if ever

  • conj.如果有过的话
  • 网络如果以往任何时候都;即便有的话也是不多;如果曾经

if everif ever

if ever


尖子生思维训练及应试实战示例... ... A. If any 如果有任何 B. If ever 如果以往任何时候都 C. If once 如果一旦 ...


新概念英语第4册笔记 -... ... and: 表示结果 if ever: 即便有的话也是不多 feeling of economic independence: 经济独立感 ...


高二英语_百度知道 ... if not: 不然的话(要不是,即使不) 8:if ever: 如果有过的话(如果发生过的话) if ever 如果.....的话 ...


if any \if some \if ever\if... ... if some 如果有些 if ever 如果曾经 if never 如果永不 ...


新课标必修1-... ... if necessary 如果必要的话 if ever 如果曾经有的话 ...be doing...when... 正在……这时…… ...


与 if 有关的短语有哪些?_百度知道 ... even if 即使 if ever 假如,要是;如果真有(我当真 as if 犹如,好似 ...


有关英语_百度知道 ... if any 若有的话 if ever 假如 but for 要不是;如果没有 ...


与 if 有关的短语有哪些?_百度知道 ... even if 即使 if ever 假如,要是;如果真有(我当真 as if 犹如,好似 ...

Besides, if ever there was a time when pay in banking and broking is likely to be depressed by the market, it is now. 此外,现在正是银行和经纪业由于市场疲软而薪酬低迷的时候。
Do you think your mother and I shall have live comfortably so long together if ever we have is marry? 你以为你母亲和我如果以前结了婚,就会长期以来愉愉快快地住在一起的吗?
Nor was Martin ungrateful, knowing as he did the lives of the poor, and that if ever in the world there was charity, this was it. 马丁也并非不感谢,他明白穷人的苦,也知道世界上若有慈悲心肠,这就是慈悲心肠。
Older men often date younger women in an attempt to recapture this lost state of youthful adventure, but it rarely, if ever, works. 老牛经常希望通过和嫩草的约会中去尝试找回已经丢失的年轻刺激的感觉,但是这对很少,极少数人,起作用。
It took so long to complete that it was done infrequently, if ever, and only by a small number of representatives on each team. 完成它要耗费太长的时间,以至于不经常进行,并且只由每个团队的少量代表参与。
People do not know where the information they are sending is being stored and when, if ever, it is deleted. 人们不知道他们发送出去的消息被储存在了哪里并且什么时候会删除。
Nikky: aww and if ever you want to come here u may stay with me but am trying to get my own apt. 嗯,如果你想来美国的话,你可以住我这,我现在正要买自己的房子
That was a fine meal if ever there was one! 那确实是一顿丰盛的饭!
It didn't describe the cold war, when a nuclear exchange was a one-off game if ever there was one. 它无法描述冷战,冷战中核武器交火一旦发生将成为一次性博弈。
This extra credit makes asset markets liquid: if ever you need to sell something, there always seems to be a ready buyer. 这种额外信誉(extracredit)就让资产市场产生流动性:你想卖东西的时候,肯定好象就已经有一个买主了。
If ever you come to your country, be advised, you should not venture again into lands that you know not, lest you never should return. 倘若你们回到贵国,请记取我一言:切莫再到异国他乡去涉险猎奇,否则将有去无回。
But if ever there had been a unipolar moment it had now passed. 但即使有过单极时刻,现在也已经过去。
If ever there was a time to do this, IT IS NOW, regardless of your prove to us attitudes. 如果有时间做这个,那就是现在,不管你们对我们态度如何。
I think I shall stop startled if ever we meet after our next birth, walking in the light of a far-away world. 在那来世的遥远世界里,当我们漫步在阳光下,若能不期而遇,我想我会无限惊讶地停下步履。
If ever a work of art had a right to feel over exposed, it is Michelangelo's David, naked in the heart of Florence for nearly 5 centuries. 如果说有哪件艺术品给曝光过度,那就是在佛罗伦萨市中心赤身露体了近五个世纪的米开朗基罗的大卫。
Gambling with Russian roulette if ever I saw it! That paper wants scandal and they haven't signed him up for him to talk about his horses. 那种报纸喜欢“挖”花边消息,他们还没和欧文签约时总是谈论他赌马的事情。
Madoff treated him well, Nasi said, rarely if ever yelling at him, often coming to his desk to ask if everything was okay. 纳希说,马多夫对他很好,很少对他喊叫。还经常到他的办公桌旁,问他是否一切正常。
It was easy to see by the newspapers, that if ever they had known what it was to bear a good name, that time had gone by. 从报上容易看出:如果说这两位先生也曾知道爱护名声的好处,那是以往的事。
In any case, you will have to sit upon it all the time, for if ever you should get up for a minute you will see immediately what happens ! 无论如何,你将必须始终坐在它上面,因为设若你起身一分钟,你将立即看到什么会发生!
Notice that off the court, Bryant rarely, if ever, displays the type of cockiness and arrogance he is accused of by his critics. 我们可以注意到,在场下科比很少会出现被那些人所指的傲慢与自大。
But if ever there were a year to put buzzwords before a death panel, this would be it, before the apocalypse comes. 但是如果说有哪一年将流行词提交死亡小组讨论,那就是这一年了,趁着甲流末日还没有到来。
He scanned the screen curiously, wondering if ever before it had concealed the secret of a man's life. 他好奇地打量着屏风,心里捉摸它以前是否也隐藏过他人的生活秘密。
But, as the economics professor Gary Libecap has shown in a historical analysis, such agreements are often reached only belatedly, if ever. 然而,就像经济学教授盖里利比凯在历史分析里指出的那样,这种协议的达成如果有也往往是迟来的结局。
In this series of articles, I focus on the basics of lightweight development -- an overloaded term if ever there was one. 在本系列的文章中,我关注于轻量级开发(曾经有太多含义的术语)的基础。
WikiLeaks' Julian Assange, a fan of radical transparency if ever there was one, makes a similar argument. 维基解密的朱利安•阿桑奇是位激进透明论(如果有的话)的支持者,他也有一段类似的话。
If ever there was a time to cut distorting agricultural subsidies and open markets for food imports, it must be now. 如果有这么一个时机来削减扭曲的农业补贴、放开粮食进口市场的话,这个时机必须是现在。
She looked with approval at Henrietta, a nice well balanced intelligent child if ever there was one, and who deserved a better mother. 她赞许地看着亨里埃塔,这是个难得见到的情绪稳定而聪明的好孩子,这个孩子应该有个更好一些的妈妈。
If ever there was a misleading forecast about the year 2000, it was that. 如果说曾有过关于2000年的误导预言,那就是这本书。
It was the only time I ever saw this gentle man bristle, if ever so slightly. 这是我唯一一次见到这位绅士反应过激,再轻微的也没见过。
A misnomer if ever there was one, the rare earths may be strategic and in short supply but they are certainly not rare. 稀土这一名字确实安得有点名不符实,它可以说是战略性资源,并且一向供不应求,但却称不上是稀有之物。