
美 [ˌeɪtʃ ˈɑr]英 [ˌeɪtʃ ˈɑː(r)]
  • abbr.(书写形式)小时
  • 网络赫莲娜(Helena Rubinstein);人力资源(Human Resources);心率(heart rate)



1.(书写形式)小时(in writing) hour

赫莲娜(Helena Rubinstein)

真品网_真品网奢侈品_真品网网购 - 珍品网 ... Harajuku Lovers 原宿 HR 赫莲娜 Helmut Lang 海尔姆特·朗 ...

人力资源(Human Resources)

人力资源HR)是社会各项资源中最关键的资源,是对企业产生重大影响的资源,历来被国内外的许多专家学者以及成功人士 …

心率(heart rate)

...ate variability,HRV)是指在窦性心率(HR)的一定时间内,逐次心动周期之间的细微时间变化,其发生基础是自主神经对HR的调节 …

人力资源管理(Human Resource)

...方案! 方程 Smart 系列 HR 是国内领先的人力资源管理HR)解决方案,也是国内少数 采用自主业务开发平台开发的人力 …


人力资源部是适应学生会改革潮流,模仿大型企业人力资源部(HR)的运作模式而建立的。它作为学生会主要对内职能部门,着重 …

But a company in which people are afraid to speak their minds is not going to be helped by any feedback forms sent out by HR either. 然而,如果一家公司里人人都不敢说出自己的想法,那么人事部发放的意见反馈表对公司也不会有任何助益。
In certain countries, rental car office even at airports are not open 24-hr a day, 365-day a year, so you might have problems with that. 在某些国家,汽车租赁办公室,即使在机场没有开放24小时,每天365天的一年,所以你可能有问题的。
During the interview for an administration specialist position, the HR manager asked me to clean up a desk in a conference room. 在我应聘行政专员的面试中,人事经理让我去清理会议室的桌子。
To avoid this, the company's HR team should be able to relay such information fast and help team managers readjust salaries quickly. 为了避免发生这样的状况,公司的人力资源部门应该尽快传递这些信息,并且帮助团队管理人员迅速调整员工的薪酬。
Linhong: Pretty good. The HR manager asked me the usual questions. Then he wondered why I had decided to leave my previous job. 林红:挺好的。人事经理问了一些常规问题,然后他问我辞去前一份工作的原因。
The only problem was that this application required an FQDN that was different from the one established for the existing HR application. 惟一的问题是,这个应用程序需要一个与现有HR应用程序不同的FQDN。
There was no significant correlation between HR variability and image quality of each coronary artery, nor overall segments. 总体及各支冠状动脉图像质量与心率变异无显著相关性。
What happened yesterday did not live up to that promise and firm management and I, as HR Partner, very much regret that. 昨天发生的事情没有体现这样一种文化,管理层以及我个人作为主管人力资源的合伙人对此感到遗憾。
Please contact HR Department concerning insurance coverage or other accrued benefits to which you may be entitled. 请洽人力资源部有关您应享有的保险权益。
It would be a giveaway sign to any HR person that the applicant has little experience in a professional environment. 这将是一个赠品签署任何人的人力资源申请人已没有什么经验的专业的环境。
Some students move into a related career track as a contract negotiator or mediator, while others gravitate to a more traditional HR track. 有些学生走一些与HR相关的职业道路,例如合同谈判或调停等,而其他学生依然选择传统的HR道路。
Regarding human resources, one of the recommendations of the JIU was that WIPO should develop a comprehensive HR strategy. 人力资源方面,联检组的一项建议是,WIPO应制订全面的人力资源战略。
If the boss forwards your resume, a hiring manager is likely to give it a more thorough read than the 10 seconds HR may spend on it. 假如是老板转发的你的简历,那么招聘经理在看简历时,肯定会比人力资源部的十秒扫过式仔细认真得多。
HR gives you all of your intro material when you join the company, so ask those people out to lunch after you've settled in for a few weeks. 在你加入公司的时候,人力资源部会给你提供所有的介绍材料,所以当你安定下来几个星期以后就要邀请那些人去吃午餐。
Shortlisted candidates shall be called for an interview by the HR Department and notified of any tests required. 入围的求职者将接受人事部的面试以及被通知任何所需考试。
The hiring manager, or HR (human-resources) department, is often where a certification can count the most. 雇佣经理,或者HR(人力资源)部门,通常是一个凭证书就能过关的部门。
At least get a sense whether your HR department is one of the good ones. 至少心里有个底,看看你们的人力资源部是不是个靠谱的。
This control is automated by making it a common software requirement for all HR systems. 这种控制利用使其成为所有HR系统的软件需求实现了自动化。
Eventually, Perine, Trotter's boyfriend, is able to reach the HR person by calling from his phone at work. 最后,Trotter的男友Perine,在工作的时候用电话打给了那个保险公司的人事部门。
It only proves that the HR manager in the next company is working harder towards providing plug holes to the pins of your dissatisfaction. 它只是证明,人力资源管理人员应该在下一家公司,要努力争取让员工的不满得到控制。
I told HR what was going on and they paid me to leave, preferring to protect their manager rather than cause a stink. 我告诉人力资源部门发生了什么,他们让我结账走人,他们更愿意保护他们的经理,而不是暴出丑闻。
She was previously head of HR for the bank's global consumer group in the EMEA region. 她之前担任花旗银行EMEA地区(欧洲、中东和非洲)全球客户集团人力资源部负责人。
Just a minute please. I'll make a call to the HR office. 请稍等。我打个电话给人资办公室。
HR Manager: Thank you for your hard efforts on behalf of the company. 我代表公司感谢你的努力。
Which seems to underscore a simple truth: The ultimate business intelligence comes from HR, not IT. 这似乎强调一个简单的真理:最终的商业智能人力资源从何而来,而不是IT。
The company is an outsourced operations, HR, admissions and student support team for distance learning environments. 公司本身则是一个面向远程教育环境,提供外包服务、人力资源、招生和学生帮助的团队。
The HR department carefully chose a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) that was user-friendly and easy to remember. HR部门精心挑选了一个完全限定域名(FQDN),这个域名是用户友好的,易于记忆。
HR should also be included to help conquer team fear, and issues with Scrum's demands for greater communication, feedback and interaction. 在帮助克服团队恐惧、解决Scrum对于更多沟通、反馈和互动的要求所引发的问题等方面,也需要HR的参与。
Most interested applicants thought that it was the company's HR department's carelessness or a printing error. 大多数有意应聘者都认为这一定是该公司人事部门的疏忽或者是印刷错误。
Then our HR told me that according to the employee handbook it is forbidden to talk about remuneration in the office. 之后,人事告诉我,公司员工手册规定,禁止在办公室谈论报酬。