in the flesh

  • na.亲身;以肉体形式;活着的
  • 网络本人;行尸肉心;复生

in the fleshin the flesh

in the flesh


大学英语四级词组 - 豆丁网 ... under fire 遭到攻击,受到严厉批评 in the flesh 本人 as follows 如下 ...


RT,僵尸英剧《行尸肉心》(In the Flesh)第一季共3集,又名《复生》。僵尸英剧《行尸肉心》的剧情设定跟僵尸美剧《行 …


新课标选修6-10分单元词汇表_岸江_新浪博客 ... flesh n. 肉;肌肉;肉体 in the flesh 活着的;本人 geometry n. 几何学 ...


添加番剧 - 星祈娘 ... 谜湖之巅, Top Of The Lake 复生, In the flesh 惊魂序曲, Bates Motel ...


【同志亦凡人中文站】长片合辑 – Mtime时光网 ... 我与谁不同, Diverso da chi? 救赎, In the Flesh 泡沫, The Bubble ...


PINK FLOYD《THE WALL》 ... 7、The Show Must Go On 演出必须继续 8、In The Flesh 在母体中 9、Run Like Hell 拼命地 …


········_我是谁家猪吧_百度贴吧 ... flesh and blood 血肉之躯,人 in the flesh 活着的,本人,亲自 flesh wound 皮肉之伤 ...


flesh的翻译 查词 例句 词组... ... in flesh 肥胖的 in the flesh 活生生的; 以肉体形式; 亲自; 本人 lose flesh 变瘦; 消瘦 ...

Others were eager to see me in the flesh and decide for themselves whether or not I was a normal human being. 另外还有一些人渴望看到一个有血有肉的我,以便他们自己来判断我是否是一个普通人。
But if I live on in the flesh, this will mean fruit from my labor; yet what I shall choose I cannot tell. 但我在肉身活著,若成就我工夫的果子,我就不知道该挑选甚麽。
I have corresponded with him for some years, but I have never met him in the flesh. 我已和他通信联系好几年了,但一直未与他本人见过面。
It was quite a thrill to see a real movie star in the flesh. 看见真的电影明星本人是一件令人兴奋不已的事情。
and if Paul had not had his thorn in the flesh we had missed much of that tenderness which quivers in so many of his letters. 如果保罗没有一根刺加在肉体上,在他许多的书信上一定会失去多少温柔!
I was early. I'd been impatient to see him in the flesh. 我到得很早,一直盼着早些亲眼见到他本人。
I just, you know, I would like to see you in the flesh. 我只是想我想见见你本人
If you are running a global division, teams will want to see you in the flesh. You can expect to have to live with almost permanent jet lag. 如果你管理的是一个全球部门,各个团队都会想看到活生生的你,所以可以想见,你几乎不得不永远生活在时差里。
But if I live in the flesh, this is the fruit of my labour: yet what I shall choose I wot not. 但我在肉身活着,若成就我工夫的果子,我就不知道该挑选什么。
But if I am to live in the flesh, if this to me is fruit for my work, then I do not know what I will choose. 但我在肉身活著,若使我的工作有果子,我就不知道该挑选什么。
2 No longer to live the rest of the time in the flesh in the lusts of men, but in the will of God. 彼前四2好使你们不再从人的情欲,只从神的旨意,在肉身中度余下的光阴。
Any uncircumcised male, who has not been circumcised in the flesh, will be cut off from his people; he has broken my covenant. 但不受割礼的男子必从民中剪除,因他背了我的约。
Not that you can miss him in the flesh as he is 6ft 5in tall and about as broad. 你可能对他的肌肉、6尺5寸高的身形和宽广过目难忘。
They did not visit my grammar school in the flesh though they were there in books. 他们没有亲自来我的文法学校但却藏在书籍里。
Such emotions cover over our pristine essence, and submerge it in the "flesh" - the desires and drives of the body. 这个情绪覆盖了我的原始本质,并且淹没在肉体中-这个欲望和身体的驱动。
But knowing, as we said before, that "the Word became flesh" (Jn 1: 14) we acknowledge him as God even when he comes in the flesh. 我们乃是认识,‘道成了肉身’(约翰1:14)我们也承认,即使祂在肉身里来,祂仍就是神。
The Castro regime is a thorn in the flesh; but it is not a dagger in the heart. 卡斯特罗政权是一根肉中刺,然而还不是刺在心上的一把刀。
Most could not see their hero in the flesh, but were content to watch him on enormous screens. 许多人虽无法亲眼看到他们的英雄,但能从大屏幕上一睹他的风采也就心满意足了。
"I think it was very helpful for us that the Chinese got to meet in the flesh somebody with this kind of expertise, " Ms Cheung says. 张明明表示:“我认为,让中国企业亲眼见见有这种专业经验的人士,对我们很有帮助。”
He wanted an external power, a guru, who by embodying perfection in the flesh would still the commotion of his soul. 他想要一种外来的力量,一位古鲁,一个完美的具体化身来帮助他平息骚乱的灵魂。
For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh. 因为真受割礼的,乃是我们这以神的灵敬拜,在基督耶稣里夸口,不靠着肉体的。
It is very excited to see a real movie star in the flesh. 看见真的电影明星本人很令人兴奋。
But meeting people in the flesh is always a bit scary. 不过,亲自去见人总会让人有点慌。
I've got all her records but I've never seen her in the flesh. 我有她的所有唱片,却从未见过她本人。
I have corresponded with her for some years, but I have never met her in the flesh. 我和她通信有好几年了,可还从未见过她本人。
But if Jesus Christ is who he claims to be , God in the flesh, then nothing else counts except to know him. 但如果耶稣基督是正如?所声称的具有肉体的上帝,那么就没有比认识?
Takes the form of diarrhoea following ingestion of the oil in the flesh and bones of gempylids. 在摄取带鰆鱼肉跟骨头内的油脂后,引起腹洩的形式。
Christ becoming sin for us I believe refers to his incarnation, coming in the flesh. 基督成为罪我认为指的是他道成肉身。
Presented in traditional Chinese style, the entire fish was served whole with artful cuts in the flesh to create a "flying" appearance. 呈现在眼前的是传统的中国菜式,整条鱼被全盘端上,鱼身上切出精美的刀花,摆出“飞翔”地姿态。
In the Old Testament, for the coming of Christ in the flesh, and the abrogation of the Jewish economy. 在旧约中,为未来的基督,在肉体和废除犹太人的经济体系。