would you like

  • 网络你愿意;你愿意……吗;你想要---吗

would you likewould you like

would you like


四年级下单词--教育科学出版社_百度文库 ... cheaper 更便宜的 Unit13 Would you like--? 你愿意-吗? Unit1 holiday 假日 ...


四年级下册英语单词_百度文库 ... What’s wrong ? 出什么事了? 短语 ? Would you like--? 你愿意-吗? ? years old --- 岁 二字母 ...


剑桥一级上册单词表_百度文库 ... I want some apples. 我想要苹果。 Would you like…? 你想要---吗? Yes,please. 是的, 想 …


would... ... would like 愿意,想要 Would you like 你想不想;想不想;您是否希望 What Would you like 你想吃点什么;你喜欢 …


CET4技巧 ... Shall I / we …… What about …… 做……如何 Would you like …… 你要……吗? Sure / absolutely / beautiful 当然…


国外网赚英语辞典 - 豆丁网 ... Work Telephone 工作单位电话号码 Would you like 您是否希望(想) year of birth 出生年月日 ...

As you approach it would then say something like "these oranges are the best from Spain, would you like to try them? " that sort of thing. 当你走进这个海报时,扬声器就会发出这样的声音‘这些橙子是来自西班牙的最好的产品,你想尝一尝吗?’
'I say, ' said he, when he had satisfied her on the subject of his health, 'would you like to do me a good turn? ' “我说,”她很满意他的情况还不错,他说道,“你能帮我做件事吗?”
She tried once more. 'It looks as if it's set in for the evening. Would you like to sit down for a while? ' 她又试了一次。“这里看起来只是为夜晚准备的,您要不要也坐下来呢?”
I'm sorry, Ms. Jenkins is away from her desk. She has already left for lunch. Would you like to leave a message for her? 非常抱歉,詹金思小姐现在不在办公室。她去吃午饭了。您愿意给她留个口信?。
Just a moment. (after a while) I'm sorry, at the moment he's out of the office. Would you like to leave your number? 请稍等。(过了一会儿)很抱歉,金先生现在不在办公室。您可以把您的电话号码留下来吗?
Would you like to hear it? He took a yellowed letter out of his shirt pocket and read it to us. 你想听呢?他把他的信是变黄衬衫口袋,念给我们听。
I'm putting you through, sir. I'm sorry, there's no answer. Would you like to leave a message or to call back? 我给您接过去,先生。对不起,没有人听电话,您是留言还是再打过来?
What else would you like to do during the day except for work? How much time would you like to spend on different activities? 那么你还喜欢做除了工作白天吗?你愿意把钱花在不同的活动上多少次?
She is not in right now. Would you like Yes. could you ask her to call me when to leave a message? she gets back. 她现在不在,需要留个信息吗?是的,她回来后,能让她回电话给我吗?。
Li Mei: I think it might be an insurance thing. How much money would you like to send? 李梅:我想大概是保险之类的规定吧。您想汇多少钱呢?
Of course, I'm only joking. Our Chinese friends will always be ready to help if that happens. Would you like to put your bag up here too? 当然我只是说笑而已。如果真是这样,我们的中国朋友总会乐于帮忙的。你要不要把包也放在这儿?
Yes, we are good friends and I'd like us to be better friends so I'm going to ask you: would you like to go out with me? 是的,我们是好朋友并且我想我们要成为更好的朋友,所以,我要问你:你想和我约会吗?
How much would you like to take out of your account? 您想从您帐上提取多少?
Glad to hear it. Would you like an informal dinner with us tonight? Mr. Li asked me to inquire. 很高兴听你这么说。你愿意今晚和我们一起吃顿便饭吗?李先生要问我一声。
How much would you like to put into your account? 您想往您的账户上存多少?
'Would you like to see a little of it? ' said the Mock Turtle. “你想看一看吗?”素甲鱼问。
And And how much would you like to open your account with? 银行会问你开账户的金额为多少
SALESLADY Alright, that's no problem. How much would you like in gift certificates? 女销售员好的,没问题。您要买多少钱的礼券?。
Bank Teller: Sure! How much would you like to deposit into the account? 银行职员:当然!你想要存多少钱到这个帐户中去呢?
B: Thank you. Please fill in these forms. How much money would you like to deposit today? 谢谢。请填一下这几张表格。请问您今天要存入多少钱?
Or, "Let me show you some other things, would you like to see some other things? " Along the line of the things they told you they wanted. 或者“让我给您看看其他一些,你愿意看一些其他的吗?”以及其他他们告诉你他们想要的东西。
I have to wait and keep watching games, but if you say to me in the future would you like to be manager, for sure, no doubt about this. 我只能看看球赛等一等了,但是如果你未来问我你是否愿意回来执教,我绝对会毫不迟疑的说愿意。
I think you'll be satisfied with the quality of these designs. Would you like to go over to my office and take a look? 我想您一定会对这些设计的质量感到满意,您要不要到我的办公室看一看?
What is the best costume you ever wore? Would you like getting dressed up in costumes once every week instead of just a few times a year? 你穿过的最棒的衣服是哪一件?你是愿意每个礼拜都盛装打扮一次还是一年没几次呢?
save How much money would you like to put in the first time? 你第一次想先存多少钱?
Would you like to help the kids in the poor mountain villages with your knowledge for one year or two after you graduate from college? 你们愿意大学毕业后,用你们的知识去帮助那些贫困山区的孩子们一两年时间吗?
Excuse me, we have a problem here. You see that table over there? It has one too many chairs at it. Would you like to join me? 对不起,我们有一个很严重的问题。我们那桌的椅子太多了,你可不可以帮我们一下?
Would you like to move to a larger home, or one in a different city, and yet you find lugging your house items across the city. 你会想希望搬到一个更大的房子,或是在另一个不同的城市,但是你却发现打包你的房屋内物品到另一个城市或世界。
How much would you like to pay for the car assembling? 你方将为汽车装配支付多少钱?
No, I'm sorry, Mr. Kurt. He's stepped out for a bit. Would you like me to have him call you? 没在,对不起,克特先生。他出去一会儿。要我让他给您回电话吗?