
美 [ɪnˈtɜrn(ə)l]英 [ɪnˈtɜː(r)n(ə)l]
  • n.内脏;本质
  • adj.内部的;里面的;体内的;(机构)内部的
  • 网络国内的;内在的;内同步

internal pressure,internal use,internal security,internal injury,internal investigation


1.[obn]内部的;里面的connected with the inside of sth

2.[obn]体内的connected with the inside of your body

3.[ubn](机构)内部的involving or concerning only the people who are part of a particular organization rather than people from outside it

4.[obn]内政的;国内的connected with a country's own affairs rather than those that involve other countries

5.本身的;自身的coming from within a thing itself rather than from outside it

6.内心的;头脑中的happening or existing in your mind


医学用语_百度文库 ... term n. 学期;期限;术语 internal a. 内服的;内部的 surgery n. 外科学,外科 ...


自考英语二词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... discrepancy n. 差异;不一致 internal a. 内部的,内在的;国内的 periodicity n. 周期性,间发性 ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... intermediate 中间的 internal 内在的 international 国际的 ...


红外半球,红外摄像机,夜视监控探头,索尼CCD ... Sync. System/ 同步系统 Internal/ 内同步 Video Output/ 视频输出 ...

The internal coaching resource is often stretched owing to lack of trained personnel. 由于缺乏合格的培训人员,内部辅导与培训资源通常会使用过度。
Methods Analyze internal relation of every pair of gua among the 12 Xiao-Xi-Gua in The Yijing, in combination with clinical examples. 方法通过对《易经》十二消息卦的每组对应卦的内在联系进行分析,配合以临床实例佐证。
As soon as she joined Koch, the company flew her to Wichita to attend an internal compliance conference, she says. 她说,一加入科赫,公司就派她飞往维奇多总部参加公司的内部合规会议。
"Certainly what's happening at Liverpool is not down to the sport or to results, it's down to other, internal differences, " Wenger said. “肯定在利物浦正在发生的不是因为竞技方面或成绩论,这是其他因素所决定的,内部分歧,”温格说。
However , at least once a year the Audit Committee shall meet with the external and internal auditors without executive Directors present . 然而,审核委员会须最少每年一次在执行董事不在场的情况下与外聘及内部核数师举行会议。
To this respect the decision of China to boost internal demand and allow for more flexibility of the yuan are very welcome, ' he said. 从这个层面看,中国决定扩大内需并允许人民币更具弹性是非常受欢迎的。
Iraq, which had been a British colony from the end of World War I until 1932, was bubbling with internal power struggles. 伊拉克自第一次世界大战结束一直到1932年是英国的殖民地,国内遍布权力斗争。
He said the United Nations Charter establishes the principle of non-interference in each other's internal affairs. 他指出,联合国宪章确定了各国互不干涉内部事务的原则。
Although internal noise was slightly elevated, there was no indication that fewer samples were used to achieve optimal performance. 虽然内部噪音略有升高,也没有迹象表明较少样本用于实现最佳性能。
Component and function names and their associated numbers are listed in several internal header files, which you will not be able to see. 组件和函数名以及它们相关的编号列在一些内部头文件中,这些文件是看不到的。
Management should be prepared to solicit internal feedback in its development as well as outside or professional help, if necessary. 在发展过程中,管理层应时刻准备着征集内部反馈信息,必要时,还可以寻求外援或职业人士的帮助。
So far the only electric smart cars have been prototype versions used for internal testing. 到目前为止,只有智能电动车已原型版本用于内部测试。
Facebook has crafted an internal prospectus and is ready to go public at any time, said the people. 上述人士说,Facebook已经制定了内部招股书,准备好随时上市。
It's as if The New York Times were to stamp its scoops "internal reference reports" and file them to President Obama. 这就像是《纽约时报》给奥巴马总统递上信息,上面盖了章写着“内参报告”一样。
And indeed, our own internal assessment was very clear that Iraq's WMD did not pose a threat to its neighbors, let alone to us. 当然的,我们自己内部的评估很明确地指出伊拉克的大规模杀伤性武器不对其邻国构成威胁,更不用说对我们了。
It is as if I am governed by an internal time-wasting law that says the amount of time wasted in any day is constant. 就好象我受到一条内在的浪费时间定律的控制,即我每天浪费的时间总量是恒定的。
As internal borders fell, people began to feel part of a space much larger than their own countries. 随着内部边界消失,人们开始融入一个比他们自己国家大得多的空间。
Mail contacts are ideal for representing people external to your Exchange organization who do not need access to any internal resources. 邮件联系人是表示Exchange组织外部、不需要访问任何内部资源的人员的理想方式。
Responsible for the internal administrative affairs of the company, manage the office equipment, vehicles and fixed assets. 负责公司内部行政后勤事务,车辆管理、办公设备管理及固定资产维护、盘点等行政事务;
If she had not told me, I would never have had any chance to know that the store had this internal policy. 如果她不告诉我,我决没有机会知道商店有这个内部规定。
Although each range is in a different class, there is no requirement that you use any particular range for your internal network. 虽然每一段都位于不同类地址中,但是在你的内部网络中你用那一段并没有限制。
The first point Gan raised was that Jinan University deprived her right to education by internal regulations without jural supports. 甘某认为,学校仅依据内部的规章制度剥夺她的受教育权,没有法律上的依据。
News of the handout came in an internal memo that first appeared on Valleywag, a blog, and was later confirmed by the company. 上述消息来自于一份公司内部备忘录,它最先出现在博客Valleywag上,随后得到谷歌的证实。
Some of them might be trapped due to the internal politics of the place, but it's definitely a positive. 他们当中部分人也许会因为该公司的内部政治原因而被满没,但却绝对是个积极的因素。
Large thick wall plastic parts of internal temperature easy exorbitant, easy to produce sclerosis inequalities and overheating. 大型厚壁塑件的内部温度易过高,容易发生硬化不均和过热。
He said he could not bear such internal sabotage any longer. 他说,他再也不能忍受这种内部的阴谋活动了。
Throw yourself into life as it happens around you and you'll find that it becomes easier to maintain your internal sense of peace. 把自己置身于周围的环境中,你会发现维持内心的平和变得越来越容易。
This combination of two different principles of internal fixation in a single implant is one of the main advantages of the LCP. 两种不同内固定原理在同一钢板结合是LCP主要优点之一。
This transformation preserves internal structure and appearance of the initial documents as much as it is possible. 这个转变保留的内部结构和外观的初步文件,因为它是可能的。
Chuck Mulloy, an Intel spokesman, said the company as a rule does not comment on internal employee communications. 英特尔发言人穆洛伊(ChuckMulloy)说,按照规定,公司不会对员工内部发言置评。