in addition

  • na.加之
  • 网络另外;此外;又

in additionin addition

in addition


大学英语四级常用词组 ... add up to 合计达,总计是 in addition 另外 be adequate for 适合 ...


机务英语基础 - 豆丁网 ... 下降 Drop 此外 In addition 室、容器 Chamber ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... in accordance with 与...一致,按照 in addition 另外,加之 in advance 预先,事先 ...

新课标高中英语词汇系列练习题(一) - 豆丁网 ... addition 增加;(算数用语) 加 in addition 加上,除…外, address 地址 * ...


英语摘抄,好词好句_百度知道 ... 1.That's why 那就是为什么…… addition 另外,除此之外 3.come about 产生 ...


高考英语一轮复习:Unit 2 Working... ... 11.cause damage to 对……造成危害 addition 再者,还有 13.tu…


in addition ... corrective addition 【冶】矫正料[加料] in addition 此外,还有,而且 in addition 英汉计算机大词典 ...

In addition , he used to be an assistant in a department, selling shoes in Manchester before he take the competition . 另外,他参加比赛前的职业是曼彻斯特一个百货商店卖鞋的售货员。
In addition, he said he would boost penalties on companies that break the rules. 此外,他表示将严惩触犯规定的公司。
The thermal effect of discharged cooling water and that of residual chlorine on the ecological oceanic environment are analyzed in addition. 并分析火电厂温排水和残余氯对海洋生态环境的影响。
In addition to giving him peace of mind that his mother is fine, the system helps assuage that midlife sense of guilt. 这个系统除了让他对自己的母亲的状况感到安心以外,它还减少了他的愧疚感。
But in addition to the formidable policy challenges ahead of him, Donilon faces obstacles in shaping the policy process. 不过,除了眼下严峻的政策挑战之外,他还面临着塑造政策程序方面的藩篱。
In addition, the US seems to be bogged down in a protracted war in Iraq that is likely to bleed the country's financial resources further. 另外,美国好像在一延长战争在很可能出血国家更远的资金的伊芳拉克内停滞。
If overnight stay were to be discovered, the person involved will have to pay fines to the Office in addition to the lodging fees. 如有留宿情况发生,一经发现,留宿人除须到办公室补交住宿费外还要给予罚款。
One morning, I saw earthworms crawling all over the road and my balcony as well. In addition, they had already turned black. 一天早上,我看见路上爬满了蚯蚓,我家一楼乘凉的阳台上也爬满了,并且已经发黑了。
In addition my ontology includes, as I said, the abstract hierarchy of classes based on those objects. 此外,我的本体论,像我说过的,还包括建立在这些物理对象基础之上各个等级的抽象的类。
To be generic, the procedure must take at least one type parameter, in addition to any normal parameters it might take. 若要成为泛型,除了可能采用的一般参数以外,程序至少必须采用一个型别参数。
In addition to being able to see a preview on the side, Lotus Notes 8 introduced narrow views in the mail views. 除了能在边栏看到预览外,LotusNotes8还在邮件视图中引入了窄视图(narrowview)。
In addition, you might have to restart the agent if it has been disconnected from the controller. 另外,如果代理已与控制器断开连接,则必须重新启动代理。
In addition to these, fish has always been used to suggest the accumulation of prosperity and wealth with meals on New Year's Eve. 除了这些之外,鱼类一向用来显示财富的积累与繁荣饭除夕夜。
In addition, it was sometimes easy to forget you had the default Stop Node at the end of the diagram. 此外,有时很容易忘记已将缺省停止节点放在了关系图的结尾。
In addition to what he said at the meeting, there was something else about the matter. 除了他在会上所说的之外,关于这个问题还有些弦外之音。
In addition to supplying the wind turbines, GE is selling about a third of the land required for the project to the city of Los Angeles. 除了提供风力涡轮机,通用电气还将向洛杉矶市出售项目所需的三分之一的土地。
Practice can be very useful, and is highly recommended because in addition to building confidence, it also tends to improve quality. 练习可以很有用,然后我强烈推荐,因为在增加自信的同时,也会增加你的能力。
In addition, it seems to us that this trouble market is having too much bullish hopefulness . 但另一方面,当前这个困境重重的市场却似乎内涵著太多看涨的希望。
McNabb said the case was unusual in many ways - in addition to the fact that it ended on only the second day of trial. 麦克纳布说,案子在开庭审理的第二天就结束了,这在某种程度上,可以说是不寻常的。
In addition, some works are easy to understand and not worth spending too much time reading thoroughly. 而有些作品比较易懂,也不值得花太多时间去深究。
In cases of a serious violation, a fine less than 50% of the gold and silver value shall be imposed in addition. 情节恶劣的,并处以违法等值金银价款50%以下的罚款;
In addition, our citizens should be sensible enough to realize the danger (benefit) of the matter, which contributes to the previous aspect. 其实,我们的市民应该明智地认识到这件事情的危害(好处)这会有助于,刚才提到的政府措施。
Ready to fight a fish, in addition to the basic equipment ready, to catch Hoang Hung good iron skills is with a great volume of fish. 已经准备好去搏鱼了,除了要准备基本配备外,要钓红魽晃铁板的技巧也是跟鱼货量有很大的关系。
Witnesses said the shooting focus on the back of the building, in addition to shot noise, at least two explosions heard a loud bang. 目击者说,枪击集中在大楼的后面,除了枪击声,至少还听到了两次爆炸的巨响。
In addition to preparing for the interview, you'll also learn whether or not the company and its culture are a right fit for you. 出了能为面试做准备,你还能看看是否企业及其文化对你来说是合适的。
In addition, he said, the drug's dosing schedule is only once per month. 此外,这种药物的给药方案只能是每月一次。
Doctor: Yes, acupuncture may help you to stop smoking, but in addition you must have the determination and a strong will. 医生:是的,针刺能帮助你戒烟,但本人必须有决心,有毅力,能很好地和医生配合,才能取得预期的效果。
In addition, in business we admire directness and often use language like a hammer-and treat other opinions as if they were a nail. 此外,在事物中我们喜欢直截了当,经常使用象锤子一样的语言——对待其他的意见,似乎它们就是钉子。
In addition, there have been a number of class action lawsuits filed against the company as well. 另外,一直都有很多和公司之间的法律诉讼。
My name is here with her mother, can do something in addition to rice for her a glass of water, but also do? 我名义上是在这里陪伴母亲,可除了能为她做点饭倒杯水外,还做了什么?