i can

  • 网络我可以;我能;我能够

i cani can

i can


脉轮(转载) ... ☉ 口 诀:我觉得( I feel) ☉ 口 诀:我可以I can) ☉ 身体位置:尾骨( coccyx) ...


...,不容置疑的是,在前基督教 思想的框架中,自由在于我能I can);自由是身体的一种客观状态,而不是意识或精神 的一 …


我能够I can)不迷失方向的前进 渐渐接近愿望我看到光明(I see the light) 清醒,站起来(wake up stand up) 在一次向著 …


少儿英语600句(4VCD)-DVD-亚马逊 ... 09 Here 这里 10 I Can,You Can 我会,你会 11 This Is For You 这是给你的 ...


...球孩童创意行动挑战活动,希望让全台国中小学生说出「我做得到I CAN)」这句话,过去因公益计画获得主办单位青睐的 …


爱看(I can)狂游狂,疯狂,游,网游,机游,游戏。


刀郎伴,我行 ( I can )by kinstonjin 919 views 3:14 HDMV 刀郎 情人 国语by siwayvideo 3,301 views 5:14 New!

But I can't leave my son by himself. I've to take care of him at home. 我想去,但是我不能把我的儿子单独留下,我得在家照看他。
I know, I know. and I apologize. From what I can see, You always seem to be Toeing the line of mediocrity, Nathaniel. 我知道错了,我道歉。从你的资料里我觉得,你一向都是很平庸的,内特尼尔。
I'm afraid I can't go dancing with you guys tonight. I've got to go home and feed my pet turtle. 我今晚恐怕不能跟你们去跳舞了。我得回家喂我的宠物龟。
It's amazing how much calmer I feel when I can't see that glow emanating from my desk. 只要看不到书桌上电脑屏幕的亮光,我就会觉得出奇的平静。
Ryan: You know, Yu Gong, if you put down characters, I can know something about what the name means. 愚公,如果你加入中文,我就可以了解一点他的名字的含义。他的名字是什么意思?
You know, I can see why the two of you were such good friends. 你知道吗,我知道为什么你们两个是好朋友了。
I'm glad to hear that, I hope you can change yourself from now on, the only thing I can say is stick to yourself. 听到这我可真高兴啊。我希望你们都能从现在开始改变,而且我也会督促你们的。
"I've been with him for so long, I can basically look at him and tell what he wants and needs, " Lonnie says. “我跟他一起久了,基本上一看就知道他想什么、要什么。”朗尼说。
I can't actually sit with my foreign minister or my prime minister again with a smile on my face and do what I used to do gladly for them. 我不能再同我的外交部长或者我的首相坐在一起谈笑风生,像我原先所做的一样让他们高兴。
If you think I can fill the position after you have read my letter, I shall be glad to talk with you. 读完此信后倘您认为敝人可补缺,敝人愿和您一谈。
"I love being alone. Feels safe coz I can only trust myself . . . ya, sad, " she wrote on Twitter on Wednesday. "But I'm cool with it. " “我喜欢独处。感到安全,因为我只能相信自己…,悲伤,”她写道。“但是我很冷静”
I said, 'Yes, but send me an Outlook invitation so it gets on my calendar and I can plan my day accordingly. ' 我回答说,“好啊,但记得给我发个Outlook邀请,这样它就上了我的日程表,我就可以相应地做安排了。”
Please give me a chance. Let me speak for you. I can be your voice. 给我一个机会,让我替你说话,让我成为你的声音!
How much money do you think I can lend to you? 你认为我能借给你多少钱?
I can keep asking, "Why? " to every point a founder makes, and get a sense of their thought processes, reasoning abilities, and a lot more. 每当创业者做决定时,我都会不停地问”为什么“,进而了解他们的思维过程,推理能力,还有很多其他方面。
Well, I'm sure that I can help, but I'm going to need you to help me help him. 哦,我一定可以帮助他,但需要你帮我来帮助他。
Yes, i think we could bring the date forward by a week or so. But i'd have to check with headquarters before i can give you a firm promise. 是的。我想我们可以将日期推迟两个星期左右。但我要向总部请示后才能给你一个正式答复。
'T put me on the spot like this. You know I can't give you confidential information. 别这样让我为难,你知道我不能给你机密资料的。
It is dark in New York. I can't see the clouds in the dark but I know they are up there looking at me. 纽约很黑,在黑暗中我看不到云,但我知道它们就在上面看着我。
I can pray for you and your future, but I cannot make you walk with God. 我可以为你和你的未来祈祷,却不能令你与上帝同行。
Perhaps I can best illustrate by imagining what I should most like to see if I were given the use of my eyes, say, for just three days. 也许,如果我恩赐能使用我的眼睛,哪怕只是三天,我能通过想像最完美地说明我最想看见的东西。
Let me try and fix it for you, even if I can't do it, but I think the unhappy things unsaid perhaps your mood will be better! 让我试着为你解决,就算我不能做到,但是我想把不开心的事情说出来或许你的心情会更好!
Not at all want to get him not to let go, Maybe I to he only been friends, so face he said those words, I can only very calm reply! 不想到让他不放手,或许我给他仅仅是朋友,面对他说这番话时,我只能很平静的回复!
"I can only assume that when they go back they carry with them the research links of the institution that they have studied at, " she said. 她说,“我唯一能想到的就是,当他们回到祖国时,他们所带来的研究项目仍与他们的求学机构有关联。”
I can dance for you to see. Shawty What you think about That? 我会跳舞给你看,小妹你觉得怎样?
I can't do that. You heard what he said about his wiring. I betrayed him. He'll never forgive me. 我不能,你也听他说了他是什么样的人。我背叛了他,他永远不会原谅我的。
I have no idea if that's true, but regardless of how one might have felt about her politics, I can certainly relate to that statement. 我不知道这是不是真的。但无论人们对她的政治有何感受,我对这一说法深有同感。
Now I can refer to my central 'basket' of ideas and tick them off as I complete them - and then kick back in the sun! 现在我可以依靠我的想法集中篮,然后在做完的项目旁边打钩-然后彻底的忘记它们!
I can figure out how much gold is underground. 我可以算出地下有多少金子。
In the modern breath and classical tradition with both the dream of bead, and I believe I can be a life of new heavens and a new earth. 在这座现代气息和古典传统两者皆具的梦幻之珠,我相信自己会开辟出人生的新天新地。