
美 [hʌɡ]英 [hʌɡ]
  • v.拥抱;抱紧;搂抱;有一段距离地挨着(某物)
  • n.拥抱;搂抱
  • 网络Harness Ultra Guard System;抱抱;我的拥抱

过去式:hugged 第三人称单数:hugs 现在分词:hugging

mother hug


v. n.

1.[t][i]~ (sb)拥抱;搂抱to put your arms around sb and hold them tightly, especially to show that you like or love them

2.[t]~ sth抱紧to put your arms around sth and hold it close to your body

3.[t]~ sth有一段距离地挨着(某物)to keep close to sth for a distance

4.[t]~ sth缠紧,缚紧(某物,尤指人体)to fit tightly around sth, especially a person's body


恩恩恩,赶快给他们拥抱(Hugs)吧!给我们的爱人,爱的人(显然这是包括父母亲在内),给他们情真意切的拥抱,送出最温馨的 …

Harness Ultra Guard System

HUGS™ (Harness Ultra Guard System) reduces forward head movement and cushions the chest in the event of impact Color-…


kidding 日志 -... ... Creation 上帝创造万物 Hugs 抱抱 oh,the thinks you can think! 你能有多少的奇思妙想 ...


大买家量贩网路店-学龄-游戏互动书 >... ... Monster Munch! 有怪兽! Hugs 我的拥抱 Louie in Disguise 游戏磁铁书 ...


Nomadic Space 流浪空间 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: ... 个人分类:英国 UK 无声的语言-拥抱 Hugs 没有计画的计画 Unsettled Plans ...


50个建议让人生更幸福_QQ心情短语_雨露文章网 ... 20. Hugs. 拥抱别人。 21. Healing wounds. 化解恩怨。 ...


9. 拥抱家人(Hugs) ,并表示你的感谢!你的心得?


这篇文章的42项怎么翻译!!谢谢_爱问知识人 ... 20. Hugs. 热爱生活。 21. Healing wounds. 修复伤痛。 ...

and that she hugs you and kisses you when you give her a plaster of pared mold of your hand. 如果你能剪掉指甲,用石膏做一只自己的手的模型送给你妈,我希望她会给你拥抱和亲吻。
I cut their hair and put them to bed with songs, hugs and kisses and a promise of a better day tomorrow, if even just slightly. 我会给他们剪头发;他们睡觉前,我会轻轻地给他们唱歌,拥抱,亲吻,给他们祈祷美好的每天。
come to me with hugs and thank you's for making a difference in her life. 来给与我深深的拥抱并感谢我使她们的生活与众不同。
free hugs will be the company that will always promote our two most sought after possessions , happiness and our sense of belonging. 抱抱团是一个可以永远促进我们最重要的两种情感--幸福感与归属感的组织。
Maradona is often seen in the middle of team celebrations, freely giving hugs to congratulate his players. 马拉多纳经常会出现在球队庆祝的中央,随意的拥抱球员并向他们表示祝贺和鼓励。
The band befriended this unlikely character, and shot hours of video of him at work, giving free hugs to passers-by. 乐队支持这个不太靠谱的任务,并且拍摄了他给路人提供免费拥抱的视频。视频时长达数小时。
Robben is still recovering from a knee injury but showed the character and approach required and was greeted with hugs from his boss. 罗本仍旧处在膝盖伤的恢复中,但是表现出了自己的特性和进取,因此也得到了老板的拥抱祝贺。
We are all in this long distance, are willing to be warm and caring, surrounded by a smile and hugs meet, affection let me never be touched. 我们都在这长途上,都愿意被温暖和关爱包围,被微笑和拥抱迎接,亲情让我永远被感动。
The retreat ended two days later, and everyone came out of silence. I got so many hugs from people, thanking me for having helped them. 两天后,静修结束,大家走出静默。许多人都过来拥抱我,感谢我帮他们忙。
She eats with her hands. She bear-hugs a little girl who asks for her picture during dinner. 她也会咬指甲,晚餐时,她会去熊抱那个向她要合照的小女孩。
I had seen these Marines hug each other before heading out on patrol -- real hugs, as if they guessed they might not see each other again. 我曾经看到过这些海军陆战队士兵在执行巡逻任务前互相拥抱的场景---那是真正的拥抱,就好像他们会猜到今生再无机会相见那样。
She offers hugs willingly to those who want to receive them and remains positive and cheerful, always trying to see the good in people. 她愿意拥抱那些希望她给予拥抱的人,并且依然保持积极和乐观的态度,总想看到人性善的一面。
When someone hugs you, let the other side the first to leave your arms. Do not give up love, until love is away from you. 当有人拥抱你时,让对方最先离开你的怀抱。不要主动放弃爱,除非爱已离你远去。
It thus hugs a swimmer's body like a second skin; indeed, when it is not being worn, it does not lie flat but has a shape to it. 这样它变成为了选手的第二皮肤。即使在未被穿着的状态下,它也会一直立着而非躺遍。
I have already got used to new life here and I am no longer that boy who was always reluctact to leave his parents' hugs. 在外求学,不知不觉已经适应了自立的生活。我早已不是那个还依偎在父母怀抱里的孩子了。
But it soon became obvious that 80s babies might be getting love, hugs and things, but it was a rotten time to be born. 但很快我就发现,80年代出生的人可能会得到爱、拥抱和一些东西,但在那个年代出生其实挺糟糕的。
If the boy feels sleepy, first trades the diaper, then hugs him and gently pats his back. When he rests, must put him on the crib. 如果男孩想睡,首先换尿布,然后抱起他并轻柔地拍他的背。当他睡著,必须放他在小儿床。
"Walking out on the street, people would recognise who I am, shout out my Chinese name and ask for hugs, " he said. “走出去在街上,人们会承认我是谁,喊了我的中文名字,并要求拥抱,”他说。
Sometimes all I need is someone who hugs me tightly and refuses to let me go until I feel better. 有时候,只是想有个人抱紧我不放手,直到我的心情真的好起来。
They share bittersweet, understanding smiles for a moment before she hugs him tightly, her forehead pressed to his collarbone. 他们分享酸甜苦辣,理解了片刻,她才微笑着紧紧地拥抱他,她的额头紧贴着他的锁骨。
When the old man emerges, he kisses the boy on both cheeks and the forehead, hugs him tight, and poses for a photograph with him. 当这位老人出来以后,他亲吻了男孩的两侧脸颊和前额,紧紧地拥抱他,并且摆姿势与他合影。
There will be hugs all 'round and a few surprises, a few promotions (Yes, demotions too), but above and beyond the aspects mentioned above. 周围会有众多拥抱,一些惊喜,一些升职(是的,也有降职),但还有众多超出上述范围的内容。
For instance, the front section, being the hardest working, benefits from most-heat cooking to produce the most tender hugs. 例如,前面部分,是最难的工作,从最加热烹调的好处,最嫩的拥抱。
She helped with chalk drawings on the pavement outside the store and gave out a few hugs to her little fans. 在人行道上画粉笔画,伊娃乐此不疲。她拥抱着她的小粉丝。
As principal, my office was right next door to the clinic, so I often dropped in to lend a hand and help out with the hugs. 我是校长,我的办公室正好在卫生所旁边,所以我经常过去帮忙,主要是给孩子们拥抱。
If the month sister-in-law is that kind primary, hugs the child to be able to feel afraid, because the child body is specially soft. 月嫂如果是那种初级的,抱孩子都会感到心虚,因为孩子身子特别软。
The giant is very excited. He runs downstairs and into the garden. He runs to his little friend and hugs him. 巨人感到非常兴奋。他跑下楼去,进入了花园。他跑过去拥抱那个小朋友。
Yet other research found a link between partner hugs and lower blood pressure in women. 然而,其它的研究在女性中发现了伴侣的拥抱于降低血压之间的关系。
'I actually would have to stop and give her reassuring hugs and have her give 'permission' to let her clothes go, ' he says. “我不得不停下来,给她一个安慰的拥抱,并让她确认能否放弃自己的衣服。”加尔奇诺斯说道。
Medvedev took photos with the children and gave them goodbye hugs when the half an hour meeting concluded. 梅德韦杰夫总统和孩子们一起合影留念,并在半小时的接见结束时拥抱了他们。