in other words

  • na.换句话说
  • 网络换言之;也就是说;也就是

in other wordsin other words

in other words


大学英语四级常用词组 ... in order 按顺序,按次序 in other words 换句话说 in part 部分地 ...


英语—医学 ... in order[ 有条理] · in other words[ 换言之] · in place[ 在场] · ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... in a word 总而言之 in other words 换句话说,也就是说 at work 在工作,忙于 ...


identification中文 ... ID identification ;identity 身份证明 ie that is;in other words 换句话说,也就是 ... user 使用者 ...


高中三年英语重要短语 很贴近课本 ... 618. connect with 与…联系 619. in other words 换句话来说 620. free of charge 免费 ...


其他短语与搭配_百度知道 ... 25 stand for 代表/忍受/赞成… 26 in other words 换句话讲 27 die away 声音光线等渐弱 ...

In other words, the home is not just a place to sleep and eat, but a "womb with a view" that produces a deeply restorative experience. 换句话说,家不只是一个用来吃饭睡觉的地方,还是“某种意义上的子宫”,能带来深刻的复原体验。
In other words: Why does the IMF spend so much time talking about China's currency, which had nothing to do with the financial crisis? 解读:IMF为什么要花这么多时间讨论与金融危机毫无关联的中国汇率问题?
In other words, a baby would learn if he got food or drink or some sort of physical comfort , not otherwise. 换言之,如果婴儿得到食品饮料或某种身体上的舒服,而不是别的,就会使他进入学习状态。
In other words, this isn't going to be Kidman trying to look very masculine. 也就是说,基德曼不需要练成充满阳刚之气的样子。
All this, in other words, comes close to the most important foreign-affairs issue facing Mr Obama: how to get out of Afghanistan. 换而言之,上述种种差不多就是奥巴马面临的最为紧迫的外交事务:如何在阿富汗置身事外。
In other words, you cannot roll forward to a specific point in time or to the end of logs from the last full database backup. 换句话说,无法前滚到上次全数据库备份以来的任意时间点或日志的末尾。
They are trying to make " Protectionism " a bad word. . . in other words Governments won't do anything to protect your jobs or your economy. 他们正在尝试把“贸易保护主义”变成一个贬义词……这就是说政府不会做任何事对你的工作或经济进行保护。
In other words he is willing to cancel all your debts and then come and live with you, and guide you, and change you, and empower you. 换言之,他愿意取消所有债务,然后就和你住在一起,引导你,改变你,赋予你。
In other words , it is playing, and those who do not play with it, have simply missed the point . 换句话说,这就是一场游戏,那些不参与游戏的人,就难以体会到游戏的乐趣所在。
Or in other words: Looking at it as a whole, the IT in most large companies is a total mess. 或者用别的话说:尽管许多大企业的IT表明上看上去像是一个整体,但实际上内部是一塌糊涂。
In other words, it tells an individual consumer how much he or she has to pay for an imported good. 换言之,实际有效汇率告诉消费者买一件进口商品要付多少钱。
In other words, while using classes with integer constants like this might be a passable solution, it's not a very efficient one. 换句话说,在使用这类带有整型常量的类时,该解决方案也许可行,但并不是非常有效。
In other words, they need to think about how easy it is to hire someone just like you, and how much you'll expect to be paid. 换句话说,他们需要考虑如何轻松雇用像你一样的人,还有你期望多少工资。
In other words, you need to build an easy-to-understand view of the context-to-content mapping into your everyday tooling. 换句话说,您需要构建一个简单易懂的从上下文到内容的映射视图到您的每日工具中。
In other words, it's sort of like a digital magazine that highlights certain apps for users. 换言之,它有点儿像一本数字杂志,能为用户选择并突出呈现某些应用。
In other words, his disposition was very similar to that of a pig-intensely selfish. 换句话说,他的性格就和猪的一样——极端自私。
In other words, it's not just a question of whatever I think is in a text is in a text. 换句话说,这不只是一个我认为作品里,有什么就有什么的问题。
In other words, there are 100 topics in this book. It is not exaggerative for you to regard the book as an encyclopedia on conversations. 换言之,这本书共有100个主题,所以如果说这本书是会话的百科全书一点也不夸张。
In other words, stop evaluating your performance and making it a conscious mental exercise. 换句话说,停止评价你的表现并且让它作为一个自觉的心智练习。
In other words, a written demand , or a check , is all that's necessary to make a withdrawal from the account . 换句话说,要想从帐户中提取,只需填写一张用款需求单或一张支票就可以了。
In other words, Paul is addressing ALL deviant sexual and immoral behavior, not just that of a same-sex variety. 换句话说,彼时的保罗在解决所有的性越轨和不道德行为,而不只是各种各样同性恋的问题。
In other words, having only one type of fossil is often not enough to draw definitive conclusions about an ancient species' behavior. 换句话说,要对某种古代物种的行为得出明确的结论,只有一种类型的的化石是远远不够的。
There is, in other words, plenty to reassure them that it has actually been a good start to the season, however chastening this defeat. 换句话说,他们大可放心,这已经是个很好的开季成绩了,当然这场失利值得警醒。
In other words, 'deciding whether something is natural is often a highly complex -- and highly technical -- question, ' said Mr. Carvajal. 也就是说,“决定某样东西是否属于天然原料往往非常复杂,也很有技术含量。”卡瓦杰尔表示。
In other words, when it comes to seeing yourself in the best possible light for a given situation, mind who you think of. 也就是说,在某个场景下,在谈到你对自己的看法时,一定要注意你想到哪个人了。
In other words, how you were treated is all about them, not you. 换句话说,你得到的对待方式是由于他们,而非你的缘故。
In other words, Americans think you are just as likely to get rich by winning the lottery as you are by saving. 换句话说,美国人认为你通过省钱致富的概率和中彩票发家差不多。
In other words, it is trying to emulate the capital discipline of ExxonMobil, the company Mr Buffett probably should have bought. 换言之,它试图仿效埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)的资本自律——而也许后者才是巴菲特应该买入的公司。
Ford looks, in other words, as though it is now trying to emulate the cuts under way at General Motors (GM). 换句话说,福特看起来就像在比照通用的方式一样进行削减。
In other words it's not about how much we earn, it's about how much we earn in comparison to other people. 换句话说,我们并不在乎我们挣了多少钱,而在乎跟其他人相比我们挣了多少钱。