the bible

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the biblethe bible

the bible


在《圣经》(the Bible)第一章“创世纪”(Genesis)中就记录了上帝决定惩罚他的不良子民(wicked mankind)连降大雨引发 …


上周日,5集迷你剧《圣经故事》(The Bible)在首播当晚击败了所有电视节目,收视率达1310万人次,成为本年度收视率最 …


乔治·斯科特_百度百科 ... 虚虚假假 The Flim-Flam Man 圣经-创世纪 The Bible 黄色香车 The Yellow Rolls-Royce ...


圣经新约》(The bible) 《话说西行-重走唐僧西行路》[YYTvO][EM发布组][RMVB] 《MATLAB® - 科学计算语言》(Mathworks …


整理3 - 日志 - 普特家园 ... Change of agent: 变更商标代理人申请 the Bible: 圣经|圣经图片 The Neon Bible: 霓虹宝典 ...


... 82.The Bible 还是圣经。英皇钦定版。可搜索,书签,高亮字,笔记,和字体调整。 83.KJV Bible Audiobook 英皇钦定版之 …


中学英语语法冠词 ... the Mercury 墨丘利号 (宇宙飞船) the Bible 基督教圣经 the Devil 魔王 (即撒旦) ...


MBA... ... attain success/goal 取得成功/达到目标 cite a passage/the Bible 引用圣经 commit a crime/suicide 自杀/犯罪 ...

The Bible says, "If you think you are too important to help someone in need, you are only fooling yourself. You are really a nobody. " 圣经说:「如果你以为自己重要到不愿帮助有需要的人,这是欺骗自己,你只是个无名小卒。」
The Bible was the only book Jesus ever quoted, and then never as a basis for discussion but to decide the point at issue. 圣经是耶稣唯一引用的书籍,圣经从来就不是供人讨论,而是决定事情的关键。
The next day, I awoke with an insatiable desire to read the Bible. 第二天我醒来,想要阅读圣经的渴望极其强烈。
In the Bible, we learned that Timothy was blessed by his mother and grandmother. 从圣经里,我们知道有一位提摩太如何因着他的母亲和祖母蒙福
The whole concept of the Bible is of Christ taking our place on the cross and paying the punishment, the cost of our sin. 圣经的整个观念是要告诉我们,基督替代了我们,接受了十字架的刑罚,为我们偿还了罪的赎价。
The second century was a time of a lot of Christian literature arising in different places that didn't make it into the Bible. 主后二世纪是大量未被列入圣经的,基督教文学在不同地方涌现的时期。
Between the pages of the Bible it still lay when, a few weeks afterwards, that Bible was laid under the young girl's head in her coffin. 之间的圣经它仍躺在时,几个星期以后,当这是根据圣经的年轻姑娘在她的棺材头奠定了网页。
And if we do not understand the importance of the covenants, we will not be able to make much sense of vast portions of the bible. 而如果我们不认识圣约的重要性,我们就无法明白圣经的一大部分。
A light went off, and I said, "The Bible doesn't make sense. Science makes much more sense to me. " 一盏灯灭了,而我说,“圣经没有道理。科学对我来讲更有道理。”
Jesus thought this was so important that he took a whole chapter of the Bible to talk about it. 耶稣认为,要认识到这一点尤为重要,因此在圣经里他用了整整一章的篇幅来阐释这一点。
Don't see how much of the Bible you can read. 追求的不是能阅读多少页《圣经》。
But I have never translated a chapter of the Bible for publication, nor have I ever been a member of a translating committee. 然而,我从来没有翻译过《圣经》中的哪章哪节出版,也不是哪个翻译机构的译员。
Check out a church and start asking questions. Get into a small group that studies the Bible and cares about you as a person. 你可选择一间教会,开始提问你心中的疑难,并参加一个研读圣经并关心你个人的小组。
Stand for the truth -- The Bible tells us our responsibility is to never oppose the truth but to stand for it at all times. 持守真理--圣经上告诉我们,我们的职责不是与真理反对,而是每时每刻持守真理。
She had not thought of that, but remembered the story of Adam and Eve in the Bible. 她还没想过这个,但她记起了《圣经》里亚当和夏娃的故事。
The principle of private judgment in matters of religion had not run its full course in accepting the Bible as the Word of God. 原则私人判断宗教事务没有而言,其全部课程,在接受圣经作为上帝的话。
In France Chagall returned to the illustrations for The Bible which he had begun in 1931, and began painting in a new, freer style. 在法国,夏加尔重新开始早在1931年就已着手进行的为《圣经》绘制插图的工作,这次是一种崭新的、比较自由的风格。
If Adam was to seek life on the basis of his obedience, why does the Bible tell us not to seek eternal life on the basis of our obedience? 如果亚当必须以他的顺服为基础来寻求生命,为什么圣经告诉我们不要以我们的顺服为基础来寻求永生?
At first he did not know many books: the Bible, and one or two newspapers, that's all. 起初,他并不知道多少书,只知道《圣经》和一两份报纸而已。
He added that he thought the Bible did not actually explain in any detail the form of crucifixion employed. 他又说,他认为对于所用刑罚的方式圣经并没有任何相关细节。
The Bible was recorded over a couple of thousand years ago, and it is an amazing thing how the Bible has never been proven wrong. 我们都拥有圣经,圣经写于数千年前,是奇妙的,因圣经从未被证明为谬误。
Take " the Bible" as an example, it is always one of the best-selling books in the United States, annual sales up to about 9 million. 以基督教的教义《圣经》为例,它始终是美国最为畅销的书籍之一,年销量高达900万册左右。
Hence gold is often used in the Bible as a symbol for truth. 因此在圣经里黄金被作为真理的象征。
The Bible warns that it's harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle. 圣经警告说,一个有钱人要进入天堂比一头骆驼钻进针眼还要难。
We learn a great deal about God from His revelation of Himself in the Bible. 从圣经中,我们对上帝所启示的关于祂自己的事,已经了解甚多。
Look at the Bible text as if it is an answer, but turn that text into a question. 要看圣经经文就象它是一个答案一样,但要把那节经文变成一个问题。
Tradition has labeled her a prostitute, but there is nothing in the Bible to support this view and much to dispute it. 传统上她被贴上妓女的标签,但《圣经》并没有事物支持这个观点,留有很多争议性。
A gay version of the Bible, in which God says it is better to be gay than straight, is to be published by an American film producer. 由美国一位电影制片人出版的同志版圣经,即将问世,在书里上帝说,弯的比直的好。
Archetypal narrative pattern is an inverted U-shaped pattern, which is contrary to that of the Bible. 叙述模式原型是以倒“U”字形的圣经叙述模式展开的。
Do not use quotation marks for referring to the Bible or other sacred texts or to legal documents. 在谈及《圣经》或其他宗教的文献或者法律单证时不要用引号。