if you love me

  • 网络如果你爱我;假如你爱我;你爱我也好

if you love meif you love me

if you love me


新年英文歌曲 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... 94 玫瑰花园 Rose Garden 95 如果你爱我 If You Love Me 96 史东妮 Stoney ...


求类似the rose的美国经典老歌_百度知道 ... 94 玫瑰花园 Rose Garden 95 假如你爱我 If You Love Me 96 史东妮 Stoney ...


what the... ... And I,I,I don't really care about 我可不管这么多了 If you love me 你爱我也好 If you hate me 你讨厌我也罢 ...


随便找个歌曲 很简单的_百度知道 ... 十年— —ten years 他还是不懂— —if you love me 第一次爱的人— —the day you went aw…


英文经典歌曲精选:中英文对照 杨波 - 蔚蓝网... ... NO More 不再 If You Love Me 只要爱我 Song Sung Blue 伤心曲 ...

If you love me, no matter whether my dad from the heart you the default son-in-law, no matter he began to would not too warm. 如果你爱我,不管我爸是否从心里默认过你这个女婿,不管他开始会不会不太热情。
By and by I felt ashamed and made up my mind to be with you if you love me. 后来,觉得对不起你,就下决心跟你在一起,如果你爱我的话。
If the sun should tumble from the sky, if the sea should suddenly run dry, if you love me really love me, let it happen, I won'tcare. 如果有一天太阳从天上落下,如大海突然干枯,如果你爱我,真的爱我,那么就算这一切发生我也不会在乎!
I've built a wall not to block you out but to see if you love me enough to climb over it. 我筑墙的目的不是挡住你,而是看你是否足够爱我而能跨越它。
If you love me, you will leave me the moment you see that your love is creating an imprisonment for me. 如果你真的爱我,当你看见你的爱在对我制造束缚时,你将离开我。
All that time, she was silent still, so if you love me, won't you let me know? 那时,她沉静如水,所以如果你爱我,你不会让我知道吗?
He held Buck's head in his hands and spoke softly into his ear. 'If you love me, Buck. If you love me. ' 他把巴克的头捧在手中在他耳边轻声说:“如果你爱我,巴克,如果你爱我。”
If you love me, as you said, regardless of the outcome, don't give up the pursuit. 如果你爱我,照你自己说的去做,不管结果如何,不要放弃追求。
If you love me, you should open your embrace, let me to think and speak freely. 爱我就应该放开你的怀抱,让我的思想展翅翱翔,让我有更大的说话空间。
Even if you love me so I can only wait so long, time has passed and I'm starting to forget. 即使你这样深爱着我,我也只能等这么久。光阴似箭,我终于开始学会忘却。
If you love me, please take out of your sincerity, not love I neither out of my world. 假如你爱我,请拿出你的真心,不爱我就衮出我的世界。
She could then find out who her future husband would be by chanting, 'If you love me, pop and fly; if you hate me, burn and die. 女孩唱着歌就可以哪个人将她的丈夫,唱词是“爱我飞,恨我烧到坏。”
If you love me like you told me, please be careful with my heart. You can take it. Just don't break it, or my world would fall apart. 如果你像你说的那样爱我,请好好呵护我的心。你可以带着它,但不要伤害它,否则我的世界将会破碎。
And if you love me in chemo, wait till you see me at Smith's movie premiere. 如果你喜欢我做化疗的样子等着看我出席史密斯的首映会
Dear, thanks for looking at my homepage. If you love me, please leave your loveprint then I will love you the same as the LILY! 亲爱的,谢谢你来参观我的主页,留下你爱的痕迹吧,我会象爱百合花一样爱上你!
Indeed, indeed, Maximilian, I am very miserable, and if you love me it must be out of pity. 真的,马西米兰,我真痛苦极了,你爱我是为我着想,不是为了你自己,这的确是对的。
If you love me, reassure yourself, and call all your strength and presence of mind to your aid. 如果你爱我,那就要沉着。要鼓起全部勇气保持绝对冷静。
if you love me as i love you, what knife can cut our love in two. 假如你爱我如同我爱你,世上没有任何利剑能把我们的爱分开。
I don't know if you love me, but i have to thank you for giving me this chance. i will cherish you for good. 我不知道你喜欢我什么,但是谢谢你给我这个机会。我会好好的珍惜你。
If you love me, let me know. If you don't, let me go. 爱我,就让我知道;不爱我,就放我离开。
Intimacy-In-to-Me-you-see'--is how you learn what is important to Me, and if you love Me, you'll adjust your behavior to protect My heart. 我眼中的亲密关系—就是你怎么去了解什么对我是重要的,而且,我想如果你爱我,你就会自己的行为做一些调整来守护我,来表达对我的爱。
If you love me, frank told my parents, you now although few salary, buy a house also not enough, but you have been trying to. 如果你爱我,坦诚的告诉我爸妈,你现在虽然薪水不多,买房也不够,但是你一直在努力。
" If you love me, I love you, after the house there, and your mother say? " He is crazy to say. “你爱的是我,我爱的是你,房子以后会有的,再和你妈妈说说啊?”他发疯了似的说。
If you love me, won't you let me know? 如果你爱我,你会让我知道吗?
Tonight I'll take you higher if you love me to. 如果你答应今晚我将带你上一个更高的台阶。
You are my lover at the depth of my heart, but the God is kidding. . . If you love me, could you tell me? 你是我心中的恋人,可是天意弄人……如果你爱我,可以告诉我吗?
If you love me so much , I'll eat you first! 如果你这么爱我,我要先吃了你!
I don't care if you love me, just hope Happy birthday to you . 我不管你爱不爱我,只想祝你生日快乐
If you love me, don't leave me, you from that far how can I remember your tenderness? 如果你爱我,不要离开我,你怎么能从那么远,要我记得你的温柔?。
If you love me, let it be for naught, except for love's sake only. ----Browning. 如果你爱我,那就不要为了别的,而只为爱情。----勃郎宁。