i still

  • 网络我仍然;我依然;我还是

i stilli still

i still


后街男孩 全部 已发行歌曲 曲名翻译_百度知道 ... Weird World 奇怪的世界 I Still我仍然…… Poster Girl 写真女郎 ...


terry推荐——后街男骇_terry83吧_百度贴吧 ... Get Down( 沮丧) I Still( 我依然) Never Gone( 永不离去) ...


英语娱乐 / 英文歌曲_英文阅读网 ... I still believe 我依然相信 I still 我还是 I started a joke 我开了个玩笑 ...


后街男孩的... ... though everything's been said and done 即使逝去的已无法重来 i still 我依旧 who are you now 你现过的好吗 ...


谁知道的主题... ... On her own in her own universe 独自一人去到另一个属于她自己的宇宙中 I still,walk on 而我,依然向前走着 ...

moment for me. But it was all too late. Despite that, I still go ahead and add the button inside the app with an update. 虽然已经错过了最好的时机,但是我还是在下次更新的时候加上了这个按钮。
Remember once, I know a school Chinese teachers do not move, but I still run up and vice principal chat for a few minutes. 记得有一次,我明知道一个学校不招中文教师,但我还是跑上去和副校长唠嗑了几分钟。
Then I was enamoured of progressive social ideals, the sense of wanting transformation; and no doubt I still am. 那时我迷恋进步的社会理想,渴望变革。当然,现在我依然如此。
I still stick to my ideals, with the ideal in the dark just like the way the candlelight, meaningful life. 我依然坚守着我的理想,有了理想就像在黑暗中指明道路的烛光,生活的有意义。
I stared at my nails as I held the tea. Would I still have them at the end of the day? 我端着茶一边盯着自己的指甲,今天过后我的指甲还会在吗?
Attentively as I listened, I still couldn't understand what he said at the meeting. 尽管我专心听了,我还是不懂他在会议上说的话。
After a year or so, however, I still hadn't gotten a break and began to doubt myself. 然而,大约一年后,我的写作生涯依然没有任何起色,我开始怀疑自己。
"I still have tons more, " she said. "There's something magic about him. " 她说,“我还有成堆的藏品,他身上有神奇之处。”
I work so hard . What I am doing is because of you and our future . Although you do not know, I still miss you in this way . 我努力工作,所有我做的都是为了你和我们的未来,尽管你不知道,但是我还是很想念你。
I still make it a rule on Friday afternoon of took a look your position. 周五下午我还习惯的看了看你的位置。
But I still curious tried, look for a long time but didn't find, as I intend to leave my friends when suddenly call way: feed, I found it! 但是我还是好奇的试了试,找了很长时间都没找到,就在我打算离开时我的朋友突然叫道:喂,我找到了!
Of course, I can't just sit on my hands and I still have plenty to do if I'm going to earn the image you see in your mirror. 当然,我不能坐吃山空。如果我要赢得在你心里的形象,就还得加倍努力。
I still was impressed with the scene we met in a porch of a school building to have lunch with her parents. 我仍然记得校舍走廊第一次遇见她那一幕,当时她和她的父母正准备一起去吃饭。
It has grown into a metropolis, but I still cannot quite get used to the climate here. 它已经成为一个大都市,但是我还是不能适应这里的气候。
Some memories just passing scenery, and some met only the beauty of the accident, but I still thank God, has not always door-to-door life. 有些回忆只是路过的风景,有些遇见只是意外的美丽,但我依然感谢上帝,已经人生不能总是直达目的地。
We've done so much while we were here, but I still don't feel ready to leave. 虽然我们在这里玩了不少东西,可我还是不想走。
Fortunately, given the facts, I had the fine reduced to almost nothing, but I still incurred a sufficient amount of unnecessary legal fees. 幸运的,我已经将罚款减到了最小,但是我还必须付出足够的诉讼费用。
My husband and I still seem to have arguments all the time. 我和我先生好像还是一直在吵架。
I have always been a bit of a political junkie, and I still track the ups and downs of Washington through online news resources. 我一直是个比较热衷政治活动的人,虽然我人在中国,可仍会通过网上新闻资源关注华盛顿的一举一动。
Although the scene did not go, but I still feel excited and proud of it a! 虽然没有去现场,但是我仍能感受到那一份激动与自豪!
Easter is round the corner and I still haven't bought chocolate eggs for the children. 复活节马上就到了,可是我还没有给孩子们买巧克力蛋。
well, i still call it a planet, like i said before, maybe small , but it's got an atmosphere and a moon, it orbits the Sun. 嗯,我仍叫它行星,就像我之前说的,虽然它很小,但是它有大气,绕太阳转,还有卫星。
Though Im feeling very bad, Im not going to let people know how bad I feel. Therefore, in appearance, I still look very happy like a king. 虽然我现在心里非常悲伤,但我并不想让人们知道我的感受。因此,在表面上,我依然看起来像个国王般非常快乐。
"I still think we have not see the end of the volatility and perhaps even downward pressures, " he said. "So, you know, buckle up! " 他说:“我仍然认为,我们还没有看到市场动荡的结束,也许我们甚至会看到经济衰退的压力,所以应该做好准备!”
But I still do not dare with mine both eyes to come to see you, touches you with mine hand, does not dare with mine mind to love you. 而我依然不敢用我的双眼来看你,用我的手触摸你,更不敢用我的心灵来爱你。
I've probably made every single mistake on this list, and I still make some of them, but I keep moving forward and getting results. 我也是不是地会犯这张单子上列出来的错误,有些错误到现在仍然没有改正过来,但是我始终坚持努力并取得不错的效果。
We were not the only ones, you know, I still meet some who came here as Robin and I did. 你知道,不仅仅是我们,现在我仍能看见些男男女女像当年的我和罗宾那样到这儿来。
My Writing case a year ago my mother bought me, although it has the "old" , but I still treasure it. 我的文具盒是一年前妈妈给我买的,虽然它已经“老”了,但我还是十分珍惜它。
And what have I learned from all this pain? I thought I'd never feel the same about anyone or anything again. But I still say. . . 我从这些悲痛中学到了什麽呢?我想我再也不会对任何人或物有这样的感觉。但我还是要说……
However, I still have so long for the day, and to his favorite girl in a place that only the two of us - dating. 但是,我还是向往自己有那么一天,能和自己喜欢的女孩子,在某个地方,只有我们两个人的地方——约会。