
美 [ˈreɪtɪŋ]英 ['reɪtɪŋ]
  • n.等级;级别;收视率;收听率
  • v.“rate”的现在分词


average rating,give rating,get rating,Garner rating,recalculate rating
top rating,overall rating,negative rating,positive rating



1.[c]等级;级别a measurement of how good, popular, important, etc. sb/sth is, especially in relation to other people or things

2.[pl]收视率;收听率a set of figures that show how many people watch or listen to a particular television or radio programme, used to show how popular a programme is

3.[c]表示电影分级的数字(或字母);电影的等级a number or letter that shows which groups of people a particular film/movie is suitable for

The SEC, for instance, has been able to look at these credit rating companies to see what some of their actions. . . 例如,证交会已经能调查这些信用评级公司以查看他们的一些行动…
Step four would be the downgrading of the monoline insurers, which do not deserve the AAA rating on which their business depends. 第四步是债券保险公司评级被下调,它们没有资格获得其业务所依赖的AAA等级。
The odds of such action are now better than they have been for a while, a point Moody's made the same day as it affirmed its AAA rating. 采取降级行动的几率比之前要大了,穆迪公司在确认美国AAA级的当天也提出了相同的观点。
But all this sound and fury over whether or not a restaurant deserves a three-star rating is not really the point. 但是,围绕一家餐厅是否有资格获得三星荣誉的争议,并非关键。
The rating appears on the front of every game box, while on the back are three or four words that describe the content. 游戏包装盒的封面会标明有关的级别,封底印有游戏内容简介。
On Tuesday Dagong repeated the trick, downgrading the local and foreign currency credit rating for the U. S. to A with a negative outlook. 周二,大公故伎重演,将美国本、外币信用评级下调至A,展望为负面。
"Putting a country's rating on review is also not the same as a downgrade, " she said. "An actual downgrade is still an unlikely scenario. " “将一个国家的信贷评级置于观察名单和下调评级是两回事,”她说,“实际(将美国信贷评级)下调仍然是不大可能发生的情况。”
Although the stating of Clinton as a person has gone down in the last two years of his term, his approval rating is as high as 66 percent. 虽然在任期的最后两年中他的个人支持率下降了,他的工作支持率却上升到了66%。
"If I were S&P I would not change my rating on the basis of this proposal, " he said. “如果我是标普,我将不会基于这一建议而调整评级,”他说。
It has dramatically reduced debt and improved its credit rating since the financial crisis of the 1990s and is now financially stable. 上世纪九十年代金融危机以来,墨西哥的债务额大幅减少,信用等级大幅提高。目前,墨西哥金融稳定。
With every other nation spending like drunken sailors, Germany is being forced towards propping up the system with its credit rating. 德国同每一个其他花钱无度的国家一起正被逼着用自己的信用评级来支撑欧元体系。
It had a high rating; maybe it wasn't terrifically discreet but I've not much to hide. 它得到的评价很高,也许它不是那么称心如意,但我也不是非要把自己隐藏起来。
"Authorities told me that there was no film rating system on the mainland so they let me cut it, " said Lee. 李安说:“权威人士告诉我内地没有电影等级的划分,所以他们让我剪切。”
A depression-rating scale indicates whether a person should be referred to a psychiatrist for additional evaluation and possible treatment. 抑郁等级可以表明一个人是否应该被转给精神科医生,进行更多的评估和可能的治疗。
Glamour rating? The rustic warrior garb still allows for a little bit of flesh-flashing. 魅力指数?这乡巴佬似地简陋装束至少还露了一点肉,哈哈。
S& P said the accidental alert isn't an indication that the firm is reviewing France for a rating change. 标普说,错误警报并不意味着该公司正在为下调评级对法国进行评估。
" The rating agency said the probability of a default on interest is " low but no longer . . . de minimis. 该评级机构还表示,利息违约的可能性“不大,但不可…小视”。
Please be aware that this loss in rating is not currently displaying properly and will instead show as a draw for both teams. 请注意:现在扣分的情况还不能正确显示,而会显示出两队平局。这个问题将在以后的更新中解决。
And while Mr. Obama's job-approval rating remains at a mediocre 45%, it has stayed relatively steady for a year. 虽然民调对奥巴马的工作满意度仍然表现平平,只有45%,但这一比例相对稳定,已持续了一年之久。
The voltage rating of these resistors must be at least equal to the test voltage. 这些电阻器的电压额定值必须至少等于测试电压。
If a traveler has found a particular rating system useful in the past, they should look for a hotel that meets the standards of that system. 如果客人在过去已经找到有关详细的酒店的评级系统是有用的话,他们应该寻找同等标准的酒店。
Ang Lee's new thriller Lust, Caution has been cut for Chinese audiences, just a week after U. S. censors gave the film a restricted rating. 李安新作惊悚片《色戒》在美国被定为限制级影片后,其中国放映版则将加以剪辑。
the app shows you your driver's name, his rating by past passengers (out of five stars) and photos of him and his car. 该应用就会显示车主姓名,以往乘客给他的评分(最高为五星)以及车主及汽车的照片
Regulators in the G20 want to reduce the role of credit rating agencies in determining how much capital reserves banks must set aside. G20监管者亦希望削弱信用评级机构对决定银行资本储备规模的影响。
This misplaced focus is often the by-product of an overly strong focus on achieving a particular appraisal rating. 这错位的重点往往是由产品的过分强大的重点放在实现特定的评估级别。
Murray's team asked 41 men to respond to more than 140 statements about themselves, rating how much they agreed or disagreed with each. 穆雷的研究小组要求41名测试人员就140条有关他们自己的陈述予以回复,对每条陈述的同意或不同意程度给出分数。
"Anything that helps to open up the mortgage market is a good thing at this point, " says Sharon Haas of Fitch, a rating agency. 评级机构惠誉的SharonHaas表示,“在这个节点上,任何有助于开发抵押信贷市场的行动都是一件好事情。”
GE's bonds are trading as if the company had already lost its top-shelf rating. 通用债券的走势,就如同该公司已经丢掉了AAA评级一般。
Clinton said the point of the rating exercise is to encourage countries to respond. 克林顿国务卿说,发表报告列出名单的目的是鼓励世界各国作出反应。
"Reagan had a 37-percent job approval rating at this point in 1983, " said the pollster. 1983年的那个时候,里根的工作赞同率是百分之37。