期间寄给她夫人的。
The crude oil was then conducted to all the bottom part of the tower to bed is tilled. 于是原油被引入蒸馏塔底部以待蒸。
Inmates released two correctional officers they had held for a week in the tower at the state prison complex. 他们在塔拿着一个星期在国家监狱复合体的囚犯释放了二名修正官员。
So Dumbledore offers to put Draco and his mother into hiding during the confrontation on the tower. 所以邓不利多才会在塔楼对决时提议把马尔福和他母亲藏到绝对安全的地方。
Experts say the tower is now out of risk for at least the next 200 years. 专家称现在斜塔已经脱离危险,至少今后200年不会出现意外。
Once upon a time, its lese-majeste would have got them all bundled into the Tower of London, not least because one of them is a woman. 从前,冒犯君主罪会让他们全都被塞进伦敦塔,这不仅仅因为其中一位是女人。
The tower is all made of wood, as you can see here nicely. 该塔由木头做成,正如你们所看到的。
Local security officials say the militants in the northern city not far from the tower Hu assembly, trying to control the city. 当地安全官员说,这些武装分子在胡塔市北部不远处集结,试图控制这座城市。
Amidst the number of the tower, how much of the bitterness of frustration will be a laugh in this look back in gone with the wind. 多少的楼台烟雨,多少的辛酸无奈,都会在这回首一笑中随风而逝。
The King's son wanted to climb up to her, and looked for the door of the tower, but none was to be found. 王子想爬到塔顶上去见她,便四处找门,可怎么也没有找到。
When i got to place near the tower, it was still light out so I took a seat, wrote my travel log in my notebook near the tower. 但我到了铁塔附近时还亮堂着呢。于是就找了个椅子坐坐,写写游记,看看周围的游客。
At the top of the tower they finally met Zhao, who surprised them that she had a snake tail. 他们还是闯了进去,最终他们在塔的最底层找到了灵儿,被她一付蛇形的惊倒。
Tower above the fifth floor for the air tube, rising in the tower, do not need out of the tower outside. 塔的第五层以上,为空筒式,在塔内拾级而上,无须步出塔外。
The occasion was to celebrate the completion of a series of strobe lights all up and down the tower. 场合是庆祝一系列的闪光灯光的完成全部在塔上下。
The tower is divided into a number of horizontal sections by metal trays or plates, and each one is the equivalent of a still. 蒸馏塔被金属托盘或金属板分为几部分的水平剖面,每部分都是等量的蒸馏水。