
美 [(h)wɪtʃ]英 [wɪtʃ]
  • pron.哪个;那;哪一个;…的那些
  • 网络哪些;哪一些;那一个



1.哪一个;哪一些used in questions to ask sb to be exact about one or more people or things from a limited number

2.(明确所指的事物)…的那个,…的那些used to be exact about the thing or things that you mean

3.(进一步提供有关某事物的信息)那个,那些used to give more information about sth


大学英语语法大全 ... whether 是否 which 哪一个 what 从句的小结 ...


奚字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 什么,何〖 what〗 哪个which〗 因何缘故〖 why〗 ...


哪字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 哪位〖 which〗 哪些which〗 哪样〖 whatkindof〗 ...


英语常用单词 - 豆丁网 ... prep.&ad. 或者 29 3560 which a. 哪一个,哪一些 one n. 一 ...


仁爱英语七年级下册单词_百度文库 ... boring 乏味的,无聊的 which 那(哪)一个;那(哪)些 best 最好地(的) ...

谁有英语常用语法?_百度知道 ... that 人 / 物 which who 人 ...

She and Ginny got into the front seat, which had been stretched so that it resembled a park bench. 她和金妮坐在前面,那个座位也被加长到像公园的长凳一样。
The editor has all the necessary tools for document creation, which seems to be from a different service than MemoryPress. 该编辑器中包括所有创建文档所需的工具,和MemoryPress提供的服务有所不同。
s the kind of help that you notice most of all during the difficult times, of which there have been a few during my time here. 在这里我遇到困难的大多数的时候,你们关注着我,你们给予了我这样的帮助。
He went on to say that the resumption of the Six-Party talks begun in 2003, but which North Korea withdrew from in 2009, is possible. 他接着说,六方会谈于2003年开始,但朝鲜于2009年从会谈中退出。恢复六方会谈是可能的。
Goals keep you fixed on one path, which might not be the best path in a week or a month or a year. 目标使你固定在一条路径上,或许这并不是对一周、一月或一年来讲最好的路径。
The data to populate these forms is often stored in a relational database which needs to be rendered in an exact position on the form. 填充表格的数据通常存储在关系型数据库中,在输出的表格中,必须将它们显示在准确的位置上。
The dollar's losses also came in tandem with declines in gold, which is often used as hedge against high-risk events. 今日美元同金价也同步走软,金价通常被投资人作为高风险的对冲资产。
His uneasiness arose from a misgiving that the old man had some secret store of money which he had not suspected. 他的不安是因为他怀疑老人有一些秘密积蓄,没有被他猜到。
"We think the share of renewables and nuclear which is now 18% worldwide needs to go up to 33% by 2030, " he said. “我们认为到2030年可再生能源和核能的份额需要从目前的18%增长到33%,”他说。
Care to share how much you got the lens for and from which shop? 介不介意讲出来这支镜头花多少钱得到的和在那一家店买?。
Learn about layout tables, which help you to line up elements on a form template, and about controls that are used for layout purposes. 了解能帮助您排列表单模板上的元素的版式表格,以及了解用于版式用途的控件。
It had not produced the smallest effect on her in that point to which it principally tended. 这番谈话对于她想要达到的主要目的没有产生丝毫影响。
if society were a state coach, the etiquette would be the wheels and axis, on which only the coach could roll forward. 假定社会是一辆贵宾车,礼仪好比轮子与轴,马车只能靠它们才能滚滚前进。
A YOUNG man gazes intently at his mobile device, to which he is listening through earphones. 戴着耳塞,一位年轻人正聚精会神地盯着他的移动设备。
every chicken nearly have no wool just as one which have opened up the stomach pulled out the wool a chicken type. 每个鸡身上根本没有毛,就象我们见到的已经开膛破肚拔完毛之后的鸡一个样!
I wanted to surprise him with a small party with his favorite dinner and some friends of him, which was planned in the evening. 我想在晚上举办一个小型聚会,做一顿他最爱的晚餐,邀请他的一些朋友参加,让他大吃一惊。
You say that we are going around the sun can even go around the moon, which to me and my work will not be affected. 你说我们是围绕太阳走,可即使是围着月亮走,这对我和我的工作也不会有什么影响。
Tucked away inside is a three-channel remote helicopter, which rises up on a launch platform ready to take to the skies. 它里面隐藏了3台遥控直升飞机,这3太直升飞机从游艇直飞到空中。
he and i continued in close agreement , and he gave his supreme authority to the views which i expressed. 他和我继续保持完全一致,他对于我所发表的意见,以他个人的最高权威加以支持。
How pompous some of the grand passages appeared; and how weak others were in which he thought he had expressed his full heart! 有些华丽的段落显得浮而不实,也有些段落软弱无力,可是他当时却认为,它们表达了他的整个心灵!
On his way to the top of the steps, he noticed a door which he remembered. 上楼的时候,他注意到了他曾记得的那个房门。
He said the parliament, government and the people all the same -they all in the same ship which, if it sinks, will make everyone sink. 他说,议会,政府与及广大人民都在站在同一条战线上,他们都在同一条船上,如果这条船沉了,大家也会被淹死。
Meanwhile, several volcanic events occurred which had close relationship with the formation of effective hydrocarbon source rocks. 该时期发生了多期火山事件,这些火山作用事件与盆地有效烃源岩的形成休戚相关;
They stirred the rest of the disciples who fell in behind Christ, ready to face the uncertainty which lay ahead. 它激动了其馀那些跟从基督的门徒,让他们作好准备,面向那不可知的未来。
The Democrats and Republicans now have to fight it out to agree to long-term spending plans, which has been a tough ask so far. 民主党人及共和党人现必须竭尽所能就长期支出计划达成一致,这迄今为止一直是个艰巨的任务。
Results: 1. To obtain a complete set of images which had been enlarged of the guinea pig inner ear tissue. 2. 结果:1。获得了一套完整的豚鼠内耳组织连续切片放大后的图像资料。
At the end of your service you shall be awarded higher degrees of light which can be used to decorate your crown. 在你的服务结束的时候,你将要被嘉奖以更高的光,能够被用来装饰你的王冠。
What you can do is to constrain the x and y positions to be a function of a custom attribute, which you animate over a range. 但是可以约束x和y的位置,使之成为某个定制属性的一个函数,这个定制属性沿着一个矩形来变化。
It's our responsibility to leave something which will be treasured and regarded as a legacy to be proud of by future generations. 我们有责任给后代留下值得他们珍爱并感到骄傲的遗产。
But besides the fact that it rhymes, which makes it fun to say and easy to recall, does it really have any value? 但事实上它只是童谣而已,便于好说好记,它真的有什么价值吗?