ready for it

ready for itready for it

ready for it

It looks that at least the chipset group is ready for it but it will be a while before we see Fusion shipping. 看来,至少该芯片组组已经准备好了,但,这将是一个,而之前,我们看到融合的航运。
They do not know when this will be. But they believe it is important to be ready for it. 他们不知道耶稣什么时候回来,但他们相信,为这一天做好准备十分重要。
The general public is not yet ready for it and probably would not understand or believe it if I explained it. 假如我解释成因,公众也没有心理准备去接受它,可能无法理解或者相信它。
You should look out for short-term monkhood programs too, to taste the monastic life to see if you are ready for it. 你还应该寻找一个短期修行计划,尝试一下出家生活,再看自己是否准备好了。
I get use to it now, the experience tells me to be ready for it, body & mind. 我现在已经习惯了,我的经验教会我怎样在身体和思想上做好准备。
I try to read my players' body language to see if they're ready for it, if they are calm, extra-motivated, or need a word. 我试着从我队员的肢体语言上观察他们是否准备好了,是否冷静,是否有求胜欲望,或者是否需要我鼓励一下。
It's as if you've reached the unreachable, and you weren't ready for it. 就像是你已经触碰到了遥不可及的东西,却又没有做好准备。
"It's definitely going to be challenging to guard somebody like Carmelo, but I'm ready for it, " Radmanovic said. “防守安东尼这样的球员确实是个挑战,不过我已经准备好了。”拉德马诺维奇说道。
Then, when we (United) go on tour, I hope I'm going to get a chance and I'm ready for it. 然后,当我们曼联开始巡回赛的时候,我希望自己能得到机会。我已经准备好了。
Experts hope by the time the next big quake does hit the region, we'll be ready for it. 专家们希望未来的大地震袭击该地区的时间,我们将已经准备好了。
Every lean bare arm, that had been without work before, had this work always ready for it now, that it could strike. 以前没有工作的瘦骨伶仃的光胳膊现在随时准备好干活,因为它可以出击。
In Abu Dhabi, when Ross asked me if I could imagine returning to F1, I felt that I wasn't ready for it. 在阿布扎比,当罗斯·布朗问我能否想想一下自己复出后的场景时,我觉得我没有做好准备。
Saturn may be due to return to your sign for a short while next year - but by then you'll be ready for it. 明年过些时候土星就会回归处座,但恐怕那时你早已准备好迎接它了。
That may be possible in the early days of the new Administration because both Israel and Hamas may be ready for it by then. 在新政府初期美国政府较可能促成停火,因为那时,以色列和哈马斯可能做好了停火的准备。
I'm available for selection. I'm looking forward to it. People have told me what this means to the club and I am ready for it. 我随时待命,充满期待。大家都告诉了我这场比赛对于俱乐部的意义,我已经做好了充分的准备。
The age of multi-core systems has already happened, and largely, we aren't ready for it. 多核系统的时代已经到来了,但是我们还没有准备好。
Do not be concerned as to whether you are ready for it, as already your consciousness levels will be rising. 完全不要担心自己是否为了它而准备就绪了,因为你的意识水平已经很好的提升了。
Jason: It sure is. But, to tell you the truth, I'm quite ready for it. 这倒是真的。可是实话告诉你好了,我可是准备好了呢!
If it's not really needed, if the world's not ready for it, you'll be unappreciated and frustrated. 如果它不是真的为世界所需要,如果这个世界没为它做好准备,你就会因得不到赞赏而灰心丧气。
Professing a need for love could also be taken as evidence that you weren't ready for it. 公开承认对爱的需求可以作为证据之一,证明你其实还没准备好。
The three days of dark darkness is something that, by the time it happens, you will all be so ready for it, you won't be counting the days. 三天的黑暗的黑暗就好像是,当它发生的时候,你们对于它将全都已经是充分准备好了,你将不会计数日子。
They would have a science test the next morning and he had to get ready for it. 他们明早有一门课必须要考试。
It's not to have a detailed plan about everything you're going to do, you can't plan innovation or inspiration, but you can be ready for it. 不需要有详尽的计划,因为你无法为创新或灵感做计划,但你可以为此准备着。
In fact, when a person, the heart is aching and tears ready for it. 其实一个人的时候,心在隐隐作痛,泪在蠢蠢欲动。
Love is a telephone which always keeps silent when you are longing for a call, but rings when you are not ready for it. 爱情是一部电话,它总是保持沉默当你渴望电话时,但当你还没有做好准备时响起。
A book may be just perfect for you at the right time, when you are ready for it. 在合适的时间,合适的心情下,你会觉得某一本书是那么的完美。
At the moment, we do many things to get ready for it. 每当这个时候,我们都会做很多事情来准备。
The position of The Top Philanthropist of the World is still vacant, so I will get ready for it. 世界首善的位子还空缺,我准备争做世界首善,慈善要做到世界。
Perhaps we have another person in mind, perhaps we know now that friends is the best choice, perhaps we are just not ready for it. 或许我们心中有着另外的人,或许我们清楚现在这样做朋友才是最好的选择,或许我们仅仅是没有作好准备。
I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready. 我是用奶喂你们,没有用饭喂你们。那时你们不能吃,就是如今还是不能。