
美 [dʒeaɪ'i]
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  • 网络接;介;桀



JIE)(XIE) 落(LUO)(LA)给(GEI)(JI)传(CHUAN)(ZHUAN)多了,要这么多干吗??

搜狗词库导出_2010_10_25_百度文库 ... jiao'ni 教你 ' jie 接 ' jie'hun 结婚 ' ...

旧百家姓之外的姓氏 - 宽容的日志 - 网易博客 ... 接( jie) jie) 靖( jing) ...

桀骜的JIE),我认为这个不错评论| 虚无々刃 |一级采纳率33% 擅长:暂未定制 其他类似问题 相关知识 更多等待您来回答 …

羯子喵: 回复 容乜 :← ←是啊这里jie)子~ 2012-11-4 13:06 回复 一方De通行: 好萌 2012-11-6 19:29 回复 容乜: 嘛。。。。。

Java Instrumentation Engine

Java Instrumentation Engine(JIE) 9CXl%naCi Daikon: Program invariant detector by Michael D. Ernst MIT Mike Harder Ben...

说说天津话_网易地方论坛 ... 收 sou jie 就 zou ...

I deeply love Yu Jie, she for the child, seem to have lost all color, but her beauty is calling to me in my dreams. 就像我深深喜欢的余姐,她为了孩子,似乎失去了所有的颜色,可是她的美丽却在我的梦中萦绕。
I do not know when, accompanied by me, is no longer the moonlight Jie Jiao, only yellow lights going from bad to worse. 不知何时,陪伴我的,不再是姣洁的月色,只是昏黄惨淡的灯光。
Chen Jie, told reporters that this series of measures to reflect the state of AIDS treatment policy: do governance should rule. 陈杰告诉记者,这一系列措施都反映出国家对艾滋病治疗的政策:应治尽治。
Engine pure object-oriented encapsulation, interface Jane Jie, adopt the abnormal mechanism and easy to use. 引擎纯面向对象封装,接口简洁,采用异常机制,使用方便。
Im going to show you a strange place where foreigners are more, may be you know it, its YANG SUO XI JIE. 这次你来,我想带你到一个外国人比中国人还多的神秘地方,猜猜是哪里呢,也许你一定听说过吧,那就是阳朔西街。
Yu Jie with a pair of eyes to watch her children, standing in front of her two children is her happiness at all. 余姐用一双深情的眼神看着儿女,站在她面前的两个孩子就是她幸福的根本。
There was one time where this relative newbie to the scene came up to me and she called me "Yan Zi jie" (big sister). 有一次在这个相对新手现场走到我面前,她叫我“燕资杰”(姐姐)。
One of the prince's faithful followers, Jie Zitui, cut a piece of muscle from his own leg and served it to his master. 这时,忠心耿耿的介子推从自己的腿上割下一块肉献给了重耳,公子重耳得救了。
zhou jie goes to see the movies with her mother very happily. 陈洁很高兴的和她妈妈去看了电影。
I met Zheng Jie after one of his concerts about a week ago. 大约一周前,我在郑杰的音乐会之后见过他。
Best wishes for u, Zhou mama, thanks for supporting our Jie Lun. I'm sure that you're proud of him so much. 祝福您周妈妈,谢谢您一直支持杰伦。我想你一定以他为荣是吗。希望您身体健康,永远快乐。
Dad, when you sent me to Paris to see if I could really earn a living as a painter, I stayed at Zhang Jie's flat for three months. 爸爸,你把我送到巴黎,想看看我能否真正以绘画谋生,那时候我就住在郑杰的那套房间里,住了三个月。
Zhang Jie: people may not be perfect, so there is always a bad place, I have a bad time, choose not to let you know. 张杰:人不可能完美,所以总有不好的地方,我经历不好的时候,选择不让大家知道。
Listen to the story of Lv Jie, he had little sympathy for her, living together for two years, say that, now feeling really so worthless? 听着吕洁的故事,他有点同情她了,同居两年,说分手就分手,如今的感情真的这么不值钱吗?
When you sent me to pairs to see if I could really earn a living as a painter, I stay at Zheng Jie's flat for three months. 当你把我送到巴黎去以绘画为生的时候,我在郑杰的公寓里住了三个月。
Zhang Jie: some time ago, my condition is very poor, poor to feel the world has no meaning, these may fans do not know. 张杰:前段时间,我的状态非常差,差到觉得这个世界没有意思了,这些可能歌迷都不知道。
It is in her 20 years of semi-final 2-0 Zheng Jie advanced out of the finals, the world's top ten shows the power of exhaustive . 兹娃在20日的半决赛里2:0淘汰郑洁晋级决赛,其世界排名前十的威力尽显无遗。
Jie and her boys graduated from university to work, the mother of a post on the nearby farmers market stalls were put up to maintain life. 男孩和她的哥姐大学毕业参加工作后,下了岗的母亲就在附近农贸市场摆了个小摊维持生活。
Afterward, the reporter learned that, He Jie's brokerage firm is actively seized of the matter, believe will soon get to the bottom. 随后记者了解到,何洁的经纪公司正在积极处理此事,相信很快就会水落石出。
She looked at him in this moment, think this is a stranger, "Jie-ren" great. 她看了他一眼,在这一瞬间,觉得这位陌生人实在是“解人”极了。
It was more fun when Bai Jie told it personally . Written words often kill the funny tone of a story! 当百洁本人讲的时候比较好玩,写成文字往往就抹杀了故事的趣味性。
"So far no testing has been used in the school sport test , " said Ping Jie, from the Shanghai Education Commission. “到现在为止在学校体育测试中还没使用药物检测,”来自上海市教委的平杰(音)说。
Guanggun Jie heard that I had never heard of this festival I do this 20 years I do not know myself! ! 听说是光棍节这个节日我从未听过呢我这二十年了这点我都不知道喽!!
He Jie, 23, said a friend and his wife kept calling him from their hair salon in what had been the ground floor of a hotel. 23岁的何洁(音)说,他的朋友夫妇一直都在他们的美发中心喊他,这个美发中心在一个宾馆一楼。
Jie recommend you to run the red eye drops, repeated drops in the surrounding Doudou, a half hour later, Doudou become a small circle. 向你推荐润洁的红色眼药水,反复滴在痘痘周围,半小时后,痘痘会变小一圈。颜色也不会很发红。
Second, the beginning time of the compilation of Liao Jin Yuan San Shi Guoyu Jie is not the 36th year of Qianlong, but the 34'h year. 《钦定辽金元三史国语解》的始修时间并非在乾隆三十六年,而应是在乾隆三十四年。
Mayor Cui Jie is our charitable meeting honorary chairman, he arranges us with other leaderships certainly to come to see US ultra. 崔杰市长是我们慈善会的名誉会长,他和其他领导安排我们一定前来看望美超。
Although had the regret to leave the net, but Zheng Jie harvested yesterday joyfully . 虽然带着遗憾离开了中网,但郑洁昨天还是收获到了快乐。
They should not put the dog Man Jie to run all over the place. 她们不应该把狗放出来满街乱跑
Beachfront options abound, but a taxi driver recommendation is the Binhai Seafood Village at the corner of Sanya Wan Lu and Youyi Jie. 海边的餐厅不胜枚举,但是出租车司机推荐我们去了三亚湾路和友谊街交汇处的滨海渔村海鲜店(BinhaiSeafoodVillage)。