wait and see

  • adj.观望的;观望的;静候
  • 网络等着瞧;等着瞧吧;拭目以待

wait and seewait and see

wait and see


最常用的英文日常用语_爱问知识人 ... Let's play it by ear. 让我们随兴所至。 Wait and see. 等着瞧。 Leave me alone. 别理我 …


与正在“观望wait and see)”朝鲜现有独裁体制陷入崩溃、并期望朝鲜走向开放的正常国家道路的美国和日本不同,中国对朝 …


想说就说(二)04_在线英语听力室 ... He'd better work hard. 他最好努力工作。 Wait and see. 等着瞧吧。 Will see. 看一看吧。 ...


让我们拭目以待(wait and see)![2012-02-24]


开帖学英语两个月*_*_英语杂谈_天涯论坛 ... They are going steady. (口)确定的情侣 wait and see 走着瞧 hire a taxi 租出租车 ...


wait 用法?_百度知道 ... wait a bit [口]等一下, 稍等 一等 wait and see 等着瞧吧; 等等看 wait at table 侍候人家吃饭 ...


wait是什么意思_ wait翻译_ wait解释... ... wait and see 观望情形,静观 (事态) ,等著瞧 wait on (1) 继续等下去 ...


... Lesson 114 No Pain,No Gain 一分耕耘,一分收获 Lesson 115 Wait and See 静候观望 Lesson 116 We're Engaged 我们 …

I hear Tottenham are the latest side to be interested in me and playing in London would be great but let's wait and see. 我最近听说托特纳姆热刺对我感兴趣,他们在转会市场上有大手笔,这我非常期待。
Well, I think you'd better wait and see how much is left after Uncle Sam gets his share! 不过,你最好还是看看等纳完税之后还有多少剩余吧!
Mengqi pointed out that such a nation-wide cycle time wait-and-see posture, at least since 1998, not seen since the housing reform. 孟奇指出,这种全国性的观望态势的时间周期,至少是自1998年房改以来所未见。
But at this stage we still need to wait and see whether this sort of a financial turmoil will translate into something more real. 但是在这个阶段,我们仍需要稍候,看一看这次金融上的动荡,会不会转成更为实际的现象。
You know, my inspiration is that I wait and see what the pumpkin has to offer, and I just sort of bring it out. 你知道,我的灵感就是等待,看看这个南瓜能提供什么素材,然后我就有点像是把它能够提供的东西挖掘出来。
Since this has never been used or may never be used by MS we will adopt a wait and see approach and continue to monitor for its usage. 因为这从未使用过或可能永远不会使用的MS,我们将采取等待和观望的做法,并继续监测其使用情况。
With the steep downtrend and the U. S. harvest just getting underway, buyers seem to be taking a wait and see attitude. 在价格有大幅下滑之势且美国才刚刚开始收割的情况下,买方似乎保持着一种观望态度。
'Hopefully something will be in place over the next few days but I'll wait and see. 希望在未来几天之内事情将会有一个定论,我将等等看。
In Europe, the ECB is still likely to raise interest rates again, while the Bank of England looks as though it will now wait and see. 在欧洲,欧洲央行仍有可能再次上调利率,而英国央行目前似乎是静观其变。
But public opinion here on the general election to be able to make political stability, remains cautious wait and see attitude. 但此间舆论对大选能否使政局走向稳定,仍持谨慎观望的态度。
There is, dare I say it, a third way. Simply wait and see whether anything is clearer tomorrow, or the next day, or the day after that. 我敢说,还有第三条路,就是再等等,看看明天、后天、或大后天,事情是否会更明了一些。
Diamond rises to his feet, wipe off the water on his face and says exasperatedly as he stamps his feet: Motor, we will just wait and see! 钻石狼狈站起,满脸很线,用力抹掉脸上的水珠,咬牙切齿,跺脚:马达!你给我等着!
He must wait and see just how much he would make here in this perfectly marvelous realm. 他得等着瞧瞧,在这个奥妙无穷的洞天福地里,他究竟能得到多大的好处。
Well, you know, even tigers are afraid of me. You do not play with me, you wait and see! 哼,你们知道吗?就连老虎都怕我三分,你们不和我玩,有你们好瞧的!
We'll have to wait and see, but if he did arrive, it would be a great signing for this club. 我们再等等看,如果他真的来了,那将会是球队史上最伟大的一次签约。
Sevilla want to keep him for the time being, but let us just wait and see whether there is a chance of a January return to Italy. 塞维利亚希望留住他,但我们会等待一段时间,看看他是否有机会在一月份回到意大利。
It was always clear that this wait-and-see approach would eventually backfire. 有一点始终是很清楚的:这种等待和观望战略终有一日会收到相反的效果。
S. Fed is still in wait-and-see mode. As for Europe, there are still the bank stress tests to deal with, as Mr. Annunziata points out. 美联储仍在观望阶段,而欧洲,就像安农齐阿指出的那样,还要应对银行压力测试。
He explained: "They are stronger, no doubt, but we have to wait and see how thing are going to work. " 他说:“毫无疑问,他们更强了,但我们要等等看事情如何发展。”
We have to wait and see in the next few days how the pain is. I hope it does not get worse. 我们得再等几天,才能清楚受伤的程度。我希望伤情不会加重。
He warned against hesitations, doubts and suspicions and said it would be senseless and dangerous to take wait-and-see attitudes. 他提醒不要犹豫、疑惑和怀疑,并说采取等着瞧的态度是愚蠢和危险的。
"Let's wait and see, " he says. "We think it's at least a year too early to get excited. " “让我们拭目以待,”他说,“我们觉得至少还需要一年时间才能欢呼胜利。”
I knew we would have problems trying to convey Rule 2, and that is part of the reason we have stepped back to wait and see the blank stares. 我知道在贯彻第2规则过程中会存在一些问题,我们之所以要退而观望,并面对人们的不理解情绪,这也是部分原因。
It has been a very frustrating time for me being injured and not being available for Liverpool but all I can do is wait and see. 我对于自己的受伤非常难过,缺席了那么多利物浦的比赛并非我本意,但我当时能做的就是耐心等待。
"Both investors and homebuyers are taking a wait-and-see approach, and that's creating a stagnant market, " he said. 他指出:“投资者和购房者都持观望的态度,从而房地产市场开始不景气。”
But a senior European official at the talks said it was important to be calm and take a wait and see approach. 但是,欧洲一名与会的高级官员说,现在很重要的是保持冷静,采取观望态度。
RS: That's what we hope, but we'll have to wait and see. We think we had a very good tyre in Magny-Cours. It was an advantage. 拉尔夫-舒马赫:那是我们所希望的,但我们必须等等看。我们认为自己在马格尼-库斯有一副非常好的轮胎,而这是一个优势。
"Customers are restocking in September, but below normal levels. They're taking a wait-and-see approach, " he said. 但他补充称,需求放缓并没有蔓延至亚洲。“在中国,我们最大的客户没有显示出任何放缓的迹象”。
On the bear confirmation we have still another projection, to the $600 level. We'll just have to wait and see how all this pans out. 对于熊市的确认我们保持另外一个目标,600美元,我们只要等待并看到这些是怎么发生的。
The market is lost, for mentality later movements, the market participants began to diverge, parties wait-and-see atmosphere is strong. 市场心态较为迷茫,对于后期的走势,市场参与者开始出现分歧,各方的观望气氛较浓。