i will always love

  • 网络我会一直爱著;惠特尼休斯顿

i will always lovei will always love

i will always love


song for a friend @ 到台东开杂货店 ::... ... I will always love 我会一直爱著 I will always love you 我会一直一直爱著你 ...


博文_龙博... ... 我骄傲地宣告 就是她 Taio Cruz - … 惠特尼休斯顿 I Will Always Love … 燃烧的心 Ruslana——Heart on fire … ...

Within hours, clips of her mangling "I Will Always Love You" were all over the Internet, derailing her latest comeback attempt. 几个小时内,那首被搞砸的经典名曲“我将一直爱你”就在网上广为传播,她的最新一次复出尝试就此脱离轨道。
Some things are not as you think, but you just remember I will always love you, even if you are not next to me. 有些事情不是你想的那样,不过你只需记着;我永远爱着你,就算你不在我身旁。
"I will always love him regardless but I know the finished look will certainly please him as well as our family and friends, " she said. 无论如何,我都会爱他,但是我知道他和我们家、我们的朋友一样,肯定都会喜欢整牙完成后的样子。
Than I could ever show, And I love you, I will always love you. 超过了我所表现的,我爱你们,永远爱你们。
But above all this I wish you love. And I, I will always love you. 我祝愿你幸福快乐。我衷心祝愿你找到你的爱。
the time could tell you that i will always love you. i'm here, waiting for you forever. 我只爱你,时间可以证明一切,我等着你。
But darling I need you to understand I will always love you. 但是亲爱的,我想让你知道我一直在爱你。
Baby, i will always love you. You are the only one i love of my life. 宝贝,我永远爱你,这辈子只爱你一个人。
bye! if u go say goodbye but you know this! I will always love you! oh. 再见!如果u去说再见,但你知道这个!我将永远爱你!哦。
So am I . I will cherish other days like today. I shall treasure it always; I will always love you. 我也永远爱你,我会像珍惜今天一样珍惜每一天。
No leave me and I shall treasure it always; I will always love you! 没有离开我,我会永远珍惜它,我会永远爱你!
I will always love my beloved and only child, and with each story I will have wonderful memories of when I told them to him. 我将永远爱着我生命中最亲爱的孩子,永远怀念给他讲故事时的每一份美好记忆。
As I hugged her tight, in the back of my mind I faintly heard my music box playing . . . "I will always love you. " 当我抱紧她的时候,脑海里依稀响起了音乐盒里的那支歌“我将永远地爱着你”。
Sister you are my only sister, I will always love it for you. No matter how you treat me, forever and ever. 姐你是我唯一的姐姐,我会永远爱这你的。不管你是怎么对待我的,永远永远。
I will always love! Can you give me a chance? I really want to for a long time! I will give you more happiness, more love, more care! 我会一直地爱!你能给我一个机会吗?我真的想要一段很长的时间!我会给你更多的幸福,更多的爱,更多的关心!
I will always love you. . . wait, what's your salary? Our love, like the Titanic, will make a splash. . . 我会始终爱你…等一下,你的薪水是多少?我们的爱,就像泰坦尼克号一样,会引发轩然大波…
I will always love you in the bottom of my heart. 我爱你会永远放在心底!
We both know I'm not what you need. And I will always love you. 我们彼此都知道我不是你所需要的我将永远爱你。
purple roses : enhancement , magnification , opulence , majesty and glory , " i will always love you ! " 紫玫瑰:感情增强和加深、富裕、高贵和崇拜,“我会永远爱你!”
Thank you for your blessings, I will always love you! 非常感谢你的祝福,我会永远爱你!
we will always be friends; I shall treasure it always; I will always love you. 我们会永远是朋友;我会永远珍惜;我会永远爱你。
And now you are gone like a dream that fades into dawn but the words stay locked in my heart "I will always love you for long" 如今你失踪无去向就像美梦渐远入朝阳“我会爱你到永远”这诺言却紧锁在我心中央
But Whitney Houston's I Will Always Love You grabbed 20% of the vote, followed by Celine Dion's My Heart Will Go On with 17%. 但是惠坦尼休斯顿的《我会永远爱你》获得20%的票选,而席琳戴恩的《我心永恒》赢得17%的支持。
And I will always love you. I will always love you. You, my darling you. Hmm. 并且我将永远爱你!我将永远爱你。你,我亲爱的宝贝。
Do not be afraid, I will always love you. 不要害怕失去我,因为我会永远和你在一起
"I am very blessed. I love my family and I will always love my family, " she says when asked why she feels her life is enchanted. “我很幸福。我爱我的家庭和我将永远爱我的家庭,”她说当被问及为什么她觉得她的生活是入迷。
No matter what happens to me, and this world, and. . . whatever, whatever. That I will always love you just the way you are. Thank you. 在这个世界上,无论发生什么,无论什么,我将永远爱你现在的样子,谢谢。
Want to be yourHowever, please believe that I will always love you forever life's bride. 希望成为你的另一半。请相信我会永远爱你。
I will always love you for what you are, not for what you look like. 他的妻子说话了,“不管你变成什么模样,我都会永远爱你!”
Tut, you are my little brother and I will always love you as your elder sister. 图特,你是我的弟弟,我永远会像一个姐姐那样爱你的。