make sense

  • na.(话等)有意义;合理;有道理;讲得通
  • 网络言之有理;使…有意义;好理解

make sensemake sense

make sense


介词短语_百度百科 ... give rise to 引起,使发生 make sense 讲得通,有意义 catch the sight of 发现,突然看见 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... in a sense 从某种意义上说 make sense 讲得通,言之有理 a series of 一系列,一连串 ...


it makes no sense是什么意思_百度知道 ... cryin' 在你上方 make sense 有道理,讲的通 make no sense 没道理讲不通 ...


零距离美语会话_外语教育网论坛 ... 2. let up 减少,暂停,减缓 3. make sense 使人懂,合理 4. intention 意图,意向,目的 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... in a sense 从某种意义上说 make sense 讲得通,言之有理 a series of 一系列,一连串 ...


不知疲惫 ... 33. prove to be 证明为 34. make sense 使…有意义 35. look for 寻找 ...


六级词汇串联记忆 23_普特英语听力 ... sense 感觉 make sense 讲得通有意义 illumination 阐明,启发 ...


Angry Editor ... 1. Proposal( 提案) 2. Make sense好理解) 3. Go through( 过,看一下) ...

You must be able to make sense out of the complexity of the world to put your business on the offensive. 你必须能够从复杂的世界中找到出路并让自己所在的公司处于进攻状态。
And as it approached, a gale of social media messages swirled, as New Yorkers "flocked" together, trying to make sense of events. 此外,当风暴逼近时,社交媒体上也刮起一阵信息旋风——纽约人纷纷“聚集”到一起,试图弄明白事态的发展。
Programme guides have been pressed into service to try to make sense of all this content. 为了使这一切变的更有意义,电视指南应运而生。
Religion is an attempt to make sense of the world, but it does not try and do this in the way science does. 宗教试图使这个世界变得更加有意义,但不会使用科学分析的方式来达成这个目的。
What do you think about this paper - does the design make sense or do you see flaws and if so what are they? 你觉得这篇论文如何-这个实验设计是否有意义,或者你看到缺陷,如果有缺陷是什么样的缺陷?
Even though the speaker had a strong accent, Henry could catch on to his story, but Tom couldn't make sense of it at all. 尽管演讲者地方口音很重,但是亨利能听懂他的话,而汤姆却一点儿也听不懂。
Parsing this syntax is equally ambiguous, and you must know the layout of an XML response ahead of time to be able to make sense of it. 语法解析同样含混,你必须先知道XML响应报文的布局,然后才能搞清楚它的含义。
Instead, they shunt the unsavory secret into a dark corner of the mind, where they try, alone, for years to make sense of it. 相反,他们把这种讨厌的秘密转而藏在自己心灵的阴暗角落,在哪儿,他们自己一个人花费数年时间去努力弄懂它。
Part of it is we're both musicians. we're both musically minded and I feel like a lot of how you structure things make sense to me. 一部分原因恐怕在于我俩都是音乐家。我们都有一个音乐性的思维方式。很多你思考问题的方式,我都觉得非常容易理解。
Economists have been trying to make sense of the results across individuals, across countries and across the years. 经济学家曾试图通过对不同个体、不同国家、不同时代的人做调查,以找出其中的意义。
Asleep or awake, the mind is always trying to make sense of the world. 不论我们是睡眠,还是清醒,大脑始终在努力感知世界。
As such a replacement can be of any length, it would not make sense to show it in the content assistants proposal selection window. 由于这样的替换可能具有任何长度,在内容助理选择窗口中显示它是没有意义的。
"It is a serious accomplishment, " Nocera conceded. "What remains for future biographers is to make sense of that life. " “这是一个正儿八经的赞美,”Nocera承认到,“接下来,以后的传记作者们需要做的就是真正理解那段人生经历。”
The data is "out there" and the processing power to make sense of it is, too: All that is needed is for you to make it happen. 数据“是现成的”,处理能力也是:您只需要实现它。
So was I when I first heard it, but I'll try to make sense of it for you. 当我第一次听到时,也是这种反应,但这里我会向您解释的。
Tortured English may cause a certain amusement at first, but after a while people stop even trying to make sense of it. 这种伤痕累累的英语初看会让人觉得可笑,但看上一会儿就会让你连想都不想搞懂它们了。
And Greece is only a symptom of a wider problem: Does the eurozone make sense as a currency union? 而且希腊问题只是反映了一个更大的问题:欧元区作为一个货币联盟是否有意义?
And if God gives us those things through the Word, wouldn't it make sense that the Word would be an important part of our lives? 如果神通过他的道给我们这些,那神的话岂不该是我们生活重要的一部分才对么?
God wants me to understand his thoughts, so he speaks through Scripture, using figures of speech and ordinary words that make sense to me. 神希望我们明白祂所想的,因此,祂通过圣经,使用各样的象征比喻和日常用语来向我们说话。
It is easier to make sense of this spring's events if you think about large web platforms explicitly as governments. 如果你把这些大型互联网平台当做政府来看的话,那在今年春天发生的事情就好理解了。
It seems like some sort of cache miss effect, but that does not make sense to me given the actual memory of the system. 看上去就象是高速缓存丢失的影响,但根据系统的实际内存它不会对于我有任何意义。
It doesn't seem to make sense: You used to be best friends, but now you can't go a day without fighting. 这看起来不可思议,你们原本是最好的朋友,可现在一天不吵都不行。
OLE DB avoids the terms client and server because these roles do not always make sense, especially in an n-tier situation. OLEDB避免使用术语“客户端”和“服务器”,因为这些角色并不总是有意义,尤其具有n层的情况下。
The income number might have been skewed as government statisticians try to make sense of the massive write-offs being recorded by banks. 由于政府统计人员试图反映出银行大量冲销资产对经济的影响,因此国民收入总值可能被低估。
Now he just needed a stenographer to help make sense of it all. 现在他只需要一个速记员帮忙把这一切理清。
Mathematics is a product of Man. Its laws were invented to help make sense of the universe, and are descriptive, not prescriptive. 数学是人类的产物。人类发现它的规则,用于帮助自己了解宇宙,因而它是描述性的,而不是说明性的。
As I tried to make sense of this, something surprising began happening: I started getting more patients like her. 当我试图弄明白时,令人惊奇的事情发生了:类似的病人越来越多。
Does it make sense for the president of the United States to carve time out of his busy schedule to read novels? 美国总统打算从繁忙的公务中腾出时间来看看小说,你觉得合理吗?
A whole host of questions like these cloud my mind, and I cannot make sense of it. 这一连串的问题弄得笔名一头雾水,百思不得其解。
The reader tries to make sense of the text in terms of his own schemata. 读者想照着他自己的想法来理解课文。