living things

  • n.生物
  • 网络有生命的东西;生命进化原点;活物

living thingsliving things

living things


仁爱英语八年级上册词组汇集 ... be important to 对…….很重要 living things 生物 save every drop of water 节约每一滴水 ...


浅谈动名词与现在分词用法... ... the ruling class 统治阶级 living things 有生命的东西 the ageing population 日益老化的人口 ...



高中三年英语重要短语 很贴近课本 ... 458. off the coast 临近海岸 459. living things 活物 460. die out 灭绝,绝种 ...


有些分类是各种语言基本一样的,如世界上的东西分成生物living things)和无生命物(non-living things),或者有机物(org…


调皮的小布丁 - 人人小站 ... 印象 impress 生灵 living things 黄昏 dusk ...

But on a recent Sunday morning the only living things to be seen were two stray dogs and a dozen soldiers hunkered down in an old bunker. 不过,最近一个周日的上午,那里能看见的活物就只有两条闲荡的狗,和十来个盘腿坐在一座旧碉堡里的士兵。
And in the little cracks you saw tiny little living things scurrying about, and there was that utter silence, complete and infinite. 然后你在这些小裂缝里看见了很多细小的生命在匆忙奔走,有种彻底的寂静,完全的,无限的寂静。
When it comes to living things, however, the same logic is often abandoned. A designer is considered unnecessary. 当这样的事情发生在生物体的身上的时候,然而,同样的逻辑却经常被拒绝——一位设计者被认为是不需要的了。
The molecules of living things are made, not of two or three atoms, but of hundreds or thousands in different complicated patterns. 生物的分子不是由两三个原子构成的,而是成千上万原子以多种复杂的形式组合而成的。
That woman, that tree, that bird, the living things, seem to have but a passing importance for you. 那农妇、那棵树、那只鸟,那些活生生的事物对你来说似乎只有微不足道的重要性。
All living things are made of very small cells, the form of which can be seen with a microscope. 所有生物体都由极小的细胞组成,可通过显微镜看到其形状。
Water from her parents brought a lot of dowry, living things, and her past lives, the sea must be inclusive. 水从娘家带了很多的嫁妆,生灵万物,和她的前世今生,海都要包容。
Unfortunately, such a beautiful state, can only be called worldly air, with emotions of all living things with Despair! 可惜,如此美妙的境界,只能叫食人间烟火,具有七情六欲的芸芸众生望而兴叹!
Every form of life on this planet stands not on its own but is supported by, and supports, other living things. 这个星球上每种形式的生命都并非独立存在,而是与其他生物相互依存。
An ecosystem is all the living things in an area and the way in which they affect each other. 一个生态系统是某一地区的所有生命以及他们之间相互作用和影响的方式。
So one day, HE decided to create a world! It is a world that HE'd be happy to be with HIS people and all the living things! 所以,有一天,他决定创造一个世界!一个他和他的子民并一切生物快乐生活的世界!
A machine designed to simulate the operations of living things, or to respond automatically to predesigned programs, stimuli, or signals. 能模拟生物的动作或自动回答预先设计好的程序、刺激或信号的机器。
The pollution of your water and air now poses a danger to all living things, and the current rate of degradation cannot prevail much longer. 水和空气的污染毒害所有生命,目前的降解率维持不了多久。
Grounded in her pioneering study of chimpanzee behavior, the institute is dedicated to the well-being of all living things. 基于她对黑猩猩行为的先驱研究,这所研究所关注所有生命的福祉。
Could you seal a man up in a sunlit bottle with enough living things so that their mutual exhalations would balance? 你能把人也封闭在一个受到日光照射、有充足的活物的瓶子里,让他们相互利用彼此的呼吸吗?
It is a true song. Not a story. Not a fable with a point made at its end. But a song that sings within and without all living things. 那是真正的歌唱,不是讲故事,也不是在结尾点题的寓言,而是一首歌,它在所有生命体内咏唱,也在大自然中咏唱。
ChunMiao lucky enough to escape a bomb, but she was living things pressure. 春苗幸运躲过了一枚炸弹,但她被东西压住。
The history of life on earth has been a history of interaction between living things and their surroundings. 地球上生命的历史即是生物与它们的环境互相作用的历史。
So planets which are far from the Sun and extremely cold are not places where living things could exist. 因此那些远离太阳,温度极低的行星上面不可能有生物生存。
DNA, as a part of genes, was discovered to be a double helix that encodes the blueprints for all living things. 人们发现dna作为基因的一部分,为双螺旋结构,携带所有生物型板的编码。
as harmlessness becomes the underlying nature of all living things upon earth, so will nature become harmless in the physical. 当无害成为地球上所有生物根本的本质,自然界也将在物质层中成为无害。
Plants will get their food from the sunlight, the air and water, but animals have to eat other living things like plants or other animals. 植物从阳光、空气和水中获取养料,但是动物需要吃其他的有生命的东西,像植物或者其他动物。
There is nothing more important than the sun. without the sun all living things on the earth will die. the sun is a star. 没有比太阳更重要的东西了。没有太阳,地球上所有活着的东西都会死。太阳是恒星。
I am a dog person through and through, but I think caring for an animal of any kind helps people develop compassion for other living things. 我完全是名爱狗人士,但我认为照顾任何一种动物都会帮助人们对其他事物同情心的发展。
There is nothing more important in life than the sun. Without the sun all living things on Earth would die. 没有东西在生活方面比太阳更重要。没有太阳地球上的所有生物会死。
The kind, number and regulating route of clock genes are characterized by living things at different evolution levels. 各级进化水平物种生物钟的基因组成和控制途径有同有异。
His eyes were the only living things in his dead, gray face. 他那双眼睛是苍白的脸上唯一活着的东西。
Glass shows chemical inertness in the daily environment and does not react with living things, so it has extensive applications. 玻璃在日常环境中呈化学惰性,亦不会与生物起作用,故此用途非常广泛。
The Eco-symbiology was the science to research the mutual relation among living things or between living things and their surroundings. 生态共生生物学是研究生物之间、生物与环境之间相互关系的科学。
Only Mars seems likely to provide a few environments where extremely hardy , simple living things could survive . 似乎只要在火星上才有可能提供少许条件,使适应力极强的低等生物得以生存。