i see you

  • 网络我看见你;我懂你;我都能看见你

i see youi see you

i see you


音乐感悟人生_走过麦田来_新浪博客 ... A New Day Has Come 真爱来临 I See You 我看见你 Bleeding Love 丽安娜.刘易斯 ...


例如I miss you 就是I什么you_百度知道 ... I care you 我关心你 I see you 我懂你 I choose you 我选择你 ...


午夜的博客 - 午夜 - 网易博客 ... 每一个寂静夜晚的梦里 Every night in my dreams 我都能看见你,触摸你 I see you,I feel you, ...


在I与YOU之间填什么词最让你感动?I see you!... ... I want you! 我要你! I see you我看到你! I and you! 我与你! ...


see you next time 是什么意思?_百度知道 ... see you next time 下次再见,下次见 I SEE YOU 我看见你了 see you 是再见的意 …


《泰坦尼克号》电影 歌词+翻... ... Every night in my dreams 在每个夜晚的梦里 I see you,I feel you 我可以看到你,感觉 …


克林贡语词典(第四章 动词) ... 举几个例子: <I see you 我看见了你> ...


同问你在我眼中(I SEE YOU)<印度>这部电影主题曲叫什么`? 2011-12-19 10:44 2009-11-09 印度电影《你在我眼中》的视频网 …

Ok, I see you have come to see me not so much to complaIn and get thIng straIghten out In a reasonable fashIon. 我明白了,你来找我并不是真心提意见并且理智地解决问题。
Xiaoli Dear: I think you at all times, since the first time I see you have been in love with you, Do not you know? 亲爱的小丽:我每时每刻都在想你,自从第一次见到你我就已经喜欢上你了,你难道不知道?
If I knew it would be the last time that I see you walk out the door, I would give you a hug and kiss and call you back for one more. 如果我知道这是我最后一次,我会抽出一两分钟的时间停下来,对你说我爱你。你知道的我一定会说,而不是再那儿装模作样。
To tell you the truth, I feel so shy each time when I see you and I just act as never mind. 其实每次看到你自己都会害羞,只是在你面前顾作不在意。
Mr. Lin smiled back at her. "I see you brought your umbrella and a warm sweater, " he said. 林先生对他回笑了。“我看到你带了雨伞和一件暖和的毛线衣,”他说。
I see you as very responsible, competent and mature enough to assist me to direct my life to a positive direction in life. 我看见您如非常负责任,能干和足够成熟协助我指挥我的生活到正向在生活中。
"Never mind it, for I see you once more, " said the old man; "and now it's all over--everything is all right again. " “这没什么,孩子。”老人说,“我一看到你,就什么都忘了,现在一切都好了。”
"Every morning I see you sitting here with a smile on your face. " he said. "You seem to content. What is your secret? " “每天早晨我都看见您面带微笑的坐在这里,您看起来好像很满足,您保持快乐的秘密是什么呢?”他问。
come , barrois , " said the young girl , " take some of this lemonade ; i see you are coveting a good draught of it . “来,巴罗斯,”那位年轻女郎说,“喝点儿柠檬水吧,我看你很想痛饮一番呢。”
Now, I see you've been hanging out with that other girl in town, looking like a pair of clowns. 现在,我看见你竟然去城里散步了,但却是和另外一个女孩一起,就像一对可笑的小丑。
Lucidique put her hand up to kreiger's face. "Now the moment's here, I see you don't want it, " she said. "You're afraid. " 露辛迪克抬起手放在克里奇的脸上。“此时此刻,我发现你并不想要它,”她说,“你害怕了。”
Liu Yuan : Yes , I can see you . In the darkness of the night, I see you looking at me. You look as transparent as ice in a crystal glass . 刘元:不,我看得见。黑夜给了我黑色的眼睛。我看见你望着我。你象玻璃杯里冰块一样透明。
"Ah, my dearest Axel, " she said, "I see you're feeling better, you look more calm than you were yesterday. " “啊,亲爱的阿克塞尔,”她说,“我看你感觉好些了,你看上去比昨天平静了。”
The dense mist slow dissipates as the sun rises . I see you are gazing at me , smiling softly at dawn . 太阳慢慢升起,浓雾渐渐散去。我看见你深情地凝视着我,晨曦中梨涡浅笑。
Stop annoying my sister. If I see you near her again, I'll knock the living daylights out of you. 别打搅我妹妹。要是我再看到你靠近她,我就要狠狠地揍你一顿了。
I am ashamed of my emptiness, said the Word to the Work. I know how poor I am when I see you, said the Work to the Word. 文字对工作说道:“我惭愧我的空虚。”工作对文字说道:“当我看见你的时,我便知道我是怎样地贫乏了。”
I know you're a good tennis player. Hot shot, you don't have to remind me that you won the championship every time I see you. 我知道你网球不错,可你也不必要每一次见到,都提醒我你得过冠军吧。
I know you're a good tennis player, hotshot. You don't have to remind me that you won the championship every time I see you. 我知道你是个好网球手。但你可别太傲,每次见到我时没必要总提醒我你曾获过冠军杯吧!
I see you don't have any carry-on luggage. Probably you could pick some brochures out of your luggage and take them with you. 我看你也没有手提行李,也许你可以拿出一些小册子来拎在手里。
Not clearly indicated in the group of an individual : any ; general. as a : three people look at me, i see you, no one spoke. 不明确指明的集团中的某一个体:任何一个;一般的一个。如:三个人你看看我,我看看你,谁也没说话。
Before I decide I see you standing by the door. Just 5 feet away, with a great smile on your face. 就在我下定决心来看你的那一刻,你站在门口,离我仅五步之遥,我看见你笑容非常的灿烂迷人。
In other words, he said, "I see you gaining weight, so it's OK for me to gain weight. " 换句话说,他说:“我看你变胖了,所以我变胖没问题。”
when i see you, the world stops as if the only purpose in life was for me to please you. 当我见到你,世界就停了下来,仿佛我活着的唯一目的就是愉悦你
'Where can I see you, which restaurant? I itch to be with you immediately. ' He sounds extremely anxious. ‘你在哪儿,哪一家餐馆?我要马上见到你。’他已经急不可待了。
I see you are in Pakistan. I've spent some time there, only a couple of weeks, but it was a very interesting place. 我看到你来自巴基斯坦,我在那儿待过,虽然只有几周时间,不过确实非常有意思。
Sincere, I see you aimin at my pedastal, I better let you know. 说实话,我知道你们都盯着我,我最好让你知道。
Oh I see, you're trying to be nice to me, right? 哦,我知道了,你先会对我好,是吗?
but generally I see you as an important part of the team and I' m sure Kate goes along with that. 不过总起来我认为你是整个团队重要的一部分,我确信凯特也同意这一点。
"So I see you have your bikini on, " he glanced over his shoulder scanning me with his eyes. “所以我看你有你的比基尼,”他扫视了他的肩膀,他的眼睛扫描我。
"I see you're very busy, " he said. "You want me to come back when it's less crowded? " “我看你很忙,”亚伯拉罕说。“要不然等会人不多的时候我再来?”