
美 [ˈtruli]英 [ˈtruːli]
  • adv.确实;(用于说法、感觉等)真诚地;(指描述)确切
  • 网络信利;真实地;真正地



1.(用于说法、感觉等)真诚地,诚恳地,衷心地used to emphasize that a particular statement, feeling, etc. is sincere or genuine

2.(指性质)真正,确实used to emphasize a particular quality

3.(指描述)确切,准确,精确,确实used to emphasize that a particular description is accurate or correct


供应信利(TRULY)831C-12计算器 30.00元 供应信利(TRULY)217B-10计算器 23.00元 供应信利836-12电子计算器 34.00元 供应 …


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... true a. 真的,真实的;忠诚的 truly ad. 真正地,真实地 trunk n. 树干;大箱子 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... true a. 真的,真实的;忠诚的 truly ad. 真正地,真实地 trunk n. 树干;大箱子 ...


牛津高中英语词汇(高一到高三)打印版 - 豆丁网 ... forbid vt. 禁止 141 truly adv. 真诚地;真实地 142 gym n. 健身房;体育馆 …


大学英语四级词汇表 ... true a. 真的;忠实的 truly ad. 真正地;忠实地 trumpet n. 喇叭,小号 ...


新概念英语第二册87... ... b. surely( 确 实,有把握地), d. truly( 正确地,的确)中,只有 d. missed( 漏掉,错过,没赶 上)中, …


[推荐]外贸常用英语[旺旺英语论坛] ... true 真实的,真正的 truly 真正地,确实 trumpet 喇叭 ...

Jobs liked strong personalities, up to a point, but he had never truly empowered a deputy or shared the stage. 乔布斯喜欢有个性的人,非常喜欢,但是他从来不会真正向某人放权或者与某人分享权力。
She was beautiful and over the last several weeks of traveling across the desert he saw that she had a truly carefree spirit. 她很美,经过过去几个星期的沙漠旅行,他发现她真的是无忧无虑。
It has humorous moments and frightening moments, like most truly great 'family' films always seem to have. 它里面有搞笑片段和惊人片段,就像大多真的很赞的合家欢电影一样拥有的元素。
It's times like these when you stop and think about how truly different the world was 10 years ago, and how much our lives have changed. 这样的时候是应该静下心来,想一想这个世界与10年前相比究竟有什么不同,我们的生活又发生了多大的变化。
No challenge anywhere can be allowed to jeopardize the goal of permanently improving the world by driving out a truly awful disease. 任何地方的任何挑战都不得危及我们的目标,这就是消灭一种非常可怕的疾病,使世界得到永久改善。
We are truly excited on our end that all seems to be pointing in the direction of Disclosure at this time. 我们非常高兴在此时刻我们这边的一切都是指向的披露。
Uranus in Pisces is stirring up fierce need within you to break old restraints and to truly become the person you were born to be. 天王星位于双鱼座激起你内在强烈的需要,去断掉旧的束缚,真正成为原本的那个自己。
She said that when she was "truly incapacitated, " her doctor still wanted her to postpone surgery. 她说自己已经“真正丧失了行动力”,但就算这样,她的医生依然希望她能延迟手术。
Truly, her condition was much worse than assumed, although nobody among the experts had really thought she was in a fine condition. 事实上,她的情况比所预想的更糟糕,即使在这些专家小组(指天界二次降临小组成员)中没人认为她处于一个良好的情况。
000 birdwatchers proved the full pull of a truly rare bird as they visited the Tesco car park in Kent, where it had settled. 三千名观鸟者证实,他们参观肯特郡特易购超市的停车场时,看到这种确实珍稀的鸟类相当吸引人。它们栖息在停车场里。
"If we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well, " he said. 他说,“如果我们真的生而平等,那么,毫无疑问,我们对彼此的爱也应该是平等的。”
A teacher teaches you knowledge, and a coach skills, whereas, a mentor guides you to be who you truly are. 教师传播知识,教练传授技能,良师帮你找回自我。
Although I can only view TV is not real, note you, but is vague on this made me think you do not truly be so cool! 虽然我只能在电视里不真切的观注你,但就是这样的朦胧于不真切更让我觉得你是那么得帅气!
They are truly paralyzed by analysis and seem to never stop analyzing long enough to make a decision. 他们实在是被分析弄晕了,而且永远都在分析却做不了决定。
But most of them follow nothing but fancy: truly fancy can be of no avail against truth. Verily Allah is well aware of all that they do. 他们大半是只凭猜想,猜想对于真理是毫无裨益的。真主确是全知他们的行为的。
Truly I say to you, Wherever this gospel is proclaimed in the whole world, what this woman has done shall also be told as a memorial of her. 我实在告诉你们,普天之下,无论在什么地方传扬这福音,也要述说这女人所行的,作为对她的记念。
And this crossing here, of the ocean is the only truly regular transoceanic crossing of any insect. A quite incredible feat. 而且这个跨越大洋的飞行,是在所有昆虫中唯一真正有规律的越洋飞行,一个非常了不起的壮举。
We are ready to give up when a person we truly love, only our own hearts of those who understand our plight and acid. 当我们准备放弃一个人我们真正爱的人时,只有我们自己明白我们心中的那些苦和酸。
But what was truly telling was the pronouncement he made to a couple of friends late that afternoon. 但是让大家真正体会到他丝毫没有变的还是当天下午他说给几位朋友的话。
He never truly had a home as a child, constantly darting around the country in fear for his life. 在童年的时候,他甚至没有一个真正的家,对生命的恐惧的阴影一直环绕在他心头。
But all of that is only a prelude to what truly matters as a developer: writing code and building solutions. 但是它们对开发人员而言只不过是序幕而已:编写代码和构建解决方案。
Kevin Martin: If he was just a mite tougher, he'd be a truly elite player. 凯文-马丁:如果他是更加坚韧的小蜘蛛,他将成为真正的中坚球员。
A wise business attorney told me that the client is truly in trouble when they're fighting "for the principle of the matter. " 一个睿智的商业律师告诉我当他们”为案件的原则“争论时这时委托人就是真正的遇上困难了。
Plato was prepared to say that the truly just person, whose soul is ordered, is beyond tragedy, and cannot be harmed. 柏拉图准备说真正公正的人,他的心灵是有序的,不是悲剧式的,是不能被伤害的。
Don't say what I fear, as long as you do not abandon me except for you for a truly, can't seem to you that in what I've been very happy. 不要说什么怕我怎样怎样,只要你不嫌弃暂时的我除了给你一片真心之外,好像不能在给你什么,那我就已经很高兴。
For infrastructures to become truly smart, however, it is not enough to put more intelligence into the core of a network. 然而基础设施要真正实现智能化,仅在网络的管线中安装更多的信息反馈装置还是不够的。
Yet this total does not truly represent what you give up to spend a year in college. 但这种总和并不真正地代表你上一年大学所放弃的东西。
It' s easier said than done, but comes with a sense of freedom and liberation that allows you to truly shine. 但是随之而来的自由和解放的感觉允许你真实的散发自我的光彩。
But to be a truly successful pirate and not just the son of a biscuit eater, well, ya had to know a bit of science too. 但要成为一名真正的海盗,别像个水手的私生子那样衰!当然,你最好还得有点科学知识。
When I explained that I felt the same way about him he opened up even more and told me that I was the only girl he truly loved. 当我说我也有相同的感觉时他说了更多,他告诉我我是他真正爱过的唯一的女孩。