
美 [hʌɡ]英 [hʌɡ]
  • v.拥抱;抱紧;搂抱;有一段距离地挨着(某物)
  • n.拥抱;搂抱
  • 网络紧抱

过去式:hugged 第三人称单数:hugs 现在分词:hugging

mother hug


v. n.

1.[t][i]~ (sb)拥抱;搂抱to put your arms around sb and hold them tightly, especially to show that you like or love them

2.[t]~ sth抱紧to put your arms around sth and hold it close to your body

3.[t]~ sth有一段距离地挨着(某物)to keep close to sth for a distance

4.[t]~ sth缠紧,缚紧(某物,尤指人体)to fit tightly around sth, especially a person's body


"B5单字表" - 豆丁网 ... 门铃 doorbell 346 拥抱 hugged 322 响 rang 347 ...


本王子是要将乱世佳人... ... running 赛跑,流出,运转 hugged 紧抱,拥抱 with their great trunks 干线,树干,躯干,主干,象鼻,箱子 ...

And so Benny got to come back to the house. When he walked through the door, we ran over to him and hugged his legs. 就这样,Benny回屋了,他一进门,我们就冲过去抱着他的腿。
The car up a couple, they hugged with, happily came and sat down on the seat next to me. 车上上来一对夫妇,他们相拥着,兴高采烈地来到我旁边的座位上坐下。
One elderly woman told us that she had just lost her husband and all but one of her children. We hugged her and cried along with her. 一位年长的妇女告诉我们,她刚失去丈夫和几位儿女,只有一位小孩幸存,我们拥抱她,陪她一起流泪。
Logo design from the point of view like the image of a family of three hugged and music, the performance of family harmony. 会徽图案从形象上看犹如一个三口之家相拥而乐,表现了家庭的和睦。
She said fine, and I hugged her, but then she stood up and said 'I hope we can still be friends, ' and walked out the door. 她说“那好吧”,我很高兴的搂住她。然后她却站起来说到“希望我们还是朋友”就走了。
Next morning, just as she was getting ready to leave for school, I hugged her for a moment. 第二天早上,帕桑•普蒂准备上学时,我拥抱了她一会儿。
As the woman hugged and kissed her son she said to Elijah, "Thank-you! I know that the Lord is with you and whatever you say is true. " 由于女子拥抱和亲吻了她的儿子,她说以利亚,“谢谢你!我知道上帝与你同在,无论您说的是真的。”
The sun rose over the trees as he hugged his bony knees tight to his chest and pulled his worn wool sweater around him. 瘦骨嶙峋的他抱着膝盖紧紧地贴着胸口,且尽可能地将身体缩进他那件破烂不堪的羊毛衫。
Kobe Bryant, who came out of the training room to be interviewed, hugged Winter. 而科比从训练室出来接受媒体采访时,他拥抱了温特老人。
RuiJean began to cry silently. Then she hugged me for a moment, then looked up at me again. 瑞锦开始无声地哭泣。然后她拥抱了我一会儿,然后重新抬头看着我。
But she hugged them to her bosom, and at length she was able to look up with dim eyes and a smile and say: "My hair grows so fast, Jim! " 不过,她依然把发梳搂在胸前,过了好一阵子才抬起泪水迷蒙的双眼,微笑着说:“我的头发长得飞快,吉姆!”
She verged on tears when they hugged in the car and he quickly changed out of his prison clothes into a vest she had brought along. 在车上他们拥抱在一起,她差不多要流泪了。他很快脱掉囚服,换上了她带来的背心。
She hugged me tight, looked into my eyes, and said, "Just don't screw it up, buddy! " 她紧紧地抱着我,直盯着我的眼睛看着我,说道,“不要搞砸了,老兄!”
He broke up with the woman he left you for, and what was the first thing you did? You hugged him and invited him to a party. 你前夫和那个他为其抛家弃子的女人分手而你做的第一件事是什么?你拥抱了他而且邀请他来派对。
His cup was full, and he hugged her to his heart with rapture. 他高兴到了极点,狂喜地把她搂在怀里。
Her music teacher Serge hugged her ecstatically and told her Andreas Korda, the famous publisher wanted to invite her to have dinner. 她的音乐教师萨基欣喜若狂地拥抱了她,告诉她著名的出版商安吉斯·科达先生要请她共进晚餐。
With that she laughed and hugged Molly tighter to her bosom as if she were a lost child and not a dog. 听到这话,她笑出声来,把莫利在怀里抱得更紧,就好像它是个失而复得的孩子,而不是一只狗。
If you love to be hugged, fondled by female fans, put yourself in hot water, with more guards is still unable to protect you. 如果您喜欢被人拥抱和抚摸,要是您爱自惹麻烦,随扈再多也还是无法保护。
I smiled and he got up and hugged me. He kissed the top of my head then sat down as the waiter brought our pastas. 我笑了他站了起来拥抱了我,吻了我的额头然后坐下,因为此时服务员给我们端来面食。
I hugged him, of course, and I said, you know, "It's going to be OK. " 我给了他一个拥抱,理所当然。然后我说,你知道,“会没事的。”
But her mother Kate did not accept the fact and gently placed him on her chest and hugged him for two hours. 而他的妈妈Kate完全不接受这个事实,温柔的把孩子抱在怀里抱了两个小时。
Today, I moved out of my parents basement. After I hugged my parents I walked out the door only to remember I left my phone in the kitchen. 今天,我从家里的地下室搬出来,在跟爸妈做了深情拥抱后我缓缓走出了大门,感觉无限凄凉。
Today, at the food court in the mall, a beautiful girl about my age came up to me and hugged me with tears in her eyes. 今天,在百货公司的食品区,一个年纪和我差不多大的姑娘跑过来,还着眼泪拥抱了我。
Before I started driving I got on my cell phone on Facebook and messaged his wife, and said, 'I hugged your husband. 还没开车我就用手机上Facebook给他妻子发信息,我说,‘我抱了你的老公一下,没事吧?
I did what you would have done. I hugged my mother as if I'd never let her go. 我做了你们也会做的事情。我拥抱住了妈妈,就好像我永远不会放她离开。
As you are being hugged the warmth and love seem to overwhelm you and you simply blend in with The Creator for a few minutes. 当你被拥抱的温暖和爱似乎压倒你,你只是在与造物主融合了几分钟。
My mother hugged me too. I knew she was overwhelmed3 with emotion. I knew she had tears in her eyes, because I felt them. 妈妈也拥抱着我,我知道她被翻涌的感情淹没了,我也知道她眼中含着泪,因为我感觉到了她的泪珠。
He reached out and hugged me and said, 'I love you too, son, but I've never been able to say it. 他伸出手拥抱我说:‘儿子,我也喜欢你,但这话以前我历来没能说出口。’
They had announced her departure and standing near the security gate, they hugged and he said, "I love you. I wish you enough. " 他们已被告知要登机了,站在安检的门口拥抱着,父亲对女儿说:“我爱你,我希望你拥有足够。”
He hugged her and felt an overwhelming sense of the sacrifice that his mother had made for him. 他拥抱着她,母亲为自己作出的牺牲让他内心的感情无法抑制。