hung up

  • v.挂断电话;挂机;悬挂;耽搁
  • adj.十分担忧;想得过多
  • 网络心神不宁;挂起来;吊起来

第三人称单数:hangs up 现在分词:hanging up 过去式:hung up

hung uphung up

hung up

1.[nbn](informal)~ (on/about sth/sb)十分担忧;想得过多very worried about sth/sb; thinking about sth/sb too much


500Film实验声场 专注明星歌会 ... (MARIA MARIA 玛利娅 玛利娅) (HUNG UP 心神不宁) (DON’T TELL ME 不要告诉我) ...


Garfield 2003-10 _看加菲猫学英语... ... take a look: 看一看 hung up: 挂断电话 phone line: 电话线 ...


Gossip Girl 绯闻女友 第一季 第十二集... ... bathing suit: 游泳衣 hung up: 挂断,挂起来 illegal: 非法的,不合法的 ...


上帝不带把…… - 同居时代 - 时空网... ... 《黑猪》= hey jude 《吊起来》= hung up 《再来一个婴儿》= baby one more time ...


中文时间 ... 地址 address 挂了 hung up 梯子 ladder ...


hung是什么意思|hung的中文意思|Show秀网... ... Hung Up : 套牢 Hung Up麦当娜 Hung Up : 吊起来 ...


商务培训网 ... HSI International Limited 恒指国际有限公司 Hung Up 被套 Hurdle rate 要求报酬率 ...


2012.05.17 dudu老师 新概念二册 Lesson 54... ... sth cost sb + 金钱 hung up ---- 挂线 handed up ----- 上吊 ...

Upon having this thought, he found a white silk bag, caught as many fireflies as he could, and hung up this bag. 于是,他去找了一只白绢口袋,随即抓了几十只萤火虫放在里面,再扎住袋口,把它吊起来。
He handed the phone to the white coat, who calmly spoke the address into it, as if nothing at all strange were happening, and then hung up. 他把电话递给穿白大衣的人,对着话筒镇静地说出了医院的地址,好像根本没发生什么奇怪的事似的,然后挂了电话。
I told him don't worry. I'll check it out for him still. So I hung up my phone. 我告诉他别担心。我会帮他确认的。所以我挂了电话。
Allison: Come to think of it, someone called yesterday, but as soon as I said "hello? " , the person hung up. 我也想起来,昨天有人打电话了,但是我一说“喂”,电话就断了。
I hung up and went into the courtyard, and then there was a big fire, like a big lamp in the middle of the sky. 我挂了电话。走进庭院后,看见一大片火光,如同天空中央的一个大灯。
At a factory down the road, the response to queries was more brusque. "We've already gone bust, " said a man, and hung up. 在同一条马路上的另一个厂那里,我们得到一个男人更粗暴的回答:“我们已经破产了!”接着电话就给挂断了。
Now that you know how to be all you can be, guys, I'm here to explain that men hung up on penis size are clueless about good sex. 既然你已经知道了怎么做,哥们,我再来解释一下总是关注阴茎大小的男人其实是对性爱的一种无知。
Because every time they called up me, I happened to be so busy that I had to say some simple word and hung up in a rush. 因为他们打电话给我时,恰好每次都碰上我正忙,我不得不简单几句,匆匆忙忙挂了电话。
She hung up my coat in the hall closet, and I sort of brushed my hair back with my hand. 她把我的大衣接在门厅的壁橱里,我随使用手把头发往后一掠。
The sales clerk hung up the phone before I could explain what was the matter. 我来不及解释原因,我来不及解释原因,售货员就挂断了我的电话。我的电话。
The conversation, Roscoe Heyward decided as he hung up the phone, had been eminently satisfactory. 罗斯科·海沃德挂上电话,心想这番交谈真是再理想也没有了。
In jack's room, he found a secret: when first meeting their through the shirt was neatly set in the same clothes hung up. 在杰克的房间里,他发现了一个秘密:初识时他们各自穿过的衬衫被整齐地套在了同一个衣挂上。
However, My eyes were full of happy tears after I hung up - it is the first time I heard such a word he said to me! 然而,挂断电话之后,幸福的眼泪却模糊了我的双眼——第一次听见先生对我说这句话。
And on this particular day I had gotten my clothes all hung up but I kept feeling someone was staring at me or looking at me. 这是一个特殊的日子:我已经晾完所有衣服,可是似乎一直觉得有谁在盯着我或看着我。
Don't get hung up on making your to-do list perfect. Just jot down, in a few words, any tasks which you want to get done. 不必执着于将清单做得多完美。只是快速记下关于任何你想要着手做的事情的几个关键词。
PEDR He never spoke to me again. About a year ago I tried to call him, but he hung up on me. 他跟我断绝来往了.大概一年前我给他打电话,可是被他挂断了。
'We have nothing left to discuss, ' I said as I hung up the phone, disgusted at myself for being so vulnerable. “那就没什么好谈的了。”我说,并挂断了电话,心里非常郁闷,自己怎么老是被人算计。
And the king commanded that it should be so done. And forthwith the edict was hung up in Susan, and the ten sons of Aman were hanged. 王就下令照办。于是在稣撒发出了一道谕旨,要把哈曼的十个儿子悬在刑架上。
I told him he was being abusive before we both hung up for the last time. 在我们最后一次挂掉电话以前,我坦言他是一个虐待狂。
He couldn't speak long, but before they hung up she gave him the phone number where she was staying and promised to call the following day. 他没说很长时间,在挂电话之前她把住的地方的电话号码告诉他,答应明天再打。
Kitty - Mom, you hung up a family picture without me in it! Don't ask me if I think you're insensitive. 妈,你挂了一幅没有我在里面的全家福上去,别问我你是否反应迟钝。
I saw with my own eyes that you stole the books from the Hes' and you were hung up and beaten. 我前天亲眼见你偷了何家的书,吊着打。
But when Les hung up the telephone, he said to himself, "Now, he must think I'm crazy. " 但是,莱斯一挂断电话,就自言自语道:“马上,他就会认为我一定是疯了!”
After I hung up, I started to joke at my husband and asked why he didn't stayed there with the company of such beautiful belle. 挂断电话之后,我便和先生开起玩笑来,问他有这么漂亮的一位靓女陪伴,为什么不继续坐在那里呢?
Said you talked a few minutes, then hung up, looking like you was ready to kill somebody. 她说,你讲了几分钟就挂了,你好像要杀人。
When she hung up, she said, "I'm coming next trip. " And that was that. 当她挂上电话时,她说,“下次我也去。”事就这么定了。
I consoled her for a while , then hung up the phone and went to work at the night market . 我安慰了她一阵子,挂了电话之后,就去夜市上班。
What I wasn't prepared for were the feelings and the memories that came flooding back to me as I hung up that first load of laundry. 但让我意想不到的是,当我在绳子上挂起第一批衣服的时候,一些感触和记忆像潮水般向我涌来。
A few days ago, I received an international long-distance call, but it was hung up without speaking, I don't know if you called. 前几天我接到一个国际长途,不过没有说话就挂断了,不知道是您打的吗?
I'm not sure what exactly he does in bed, but after girls sleep with him, they're ruined. They get totally hung up on him and want more! 我不知道究竟他是否在床上,但是睡眠后,女孩与他,他们正在破坏他们得到完全挂断了,他和想要更多!