
美 [ˈnaɪsli]英 ['naɪsli]
  • adv.细致地;有吸引力;令人满意;令人愉快
  • adj.强健的
  • 网络精细地;很好地;好好地



1.有吸引力;令人满意;令人愉快;很好地in an attractive or acceptable way; well

2.和善地;温和地;友好地;有礼貌地in a kind, friendly or polite way

3.细致地;精确地carefully; exactly


《Friends》词汇表B ... benefit n. 利益, 好处 nicely adv. 精细地 trail n. 踪迹, 痕迹, 形迹 ...


全国专业技术人员职称外语等级考试英语词汇表... ... nice 美好的,令人愉快的 nicely 很好地 night 2.黑暗,黑夜 ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... nice 美好的 nicely 好好地 nick 缺口 ...


Gossip Girl 绯闻女友 第三季 第十七集... ... spread out: 展开;铺开 nicely: 漂亮地 play: 演奏 ...


毛利兰 - 搜搜百科 ... A——angel( 天使) N——nicely令人愉悦的) M——maternité( 母性的) ...


牛津初中英语8a单词表最新! - 豆丁网 ... noisy 喧闹的,嘈杂的 nicely 令人满意地 softly 轻柔地;轻轻地 ...


以n开头的英语英文单词 ... nice 好的,好看的 nicely 恰好地;谨慎地 nick 小伤口,刻痕 ...

I said it nicely but she walked off with an angry face and looked at me at the corner of her eyes. 我说得很好,但她偷走了是一张生气的脸,看着我在一个角落,她的眼睛。
Very few girls nowadays seem to be able to make a bowl of corn flour nicely. 在现在很难有女孩将玉米面做的如此完美。
In fact, NetRexx very nicely combines some of the best features of a production language and a scripting language. 实际上,NetRexx非常好地把生产语言和脚本语言各自的一些最好特性组合在一起。
Water was thought to carry disease into the skin; pores nicely clogged with dirt were a means to block it out. 水被认为会携带疾病侵入皮肤;毛孔让污垢好好的堵住被认为可以将疾病拒之门外。
As you might expect, this is not a good thing, and the Python interpreter won't behave nicely if you try to do it, as shown in Listing 5. 正如您可能认为的,这样并不好,如果进行此操作,Python解释器将无法很好地工作,如清单5所示。
The tag is nicely tucked out of the way but always visible from the corner of your eye, reminding you that this tasty app is free. 标签被优雅的卷起,但还是毫无悬念的出现在你眼角,提醒你这些优秀应用是免费的。
Robotics also seems to be humming along nicely, judging by how few workers are needed by manufacturing plants now. 以工厂生产车间对人力需求量的减少为考量,机器人技术也得到了广泛的应用。
It needs to be easy to install, no technical stuff, pretty much a simple upload to my server will do nicely. 它需要易于安装,没有技术的东西,几乎一个简单的上传到我的服务器会很好。
So, you've got a nicely woven Maven project, and you'd like to test Jester on your unit tests (or at least on a group of tests). 那么,您已经得到了一个精心编织的Maven项目,并且希望在单元测试(或者至少在一组测试中)中测试Jester。
Grabbing a pair of small scissors, cut out the key. Make sure that you cut it out very nicely and precise. Now you have your clone key. 拿一副小剪刀,将钥匙的形状剪下来。一定要剪得非常仔细。现在你就复制好了钥匙。
It has a flat surface formed by two sticks tied into a cross and a tail that helps keep it stable. It flies nicely in light to medium winds. 只要一个平坦的表面将两根杆子交叉,用绳索绑牢交接处,再加上一个维持平稳的尾巴,它就可以利用合宜的风量,稳稳的在天空飞翔了。
Fortysomethings are better off with a nicely cut pair of denim or cotton shorts that say Cool and in Control of My Sense of Self. 差不多四十件丁尼布或全棉布的像样剪裁可以说很酷,也可以说它们在自我感觉的控制之下。
Personally I do not see the need for a plus symbol, so I decided to use the minus only since the LED can provide this nicely. 我个人不认为一个加号的需要,所以我决定只用减去自发光二极管可以提供这样很好。
The first one dropped nicely for me on the edge of the area and I hit it sweeter than I thought. 第一个球是在禁区边缘折射回来,我想都没想抡起来就是一脚。
The tower is all made of wood, as you can see here nicely. 该塔由木头做成,正如你们所看到的。
This well-integrated Bordeaux style wine will improve very nicely with a few years of aging. 这款结合着波尔多风格的葡萄酒略加陈年会更加完美。
Most of the rebels acquitted themselves nicely, and even though the group was slaughtered, Vargas considers it a moral victory. 多数造反者都表现得不错,尽管这队人马全军覆没,巴尔加斯仍认为在道德上打了场胜仗。
We had the breakfast but did not eat any other meals, the breakfast was nicely presented for a buffet but a little over priced. 我们只在酒店吃了早餐,是自助早餐,很好吃但有点贵。
IT HAD been purring along nicely, handling the twists and turns of the world economy, powering past rivals, inspiring envy. 一直以来德国经济运行良好,应对世界经济波动,超越竞争对手,这让人羡慕不已。
But Keller has figured out a very nicely integrated set of extensions, with a lot of power in compact definitions. 但Keller也指出了一组非常紧密集成的扩展,简洁定义中带有许多能力。
These two developments slot nicely into the narrative of declining US power and will no doubt be used to illustrate that very phenomenon. 这两项进展恰到好处地体现了美国国力的下降,并毫无疑问将地被用来说明这一非常现象。
He said the report was 'nicely presented but lacking in depth, especially as it related to real-world risk factors. ' 他说,该报告写的不错,不过缺乏深度,特别是有关实际风险因素方面。
I'm proud to say that I handled it nicely in the moment, but I'm embarrassed to admit how much this characterization annoyed me. 我很自豪当时自己很好地应对了这一情况,但是不好意思,我要承认这个人的描述方式惹恼了我。
But Obama packaged it nicely, wrapped it with a bow and declared, perhaps prematurely, that his "surge" in Afghanistan had been a success. 但奥巴马却把它阐释地很漂亮,以一个鞠躬结束他的演讲,并宣称,可能有点为时尚早,他在阿富汗的军事策略是正确的。
These included dressing up nicely for a partner, keeping tabs of his movements and telling off other women who look at him. 这些手段包括为了伴侣好好打扮,留意他的行踪,和斥责那些对自己伴侣“心怀叵测”的女人。
Meg wanted me to bring some of her blanc mange, she makes it very nicely, and Beth thought her cats would be comforting. 梅格要我送上她做的牛奶冻,她做得好极了。贝思认为她的小猫咪可以安慰你。
The place should be nicely decorated to give the new employees a feeling of being welcome and a sense of being part of a large team. 演讲地应该是装修精良的,让新员工感到被欢迎,有归属大团队的感觉。
If I ask them nicely, I'll BET the kitchen can rustle up a dish of rice pudding for her, too, She smiled at Helen. “她微笑地看着海伦,”如果我真诚地请求他们,我相信厨房一定也能为她赶忙准备一盘米饭布丁。
The Spanish economy may be dangerously close to meltdown but one area at least - prostitution - appears to be doing very nicely. 目前的西班牙经济面临崩溃,但这个国家至少有一样运转良好的行业,那就是娼妓业。
Financial aid information was easy to navigate, and main points were nicely stated in a few simple sentences. 助学金信息简单易查,主要的信息可以再一些简单的介绍中查到。