slip away

  • v.悄没声息地溜走
  • 网络不要让明天溜走;消失;悄悄溜走

第三人称单数:slips away 现在分词:slipping away 过去式:slipped away

slip awayslip away

slip away


slip away什么意思_百度知道 ... away: 离开, slip away: 不要让明天溜走. slip away 逃走;悄悄溜走 ...


独家:历年中考真题阅读完型核心单词_英语网 ... antenna tower 中继器,天线塔 slip away 消失 make a difference 有影响,有 …


slip away什么意思_百度知道 ... slip away: 不要让明天溜走. slip away 逃走;悄悄溜走 slip: 溜走,滑行, ...


9.不要让明天溜去slip away)---刘德华(华仔在剧中为巩俐唱的)片尾曲Cappuccino---萧亚轩等待您来回答 分享到: 来百度 …


英语词汇:“walk”的33种英语表达_新东方网 ... goose-step 正步走; slip away 溜掉; meander 迂回地走; ...


'disappear'的... ... Suddenly appear and disappear 忽有忽无 slip away;disappear 滑走;滑落 To vanish or disappear 烟消火灭 ...

So you're living through a time when virtually half of humanity's intellectual, social and spiritual legacy is being allowed to slip away. 所以你生活在这样一个时代一半的人类智慧、社会和精神遗产都在悄然流逝。
The New World is still new so long as it is possible to slip away into the wilderness, to live by the sense as wild animals do. 只要你能够溜进荒野,象野兽那样靠五官生活,新世界还是新的。
Traveling together will heighten romance this month, so if it is possible to slip away on a quick vacation in the first week, do. 一起旅行意志增高浪漫史这月,如此如果它是可能的到滑离开在第一个星期的一次快的假期,做。
It's frustrating, because without a certain amount of self-discipline, you know your goals are going to slip away. 没有一定的律己意识,你知道自己的目标注定要悄然逝去,多么令人沮丧啊!
Hope that all conscious people can grasp the general flow of time, does not it always slip away from between the fingers! 希望所有自觉的人能够把握住流水一般的时间,不让它总是从指缝间滑走!
We must approach this as any other momentous transition with caution and patience and determination not to let gains slip away over time. 我们必须用戒心、耐心和决心推动埃及的重大变革,不要让机会随着时间溜走。
Today you can also like him to have more revenue opportunities for you to slip away to watch it? 今天您也可以像他一样有更多的收益,您要眼睁睁地看着机会溜走吗?
He prided himself on having never been beaten in class. Having been given such a good chance, how could she let it slip away? 人家给了她这样一个好机会,人家给了她这样一个好机会,她怎么能轻易放过?轻易放过?
The chariot continues forward. There could be a pleasant surprise during the journey but be careful not to let the opportunity slip away. 战车继续前进。在旅程期间可能有愉快的惊奇但是很小心不要再让良机滑去远处。
So once they show up in your life, seize the vital chance, for the chance can never be back if it slip away from your hands. 所以一旦他们呈现在你的生涯,掌握住这个主要的机遇,因为机会或者永远不能回来,假如它溜走脱离你们的手。
Presently the bedclothes began to slip away slowly toward the foot of the bed, as if some one were pulling them! 不久我的睡衣开始慢慢的滑向床底,好像有什么东西在拉它们!
I try to hold on to it, to stay awake inside it, but I slip away at last into sleep. 我试图抓住它,来保持清醒我试图抓住它,以保持清醒里面,但是我溜走,最后进入睡眠。
How do you keep in contact with your core when connections are so easy to let slip away? 当那些联系容易从身边溜走时,你要怎样与你重要的人保持联系呢?
As you when giving me a chance I will catch you tightly Can in have from I thought that side slip away in you of letting . 当你在给我一个机会,我一定会抓到你紧紧地可以在从我想到身边溜走在你的。
Must find out that human, greatly not we is two domestics, follow him to work out to slip away street each day, until watch that pretended. 一定要找出那个人,大不了咱们出两个家丁,天天跟着他出去溜街,直到见到那人为止。
So if given the chance, whether it is to embrace life or the tree, do not let it slip away, you know? 所以一旦有机会,不管是拥抱生命或是树,千万别让它溜之大吉,知道吗?
The attack came hours after the mosque's top cleric was arrested while trying to slip away wearing a traditional woman's burma. 在激烈交火之后清真寺的最高传教士被逮捕,他真设法摆脱,并穿着传统的妇女长袍。
But if we let go, and let the thing we need slip away for a while, we might find that we don't really need it at all. 但如果我们放手,让需要的东西消失片刻,我们可能会发现自己根本不需要那样东西。
"We cannot afford to let the gains we have sacrificed so much for slip away before they are cemented, " they said. 他们强调:“我们不能让我们为之付出极大代价的成果在未得到巩固前就付诸东流。”
It's so easy to let your dreams slip away. 我们很容易让自己的梦想从身边悄然滑过。
Now let the day just slip away so the dark night may watch over you. 快让白天从你身边悄悄的溜走,这样黑夜将会给你安慰。
In the age of overwork, when quality of life can slip away so easily, is a bigger salary the reason to choose one job over another? 在这个超负荷工作的时代,我们的生活质量就这样轻易地下滑着,我们不禁要问,高薪确实是我们选择一个新职位的理由吗?
I once let the truest love slip away from before of my eyes without cherishing it. Only to find myself regretting when it was too late. 曾经有一份真诚的爱情放在我面前,我没有珍惜,等失去的时候我才后悔莫及,人世间最痛苦的事莫过于此。
It was a good day for someone who had given so much laughter and encouragement to the world to slip away. 对一位曾给世界人民带来如此之多的欢笑和鼓舞的人而言,这一天无疑是悄然谢世的好日子。
But what of those who do not want to retire but who will want to slip away in time to avoid being trapped during the Last Weeks? 但是那些又不想退休,又想在最后几周及时逃跑而不被困住的人会怎么样?
Some fear that the colonel may slip away to a remote corner of the desert, relying on longstanding tribal pledges of protection. 有人担心卡扎菲可能会逃往沙漠深处,长期处于部落所承诺的荫庇之下。
The habit of engaging with God and His creations is easily made if you actively refuse to let your mind slip away. 如果你积极地不让心思游移,就不难养成与上主及其造化同心合力的习惯。
Time passes very quickly. Time around, quietly slip away, a decade or two, just be an easy job to past. 光阴荏苒,年华在身边悄无声息地溜走,一晃,十几二十年就这么轻而易举地过去了。
As the Spaniards turn the carriage into a dancing frenzy, we slip away to pack. 西班牙人把公共车厢变成了狂热的舞厅,我们溜回自己车厢去打包。
However, she suddenly thinks of a matter and cans not assists a strange way: "Did you embezzle to slip away wagon, be not discovered? " 不过,她突然想起一件事,不禁奇道:“难道你偷着溜上马车,没被人发现?”