the night of

the night ofthe night of

the night of

Rick woke up in the middle of the night, of a jump, and he was shivering from head to toe. 瑞克在半夜突然惊醒,他几乎是跳了起来,浑身不停地颤抖。
The night of her return, he said, he crawled into his mother's bed. 他说,母亲回家的那天夜里,他爬上母亲的床,“整整一夜我睡在她身边。”
On the night of that day, I could hardly think about if I could open a store that sells earings or necklaces. 听到这些我非常高兴,那天晚上,我便开始考虑是否我可以开个饰品店。
On the night of the ball, Lorillard was too timid to wear one of his tailless dinner jackets. 晚会的那天夜里,劳瑞拉德胆太小没好意思穿他的无尾短上衣。
That was all Douglas needed to have the night of her life. She landed a huge vault to start off and never relinquished the lead. 为了成就这个夜晚,信心是道格拉斯唯一需要的东西。跳马项目,她高高跃起,然后一路势不可挡。
Some lost, I began to see the night of the Star, Hugo said, the sky looking for a long time, we can see heaven. 有些失落,我开始看夜晚的星空,雨果说,天空看的久了,就能看见天堂。
On the night of that summer, I stood by her side, feeling extremely guilty of her, of our love. 在那个夏天的夜晚,我站在那里。那是一种极端亏欠的感觉。对她,对爱情。
Why did not the night of lonely people are willing to stay with me? 为什么寂寞空虚的夜里没人愿意来陪我?。
This idea was one of vengeance to me, and I tasted it slowly in the night of my dungeon and the despair of my captivity. 这种想法也满足了我的报复心,我在这黑牢的夜里在这囚禁生活的绝望中,正在慢慢地体味其中的快意。
Greenwich Village Halloween Parade is an annual holiday parade and street pageant presented the night of every Halloween in New York City. 纽约市每年会在万圣节晚上举行盛大的节日巡游,欢迎市民到场参观热闹的万圣节嘉年华。
Her father felt the crunch of the ship's collision with the iceberg on the night of 14 April 1912, and went up to investigate. 在1912年4月14晚,她的父亲听到了船与冰山碰撞的嘎吱声音,然后起身去查看。
The night of the twelfth day there was a violent wind, and when I awoke in the morning the ship was nowhere to be seen. 第十二届一天晚上有一个暴力的风,当我在早晨醒来船无处可看。
I could now see whAT the detective was driving AT: he was trying to establish my whereabouts on the night of the crime. 我现在能够明白侦探的意思了:他那时正试图确定案发那天夜晚我的行踪。
Not long ago, one of my friend got marry and he found a secret of his wife's in on the night of their wedding. Speak out or not? 前一段时间,我的一个朋友结婚,在新婚之夜,发现了新娘的一个秘密,到底是说,还是不说呢?
If so, recall the dark and distressing experience of Jesus and His example on the night of His betrayal. 如果是这样,就想想耶稣在黑暗和痛苦中的经历,以及祂在被卖的那一夜所做的榜样。
In the night of that first day of sight, I should not be able to sleep, so full would be my mind of the memories of the day. 在那能看见的第一天晚间,我是不能入睡的,我脑海中充满了白天的回忆。
So he let the two generals carrying weapons remain guarding the main entrance, the next day no ghosts on the night of the harassment. 于是他让这两位将军手持兵器立于门旁镇守,第二天夜间就再也没有鬼怪骚扰了。
The night of Athens is still there, just like the brace scored by Pippo Inzaghi who made it magical and unforgettable. 雅典之夜的记忆仍在,就像皮波因扎吉画上了光痕让它梦幻而难忘。
On the night of his biggest party, he left to be with you. 在他开这个盛大的聚会的晚上他会去陪你们?
Little Roger was scared, just as I had been nine years earlier on the night of the gunshot. 小罗杰吓坏了,就像我在九年前那个枪击之夜那样。
From the night of that injury on June 24, the football world had to wait 96 days to see its brightest star shine again. 从6月24日断腿的那个的晚上,世界足坛不得不等待96天,才能看到这颗最亮的星光芒再现。
When any common girl inhabiting their lands is married, our nobles shall have sexual rights to her on the night of her wedding. 当那儿任何女孩成婚时,我们的贵族将在新婚之夜享有占有她的初夜的权力。
The number of days between you and suddenly I felt tonight in a long night, the night of the Depression, the silent night. 多日的与你相隔,忽然在今夜让我感到夜的漫长,夜的萧条,夜的寂静。
It was later discovered she had been at a speakeasy the night of the kidnapping. 之后的调查发现在绑架案那天夜里她曾经出现在一个非法经营的酒吧。
Middle of the night of the loneliness of my one man . . . way to go on the road, and perhaps still have to go on quietly in! ! 中东对我一个人孤独的夜晚…道路要走的道路上,也许还是要继续静静!
The Beaufort house was one that New Yorkers were proud to show to foreigners, especially on the night of the annual ball. 博福特的家是纽约人乐于向外国人炫耀的一处住宅,尤其是在举办一年一度的舞会的晚上。
On the night of February 27, an old woman peddler in the capital at Taipeh refused to give up her cigarettes and was shot by a policeman. 二月二十七日晚,首府台北有位卖烟卷的老妇抗拒一个警察拿走她的烟卷而被枪杀。
You wink gently, I also wink, lighten the night of rain all over the sky stars. 你轻轻眨一眨,我也眨一眨,点亮夜雨满天繁星。
He told the jury that on the night of the tenth he had been so drunk he could only remember what had happened in little isolated snatches. 安迪告诉陪审团,在10号那天晚上,他喝得醉醺醺的,对发生的一切只零星地有所记忆。
Thirty years ago, in the night of writing my first series of poems "Seasons of mine" , I had not expected acquiring so many poems. 三十年前,在我写出第一组诗歌《我的四季》的夜里,我没有憧憬获得如此多的诗歌。