in front of

  • na.在…的前面
  • 网络在……前面;在……的前面;在…面前

in front ofin front of

in front of


初中英语短语大全 ... 71.take a trip 旅游 front of 在前面 boat 乘船 ...


介词有哪些?越多越好~~_爱问知识人 ... by: 在....前(时间)截止(到)... in front of: 在...的前面 by: 通过...方法,手段 ...


英语四级高频词组_百度文库 ... at intervals 不时,每隔一段时间(或距离) in front of 在…面前,在…前面 last 终于 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... make friends with 与…交朋友 in front of 在…前面,面对 be full of 充满 ...


英语之写作短语 ... in exchange for 交换;调换 in front of 在…的正对面;在…前边;对面;当…的面 in honor of 向…表示尊敬; …

You can swear in front of money, no matter how rich the other in the future, how healthy, how much I love you, not with him in it? 离婚典礼上证婚人秦奋问芒果的话:你能对着钱发誓,无论对方将来多么富有,多么健康,多么爱你,都不在和他在一起吗?
Inspired by a trip to the jungles of Guyana, this work features Rockman playing it straight, painting only what was in front of him. 这幅作品的灵感来自于一次圭亚那丛林之行,洛克曼采用了一种白描式的绘画手法,有什么就画什么。
We halted, and I decided to go gather some raspberries that grew in the garden in front of the house. 我们在这里暂时扎营,我打算从前边房子的花园里弄点种在里边的树莓吃。
I stopped in front of the jewelry just to have a look. I had not the least intention of buying anything. 我停在天饰前只想看一眼而已,根本没想买任何东西。
Or lift your leg to the side and scissor it in front of you to warm up the hip joint. 或者是向两侧打开双腿然后再在前方交叉,热身髋关节。
Tonight, I sat down in front of the computer, my thoughts are flying. 今夜,我坐在电脑前,放飞着我的思绪。
Then he looked into the house in front of him, and he heard something. There were some human noises inside. 然后他端详面前这栋房子,听到了一些声响,里面有人吵闹的声音。
It was so dark that his wisdom eye opened and he said, Oh! There was a big cloud in front of him, daring to cover him completely! 他打开智慧眼一看,有一大片乌云竟敢挡在前面,把他全部遮住!
When he got to the front door, he lay down in front of it -- his way of asking to be petted. 当它到了前门后就躺在门前——这是它要我跟它亲热一番的方式。
It means that you can work on a remote computer, as if you were sitting in front of it, right from your current location. 这意味著您可以对远程计算机,如果你坐在前面,有权从您目前的位置。
He stood at a table where he poured out a glass of water and a glass of sake in front of two plates, one of white rice and one of sea salt. 他站在桌子上,向两块木板上撒一杯水,接着又撒一杯清酒。两块木板,一块上面铺着大米,另一块铺着海盐。
Drivers did not cut in front of one another trying to outrun each other. 司机们不会插到别人前面去显示比其他人跑得快。
I got up from the floor and glided to the coffee table in front of him, waving my arms up and down and making a funny face at him. 我从地板上起来滑到他面前的咖啡桌上,上下挥动着我的手又对着他扮鬼脸。
When you had Ronaldo in front of you sometimes it was tempting to just give him the ball because you knew he could make something happen. 如果你有CR,在前面,那么你只需要把球给他就好,因为你知道他会搞定一切。
On the out of the airport, Ding Li has magically transmute something into a "real" cake in front of her. 出了机场,富贵又神奇地“变出”一个真的蛋糕捧到她眼前。
Once his family put a plate of chicken in front of him, he said nothing, but just finished the whole plate of chicken and stood up to leave. 有一次,家里人把一盘鸡肉放在他近前,他也不吭声,一个人把整整一盘肉都消灭干净,而后起身就走。
A child poses for her mother in front of the China Pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo site April 25, 2010. 为她带来一个孩子在中国馆前举行的上海世博会2010年4月25日的母亲。
but suddenly , just as he was advancing upon labordette , he grew ashy white and fell down in a heap in front of the sideboard. 然而,就在他向拉博德特走过去时,他的脸变得灰白,一下栽倒在碗橱前面。
His arms in front of him as if he were praying to God. 他向前伸出双臂,好像在向上帝祷告求助。
Scene: Central Perk. Phoebe's trying to teach Joey French, so she's sitting in front of him with the script in her hands. 场景:中央公园,菲比正努力教乔伊法语,她手里拿着剧本坐在乔伊面前。
As she stood in front of her 5th grade class on the very first day of school, Mrs. Thompson told the children an untruth. 当她第一次在学校上课时,汤普森夫人站在她所教的五年级学生们的面前,对着他们讲了一个谎言。
That weekend everyone except Jason is gathered chilling in the lounge. Kurt is at a desk in the corner with an open laptop in front of him. 那个周末,除了Jason之外,大家聚在客厅里聊天。Kurt坐在房间一角的桌子前,桌上放着一台开着的笔记本电脑。
Aides say that the president decided to get out in front of any public anger. 据其助手说,在支持民众宣泄怒火的场合,卡尔扎伊总统会冲在最前面。
As long as you're fast enough to stay in front of your man, then you can body up on him as long as you want and it'll be an offensive foul. 只要你能够迅速地跑到你所防守的球员的前面,你就可以对他进行贴身防守,而这通常能够造成对方的进攻犯规。
I thought of jumping out in front of it, but I hesitated, inhibited, unsure that I was really being pursued, and then it was too late. 我想过跳到车前把它截住,但我犹豫了。我抑制住自己的冲动,是因为不敢确定自己是不是真的被跟踪了。然后,已经太迟了。
The cardinal shelf is composed of a backplate for dorsal palm and a bracket for wrist with a U-shaped rack fixed in front of it. 由掌背护板和腕托架构成主架,主架的前侧固定安装一U形前支架;
He cut a large piece of roast beef from the slab in front of him and thrust it into his mouth. 他从面前的那块烤牛肉上切下一大片塞进嘴里。
Vanessa and I touched each other all the time, even in front of her mother or mine. 瓦尼莎和我总是彼此肌肤相亲,即使是在她母亲或者我母亲的面前。
Have had a sincere love to put in front of me, I do not treasure well, have lost just know regretful. 曾经有一段真挚的爱情放在我面前,我没有好好珍惜,失去了才知道后悔莫及。
In front of her was the spectre of the Thenardier; behind her all the phantoms of the night and of the forest. 在她前面有德纳第大娘的魔影,在她后面有黑夜里在林中出没的鬼怪。