
美 [aɪsi'si]
  • abbr.(=International Chamber of Commerce)国际商会
  • n.【组】国际商会
  • 网络国际商会(International Chamber of Commerce);环球贸易广场(International Commerce Centre);国际刑事法院(International Criminal Court)



国际商会(International Chamber of Commerce)

国际商会ICC)最新审议通过的重要国际规则《国际贸易术语解释通则2010》明年付诸实施,以取代实施多年的《国际贸易 …

环球贸易广场(International Commerce Centre)

环球贸易广场 (ICC)为例,实施超过 100 项环保措施,其中不乏先进科技﹕新鸿基地产执行董事兼首席财务总监陈国威表示﹕ …

国际刑事法院(International Criminal Court)

国际刑事法院(ICC)的首席检察官奥坎波已经同意,利比亚前领导人卡扎菲之子赛义夫·伊斯兰·卡扎菲将会在利比亚而不是在海 …


国际刑事法庭ICC)预备决定是否给予苏丹政府总统Omar al-Bashir因为种族屠杀指控而签发拘捕令时,对抗升级了。苏丹 …

届世界通信大会(International Conference on Communications)

世界通信大会ICCInternational Conference on Communications) 日期:2007-6-15 来源:仪器仪表交易网 相关商机 相关文章

The Representative added that the summary of these presentations had been made available and were also to be found on the ICC website. 该代表还说,有关发言的摘要已经分发,也可在ICC的网站上查阅。
Senator John McCain, a Republican presidential hopeful, has said he wants to see the United States in the ICC. 有望参与下届总统竞选的共和党参议员JohnMcCain坦言他希望美国成为国际刑事法院的一员。
The tentative outcome on the aggression issue was due to a general realization among ICC member states that more time was needed, he said. 他说,围绕侵害问题产生的初步结果反映出国际刑事法院成员国普遍认识到还需要更多的时间。
It also urges that, if the experts are not satisfied, the Security Council should refer the matter to the ICC prosecutor. 代表团还表示,如果专家组不满意,安理会应该将此事提交到国际刑事法庭检察院。
Salman's lawyer Khalid Ranjha, a former law minister, said the ICC did not have the evidence to suspend his client. 萨尔曼的律师哈里德·兰贾,前司法部长,说国际板球协会没有证据对他的当事人禁赛。
Rapp said the United States hopes to continue its work toward improving the effectiveness of the ICC. 拉普说,美国希望为改善国际刑事法院的工作效率而继续努力。
That may be clever diplomacy, but it does nothing for the ICC's credibility to be seen as a pawn in a foreign power's chess game. 这可能是一个相当精明的外交手腕,但这却对国际刑事法庭的公信力毫无裨益,它仅仅被视为外国势力这盘国际象棋上的一个小卒。
As one delegate put it to me, the U. S. was once again seen, with respect to the ICC, as part of the solution, and not the problem. 正如一名代表对我所说,美国在有关国际刑事法院的事情上重新被看做是解决方案而不是问题的一部分。
The cell of conventional ICC is usually small and its nucleus occupies a large part of the cell. 传统的肝癌细胞通常很小的,且细胞核占据细胞的大部分。
The United States is not a party to the ICC but is understood to have provided some support for its Darfur war crimes inquiry. 虽然美国不是国际刑事法院的成员,不过众所周知美国为该法院在达尔富尔战争罪的调查中提供了协助。
A family member of former Congolese militia leader Thomas Lubanga said the family welcomes the news that Lubanga has been ordered released. 前刚果军事领导人ThomasLubanga家族的一名成员对国际刑事法院(ICC)关于释放Lubanga的消息表示欢迎。
Many have expressed dismay at the ICC's decision and yet said nothing about the expulsion of the aid agencies. 许多国家对国际刑事法庭的决定表示了不满,却对这些援助机构被驱逐不置一词。
The guide and web portal will be launched at the ICC - Commercial Crime Services annual seminar in London later today. 指南和网站将于今天晚些时候在商业罪案局(ICC)年度讨论会上公布。
ICC prosecutors say they are trying to arrange his surrender on charges of crimes against humanity. 国际刑事法庭的检察官说,他们正在设法以违反人类罪的指控让赛义夫投降。
The ICC can start an examination on its own, after a request from a member country or after an order from the U. N. Security Council. 若某一成员国提出要求或联合国安理会下令,ICC可自行开始调查。
Formally speaking, all Libyans are under a legal obligation -- imposed by the U. N. Security Council -- to cooperate with the ICC. 严格地说,为了协助ICC的工作,利比亚人民正在接受来自联合国安全委员会制定的法律义务的管辖。
They could at least get a new, more palatable figurehead for international consumption and then shield Mr Bashir from the ICC. 至少,他们可以拥有一个新的、更容易被国际社会接受的傀儡领导,从而保护巴希尔先生免遭国际刑事法庭的的制裁。
China is not a state party of the Rome Statute and has serious reservations about ICC's lawsuit against President Bashir. 中国不是《罗马规约》的缔约国。中方对ICC起诉巴希尔总统的决定有严重保留。
Colonel Gaddafi's son is wanted by the ICC on charges of committing crimes against humanity during the early stages of the Libyan uprising. 卡扎菲上校的儿子已被国际刑事法庭通缉,被指控在比利亚暴动早期犯有反人类罪。
A request by the ICC's chief prosecutor for a further indictment for genocide was rejected in a split decision by the presiding judges. 该法庭首席检察官对苏丹总统进行种族屠杀的进一步指控因审判长的意见相左而被驳回。
He underscored the fact the ICC has no jurisdiction over Sudan. 他强调,国际刑事法院对苏丹没有管辖权。
Koh said the ICC was founded only recently, in 2002, and has not completed any cases yet. 高洪注表示,国际刑事法院是新近在2002年才成立的,尚未完成审理任何案件。
The ICC, which has 108 member states, has not so far recognised Palestine as a sovereign state or as a member. 拥有108个成员国,它至今没有承认巴勒斯坦是一个主权国家或者是其成员国。
The United States was among the countries that voted against the 1998 Rome Statute that established the ICC. 美国对1998年设立国际刑事法院的罗马规约(RomeStatute)投了反对票。
Incidence rates of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC) have increased in the United States. 在美国,肝癌与肝内胆管癌发病率逐渐上升。
After the names were revealed, many Kenyan politicians accused the ICC of an anti-African bias and dismissed it as a colonial institution. 名字被揭露后,许多肯尼亚政治家指责反国际刑事法院和非洲的偏见驳回机构,它作为一个殖民地。
Since the election, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has welcomed ICC prosecutions of persons responsible for atrocities in Darfur. 选举之后,国务卿希拉里·克林顿一直欢迎ICC起诉应为达尔富尔地区的暴虐负责的人。
Following the violence on September 28, the ICC prosecutor indicated that Guinea is under preliminary examination by his office. 在9月28日的暴行之后,国际刑事法院检察官表示几内亚在接受他的办公室的初步审查。
The jurisdiction of ICC consists of a set of jurisdictional principles, conditions and process based on the complementary jurisdiction. 国际刑事法院的管辖权是以补充性管辖原则为基础的一系列管辖原则、管辖条件和程序。
In a brazen move, Kenya's parliament voted in December to pull the East African nation out of the ICC. 在一次无耻的会议中,肯尼亚议会在十二月投票将这个东非国家脱离国际刑事法庭。