
美 [raʊ]英 [raʊ]
  • n.一行;争吵;纠纷;严重分歧
  • v.吵架;划船送(某人)
  • 网络列;排;一列

复数:rows 现在分词:rowing 过去式:rowed

tremendous row,furious row,terrible row
stop row,cause row


n. v.

1.[c]~ (about/over sth)严重分歧;纠纷a serious disagreement between people, organizations, etc. about sth

2.[c]吵架;争吵a noisy argument between two or more people

3.[sing]大的噪音a loud unpleasant noise

行写:和TCTDB完全一样,写入整(row)数据,包含所有字段。分为 misc put, misc putcat, misc putkeepmisc putkeep: 添加 …


七年级(上)英语单词表一. ... 10 in prep 在...里(内,上) 11 row n (一),(一)行 12 one num 一 ...

字典中 棹 字的解释 ... ◎ 棹 zhào (1) [船][ row (a boat)] 櫂 zhào ...


仁爱英语八年级上册单词表标准版 - 豆丁网 ... cycle v. 骑自行车 row v. 划船;n.(一)排,(一)行 quite adv. 相当,很,十分 ...


在表格里的每一列(row), 代表一种类型的女佣. 点击其中某类型的一列, 将连结到某类型女佣的相片索引页。分类索引表 Navi…


一行row)又都会拥有多个单元格(cell),于是每一行就是由多个 cell 组成的数组。整个布局的构成需要三重数组,而每 …


牛津英语8b单词表 ... neat 整齐的 row 一排 grapevine 葡萄藤 ...

The bank's minutes made it clear that the decision to raise rates in December for an unprecedented third month in a row was finely balanced. 澳大利亚央行的会议记录清楚显示,12月决定加息(前所未有的连续第三个月加息)时,支持者和反对者旗鼓相当。
She was the first day, sitting in the front row, to those who pursue the vision of a relentless back of the head. 她每天到得最早,坐在前排,给那些追寻的目光一个无情的后脑勺。
One small hopeful sign from today's sentencing was that the fate of the two journalists was not publicly linked to the nuclear row. 但是从今天判决中可以看出一点希望的迹象,即这两名记者的命运并未公开与核战部队挂钩,美国也将尽力将两者分离。
Each field is laid out on its own row with a label and a message to display error messages for the field. 每个域都各在一行中,还会有一个标签和消息用于显示该域的错误消息。
If it is in a database, each row describes a user and each column contains an attribute of that user. 如果这些信息在数据库中,则每一行描述一个用户,而每一列则包含该用户的一个属性。
"That's the place they got jumped, " Jack said, pointing out a damaged row of Optera trees at the bottom of the slope. “那就是他们被伏击的地方,”杰克指着斜坡底部一行排列不完整的奥普特拉树木说。
He looked at the boy, who sat facing him from a front-row desk, his elbows splayed out for a steadier aim. 他看着那男孩,他坐在前排的一张课桌上,面对自己,为坐得稳当,他把双肘向外撑开。
It was bold of her to row up the river. 她很大胆敢向上游划船。
She walked in and sat down in the middle of the front row. 她走来坐在了前排的中间。
"Every woman in the front row was a child sitting next to a fat old man, " one insider laughed afterwords. “每一个女人在前排还是个孩子坐在旁边的一个胖老头,”一位内部人士笑了后记。
Q. You lost eight points in a row at the beginning of the match. Could you talk about how nervous you were. 比赛开始的时候,你连丢八分。你当时有多紧张?
Comments are fields in the source or target row to which you can add comments or questions for your own or someone else's review. 注释是为方便您自己或他人审查可在原文或译文行中添加注释或疑问的字段。
It was a few days before the Fourth of July, and a grey, scrawny Italian child was setting torpedoes in a row along the railroad track. 距离七月四日还有几天,于是看见一个满身灰尘、瘦骨嶙峋的意大利小孩在沿着铁路轨道放了一排信号雷管。
If you retrieve the value by means of the table's row index or column index, you will not be able to set the return value. 如果您通过表的行索引或列索引检索值,将无法设置返回值。
An example would be to hold the bottom of a row movement for a two count. 比如划船达到最底端时,保持该动作2秒。
It may be difficult to get out of a row after first entering, when the crowd is pushing around. 进去以后当人群前挤后拥的时候想从队列里出来是件困难的事。
GM said potential damage to the second-row safety belts could make it appear as if the latch were properly secured when it was not. 通用汽车表示,潜在的危害在于第二排安全带,安全带可能在没锁的时候,却看起来好像是锁着好好的。
Otherwise he would be in danger of becoming the second Republican president in a row to see his administration destroyed by Iraq. 否则,成为共和党第二位继任总统对于他来说将无异于置身险境,他将亲眼目睹自己的政府因为没有正确处理伊拉克问题而毁于一旦。
I chose an empty seat in the last row and sat down. In a few minutes, the teacher walked into the room and all the conversation stopped. 我在最后一排选了一个空位坐下来,几分钟后,老师走进了教室,而所有的谈话就停下来了。
Her hair did look a little strange, Sophie thought, peeping out of her alcove, as if Jane had wound it round a row of powers . 她的头发看起来有点奇怪,苏菲从她的凹室往外面偷看,想着,就好象简曾经用一排夹火棍试图使它们卷曲一样。
However, a browser can only download a graphic in JPEG format linearly, from the top row to the bottom row. 但是,浏览器只能从顶行到底行线性地下载JPEG格式的图形。
I got a bit heavier and started to enjoy life a lot more from the front row of my living room with my good friend. . . BEER. 我胖了很多,开始享受和好朋友——啤酒在卧室前排的美好时光。
In a certain store where they sell puddings, a number of these delicious things are laid out in a row during the Christmas season. 有一家出售布丁的商店,每年圣诞节期间都把许多这类美味的食品摆成一排供顾客选购。
If the total row count is supplied by the source data object, the FormView control will request only a single row at a time for each page. 如果源数据对象提供了总行数,则对于每一页,FormView控件将一次只请求一行。
See will overtake, was the heavenly queen mother pulled out of gold zan row, his feet immediately appear a surfy tian he. 眼看就要追上,却被王母娘娘拔下的金簪一划,他脚下立刻出现了一条波涛汹涌的天河。
When Gloria dozed off in the front pew of her Spring Hill, Florida, church for the fourth Sunday in a row, she was mortified. 当格洛瑞亚在弗罗里达春山区教堂参加封斋日礼拜时,在前排打起了瞌睡,因此感到挺囧的。
His Serbian opponent seized on the opening as he took five points in a row to hold four match points at 6-2. 萨尔维亚人抓住了这个机会连拿四分,比分来到6-2,他手握四个赛点。
but now, with time to think, he went over them one by one, as though laying out a row of instruments on a table. 如今,思考的时间给了他,他便把这些途径逐个想一番,仿佛在桌上把些个工具一字摆摆开。
Gets a reference to the TableItemStyle object that enables you to set the appearance of the row selected for editing in a GridView control. 获取对TableItemStyle对象的引用,使用该对象可以设置GridView控件中为进行编辑而选中的行的外观。
Leader: (1) Row of dots used to lead the eye across a page. (2) A length of blank paper or magnetic tape used FOR loading purposes. 引点,(2)引纸:(2)引导视线横过纸面的小点。(2)用来引导纸卷或磁带进入机内装置的空白部份。