i am i

  • 网络我是我;我就是我;我头快

i am ii am i

i am i


例如,2011年自制故事片《我是我》(I Am I)筹集到11.1万美元,成为kickstarter网站开站以来(译者注:Kickstarter,创建时间 …


博文_陈默Leslie_新浪博客 ... 找到你 FIND YOU 我就是我 I AM I 旧作 Past Article ...


太好了...真的很感谢你们!! 我头快(I am I)你好,很巧我也是今年使用Lego nxt(?阶d诺) 更多回应 今日人数:0 累计人数:1096 …


blo88888 on Xanga ... 35.你会重色轻友吗: maybe 45.我是谁i am i 48.睡相很差: how can i know ...


来自源头的广播_2012 - NOT End of World... ... 我是 I 我即我所是 I AM I 我是我 I AM ...

that I'd like to move somewhere else for at least a while, but here I am. I suppose underneath it all Madrid isn't so bad. 我来自马德里,也是我目前居住的地方。我经常会说,我喜欢搬去其他地方住一段时间,但是现在
"What motivated me was my friends and my family, and me thinking that if I keep going the way that I am I am going to die soon, " she said. “我的朋友和家人让我有了减肥的动力。我意识到如果这样下去,恐怕很快我就会死掉。”她说。
However hungry I am, I never seem to be able to finish off this loaf of bread. 就算我再饿,也绝不能吃下的下这一整条面包。
I was trying to escape, with my forces, but Nicolai came to stop us. . . I cannot say how sorry I am. I hoped to make it up to you. 我当时正打算率领军队撤退,但尼科莱来了,他要阻止我们……言语无法表达我的歉意。
Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me. 看,我立在门口敲门,谁若听见我的声音而给我开门,我要进到他那里,同他坐席,他也要同我一起坐席。
I felt many hands pushing me forwards. 'Here I am, ' I said. I was pushed into the middle of a small circle with the body lying at my feet. 我觉得许多手推着我向前。‘我在这,’我说。我受到簇拥来到小圈的中间,尸体就躺在我脚下。
However hungry I am, I never seem to be able to finish off a whole pizza. 无论我多么的饥饿,我似乎从来没有能够完成一整个比萨。
E: This one is enough for you? It's not nice of you, Didi. Who I am I to tell my private nightmares to if I can't tell them to you? 你听够了吗?你太不地道了,迪迪。如果我不把闷在心里的恶梦告诉你,我告诉谁去呢?
A: I cannot control the minds and words of others, but I know what I am. I am not angry and I do not care. 韩:我不能控制别人的思想和言论,但我了解真正的自己。我不生气,也不在乎。
Ok guys, the football has finished and my wife will be wondering where I am. I'd better call it a day and get home. 好了,伙计们,足球赛结束了,我妻子该奇怪我去哪里了。我得到此为止,赶快回家了。
Xiaoyuer : no matter who I am , I can only say that you and I are fighting a decisive battle into Keyueba most memorable . 小鱼儿说:别管我是谁,我只能说,和你一战是我进可乐吧以来最难忘的一场决战。
Be that as it may, I have not been a burden to you. Yet, crafty fellow that I am, I caught you by trickery! 罢了,我自己并没有累著你们,你们却有人说,我是诡诈,用心计牢笼你们。
an ordinary parishioner as i am , i was really flattered to be mentioned in his prayers ! " he said" . 我这么一个普通的信徒,得到主教亲自为我祈祷,真有点受宠若惊呢!
Edelstein: I am. I'm glad in terms of what I get to do as an actor, and I do really think these characters should explore it. 答:我很高兴,根据我做演员的经验,我真的认为这些人物应该在这方面探索一下。
She was smaller than I am, I often play some games with her. 她比我小一些,我经常和她玩一些游戏。
Hateful, how can there be more beautiful than I am, I must take her to remove. 可恶,怎么可以有人比我更美丽,我一定要把她除去。
Harry: Well, yeah. Now that you mention it, I guess I am. I mean, how could a guy not be hungry with all this talk about eating? 嗯,对。现在你们提到了这个,我猜我也是饿了。我的意思是,当一个人参与这么多关于吃东西的讨论后怎能不饿?
Sally: Yeah, I am. I was just trying it out. I think I must be doing something wrong. My muscles are aching already. 哦,我不用了。我刚刚只是试试看怎么样。我想我肯定是哪里出错了。现在我的肌肉好痛。
My cousin is a slim girl with pliable limbs. She is two years younger than I am. I often play with her. 我的表妹是一个身材苗条、四肢柔韧的女孩,比我小两岁,我经常和她起玩。
So, being the kind of guy I am, I decided to do something about it once and for all. 所以,鉴于我是这样的男孩子,我决定立刻去做一些事情以图有点改变,嘿嘿。
Strange. As old as I am, I still feel deferential to you. Perhaps maturity cannot be measured with an hourglass. 真奇特,即使像我这麽老了,我还是觉得该对你恭敬。也许成熟不该用时间来测量。
If you will come down to such a beast as I am, I want to be to you the best a man can be to a woman, Hilma. 如果你肯降低了身份,象我这么一头畜生的话,我就要万分体贴的待你,竭尽一个男人体贴女人之能事,希尔玛。
I can't help but think you're living on a different planet than I am. -I probably am. 我不禁想到你是生活在与我所在星球不同的另外一个星球上。-我可能是。
Jeremy: I'm not really just taking a month off. I am I am sort of in a mental institution. 我其实不是休假一个月。从某种角度说,我正呆在精神治疗机构里。
I am glad I am not a man, for if I am I'd be obliged to marry a woman. 我高兴我不是男人,因为,倘使我是男人,就得跟女人结婚嘛。
You tie my hands what I am I suppose to see? 你要绑我的手,我想我能看到什么?。
I'd say he's much more of a wood nymph than I am. I'm a total snow nymph. 我觉得他比我更像丛林系的。我根本就是白雪仙子。
in the future no matter what happens, and no matter how hard i am , I will accompany you. you are all that i have as long as you exist . 以后的路不管怎样,有多艰难-我陪你。我什么都可以没有只要你在你是一切。
Now I'm sitting here, it's past 6 pm, and I realized just how tired I am! I'm also exhilarated by the last couple of days. 现在我正坐在这里,已经晚上6点钟多了。我现在才意识到我有多累!
I don't know who you think I am. I've already told you. I am not. 我不清楚你认为我是谁我已经告诉你了