
美 [ˈmitər]英 [ˈmiːtə(r)]
  • n.米;【韵】韵律;格律;(诗的)音步形式
  • 网络我参加一千米赛跑;米的复数形式;公尺间




X3D 概念 - JOO - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET ... Linear distance 直线距离 Metres Angles 角度 ...


牛津大学英语词典 ... I'm in for the 1000 metres. 我参加一千米赛跑. (indicating place 表示地方) ...


英语问题_百度知道 ... regret: 遗憾;抱歉; metres: 米(公尺)的复数形式; teap: (没见过这个单词,是不是你打错了) ...


...处理的范围介於数公厘(millimetres)及数公尺间( metres )系统可由多种量测范围架构组合或甚至彩色镜头,可量测出彩色多种 …


B&Q号船只规格 ... Gross Tonnages 总载重 16.51 Metres 公尺 8.3 tonnes 吨 ...


相距的例句,相距用法和相关例句 - n词酷在线词典 ... 10 miles apart 相距10英里 a distance of 2 metres 相距两米的距离 ...


How引导的... ... It's 5 kilos.5 公斤。 询问人或物的高度时用 More than 5 metres.5 米多。 B:About two weeks. 大约两个星 …

The hotel offers peace and quiet and yet Vienna's largest shopping street, the Mariahilfer Strasse, is only about 350 metres away. 酒店距离维也纳最大的购物街-玛丽亚希法大街(MariahilferStrasse)仅350米,却能享有宁静与舒适的环境。
It has reasonable transport connections being close to the train to Flamini and the bus to Termini is just a few hundred metres away. 它的交通条件还不错,离去Flamin的火车站很近,而且离去Termini的公交站也只有几百米。
Ladies and gentlemen, attention please. The result of men's ten thousand metres final is displayed on the scoreboard. 女士们,先生们,请注意。大屏幕上显示着男子一万米决赛的正式成绩。
The building will be just a few metres taller than the Burj Khalifa in Dubai but will be constructed at a fraction of the cost. 该建筑将被迪拜哈利法塔高十几米。但所用成本只有迪拜塔的一小部分。
The active mouth boils, sending red lava over its sides, and once in a while shoots hot streams up to 100 metres into the air. 积极口,说到底,发送红色的熔岩在其两岸,一旦在一个芽,而热起来的溪流米至100米到空气中。
The squid live in the dark at a great depth at the bottom of the ocean. It can grow to a length of 15 metres. 鱿鱼住在洋底深处的黑暗之中,可以长到15米长。
The site, now known as the Palace Museum, is in the heart of the capital and covers approximately 150, 000 square metres. 故宫,现在称为“故宫博物院”,位于中国首都的心脏地带,占地面积约为15万平方米。
He had had apparently run out of oxygen about 300 metres below the summit, on his way down. 显然,他是在下撤的过程中,在距离顶峰300米的地方消耗光了氧气。
The bodies, including that of a pregnant woman, were thrown on top of one another in a grave about 2 metres deep. 一名孕妇的尸体被投进了一个约2米深的坟坑,压在另一具尸体上面。
Tim didn't hear the startled sobbing of a small boy who fell off the monkey bars just a few hundred metres away. 提姆没有听到就在几百米远外,有一个从悬臂吊桥下跌落的小男孩惊吓得在呜咽。
We have been excavating layers of ash almost six metres thick, which suggests that they might have kept the fire burning all winter. 我们一直在挖掘一层层的积灰,几乎有六米厚,这说明他们可能整个冬季都在烧火。
Visitors can dress up in jumpsuits and hard hats and descend in a creaking elevator to the coalface 300 metres below the surface. 参观人员穿上工作服和安全帽,乘坐吱嘎直响的升降梯下降到地面300米以下的产煤面。
The craft proved able to dive to a depth of a few metres in tests, but was so heavy it could only make short hops into the air. 事实证明,该飞行器在实验中能潜入水中几米,但它太笨重了,仅能在空中随便翻腾几下就掉下来了。
We were only a couple of metres away but I wasn't scared, it was such a funny moment, ' said Mr Watson. 摄影师沃森先生说,“我们当时离它大概只有两米的距离,但我一点也不害怕。这一幕实在太逗了!”
THE diameter of a wind turbine capable of generating five megawatts (MW) of electricity is, at 120 metres, roughly that of the London Eye. 一台发电能力在5MW的风力涡轮机的直径有120米,大致相当于伦敦眼的。
With hidden cameras positioned up to three metres away, suspects would not know they were being subjected to a lie-detection test. 隐蔽的摄像机置于三米以外,嫌疑人不会知道他们正在接受测谎仪测试。
Maritime officials in Pare-Pare said the vessel ran into heavy seas and waves of up to six metres generated by the tropical cyclone. Pare-Pare港海事官员称,渡轮撞上了热带风暴带来的高达6米的汹涌大浪。
Hotel Ulises is located in the heart of Ceuta, just a few metres from Ribera Beach. 酒店位于休达的中心,到里贝拉格兰海滩只有几米。
As they stood chatting, an Israeli drone had fired a missile at a passing Hamas fighter on a motorbike three metres from the children. 正当他们站着聊天时,一架以色列无人机向一名路过的哈马斯士兵发射了导弹。
If either of these icesheets were to melt significantly, sea levels could rise by an order of metres (many feet), drowning coastal cities. 假如这两个地区中任何一个的冰原出现明显融化,海平面将会成米(许多英尺)上升,淹没沿海城市。
In the dark, like a bat, he could sense an object at a distance of about four metres by a peculiar creepy sensation on the forehead. 在夜晚,像个蝙蝠,用他特别的有蠕动感的前额,他能感觉到大约四米外物体。
Kiah stood up. He was nearly two metres tall, with dark eyes and hair. 'Yes, come in, 'he said. 凯站起身。他身高几乎有两米,眼睛和头发都是黑色的。“好,走吧。”他说。
' Can he break the sledge out when it's frozen to the ice and then start it moving? And pull it a hundred metres? ' asked Matthewson. “他能够把冻在冰上的雪撬拉动吗?再拉100米远?”马修逊问道。
It is now just 70 metres from the surface and islanders are already trying to come up with a name for the new island. 这座火山堆积物目前仅突出海面70米。加那利群岛的居民们已经尝试为新岛屿取名。
At the bottom we turned into a corridor running the entire length of the building - a good 200 metres (218 yards). 在楼梯的底部,我们转到一个走廊,走廊穿过了整个的建筑物,有整整200米长(合218码)。
The centre is still operating today and through sheer serendipity we booked into a guesthouse less than fifty metres away. 音乐中心直到今天还在正常运作,意外的是我们所预订的客栈离它不到五十米远。
The new building was to have gone up just a few metres from a Catholic church; for some, that was the most important point. 新建筑原本要比一座天主教教堂高出数米;对一些人而言,这就是最重要的地方。
The metres value does not relate to a diving depth but to the air pressure used in the course of the water resistance test. 米的价值并不涉及到潜水深度,但对空气压力试验用在抵抗过程中的水。
Here's the give-away, a pair of tusks two metres long, the trademark of a Columbian mammoth, the biggest animal to roam the ice age plains. 这是赠品,一对两米长的象牙,一个哥伦比亚猛犸象的商标,冰河时代的平原上最大的动物。
In NingGe lu, the word of the rainbow offshore Marine biological constitute only a few metres away. 在宁格鲁,这道海洋生物构成的彩虹离岸仅数米远。