in the ocean

  • 网络在海洋里;生活在海洋;在大海中徜徉

in the oceanin the ocean

in the ocean


七年级冀教版英语短语_百度知道 ... 11. on the beach 在沙滩上 12. in the ocean 在海洋里 13. the summer holiday 暑假 ...


英国最具影响力的... ... Living underground 生活在地下 In the ocean 生活在海洋 Surviving without sunshine 没有阳光也能生存 ...


RIHANNA-WE... ... Took me swimming 带我去游泳 In the ocean 在大海中徜徉 U had my head up in the clouds 你让我置身云 …


自然百科:金星和水... ... in its atmosphere, 在大气中, in the ocean, 在海洋中, and even below the surface, 甚至在地表以下, ...


小朋友学中文-Interactive Flashcards Vol 1... ... 4. 在极地 The Extremes 5. 畅游海洋 In the Ocean 动物 Animals: ...


animal habitats flashcards | Quizlet ... 山上 on the mountain 海里 in the ocean 沙漠上 on the desert ...


网友评论... ... You were terribly nice⌒about⌒it. 你对它好得可怕。 You threw⌒it⌒in the ocean. 你把它扔到海里去了。 ...


初一英语第... ... 28It's none of your business 不关你的事 29……in the ocean 在大洋 30amaxe v. be amazed at…… amazing …

The problem is that a not only does a great deal of it not get recycled, much of it escapes into the environment and ends up in the ocean. 问题是,不仅很大一部分没有被回收,很多已被抛弃到大自然中,结果流入海洋。
If you swim there, you float as if you were in the ocean, a thousand miles away. 如果你到河里游泳,会像在海里一样浮起来,能漂出去一千英里。
"When we ran out of food we began to collect driftwood and coconuts that we found floating in the ocean, " he said. 后来食物吃完了,我们就开始在海面寻找漂着的木头和椰子充饥。
The part of the bird that's not in the sky, Who can swim in the ocean, And yet remain dry. 鸟的一部分,但不在空中,它能在海洋里游泳,但仍保持干燥。
Amphioxus Although able to swim, but most of the time the body will be buried in the ocean floor in the gravel or mud. 文昌鱼虽能游泳,但大部分时间将身体埋在洋底的砂砾或泥中。
With this satellite data delivery service, we're able to observe what's happening in the ocean in ways we've never been able to before. 有了这种卫星资料传递服务,我们能够以前所未有的方式观察海洋中正在发生的情况。
However, the wind does not always blow straight in towards the shore. Out in the ocean, it may be blowing from every direction. 但风并非常常向著海岸方向直吹,在海洋上可以有不同方向的风。
With so many land creatures to wonder at, it's easy to forget that some of the weirdest activities take place deep in the ocean. 当我们看到许多陆地上的猛禽时,很容易便忽视了有许多怪异的活动是发生在海洋深处的。
I, as if turned into a white dancing butterfly, am reveling in the Ocean of green! 我,仿佛变成了一只翩翩起舞的白色蝴蝶,陶醉在绿色的海洋中,真美啊!
And these things are important when you are trying to find out what happens to a human body if it ends up in the ocean. 而当你试图查明在如果人体落入大海里会发生什么的时候,这些都是重要的。
If it is a strong quake and it happens near or in the ocean, computers quickly measure the length, depth and location of a quake. 如果它是一个强大的地震和它附近或在海洋中发生的,电脑迅速测量长度,深度和位置的一次地震。
These intelligent, versatile predators can swim up to a mile in the ocean and can roam 40 miles at a time. 这些多才多艺的聪明捕食者能在海里游动长达一英里(约1.6公里),而且能一口气漫步40英里。
and a sea creature in the ocean becomes a shelter for a pair of cold monkeys. 巨大海洋生物成为一双森冷猴子的避难所。
As the researchers pointed out, because polar bears live primarily on sea ice, their remains often end up in the ocean. 如同研究人员指出的,由于北极熊都生活在海冰上,它们的尸体最终留在了海洋中。
The police crackdown on speeding is just a drop in the ocean in solving Taiwan's traffic problems. 要解决台湾的交通问题,只靠警察来取缔超速是微不足道的。
Far out in the ocean, the water is so blue, like the most beautiful cornflower petals, and as clear as the purest glass. 在海的远处,水是那么蓝,像最美丽的矢车菊花瓣,同时又是那么清,像最明亮的玻璃。
Feel vibrating with a new frequency, feel swaying as if you are in the ocean of love. 去感觉新的振动频率,就好像你在爱的海洋里摇曳。
If life is just like a candle in the wind, like a cork in the ocean during a storm, then there is no reason we should be here. 如果生命像是在风中的一支蜡烛,像是暴风雨时海洋中的一个软木塞,那么就没有我们在这的原因了。
The leaves swayed back and forth in the wind, reminding Jordi of seaweed drifting in the ocean. 一片片绿叶在风中摇曳,让乔迪想起海上飘浮的海草。
Earlier this week , Southall was getting off a Jet Ski in the ocean when he felt " a small bee- like sting " on his arm . 本周早些时候,索撒尔从海上的水上摩托艇下来后,突然觉得一只胳膊“像被蜜蜂蜇了一下”。
This was particularly the case where a quake happened in a remote location, or out in the ocean. 这是一个当地震发生在偏僻的地方或海洋深处时的典型例子。
If I was a teacher, I will treat each student put all his knowledge, teach them and let them enjoy flying in the ocean of knowledge. 假如我是一名老师,我会好好对待每一位学生,把自己所有的知识都教给他们,让他们尽情翱翔在知识的海洋中。
Life in the ocean ranges from the tiniest plankton all the way up to giants like sharks and whales. 海洋里的生物中从微小的浮游生物到巨大的动物如鲨鱼和鲸鱼都有。
We won't have such a risk included, as it is not stipulated in the Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses. 人们不能投保此项夷别,由于海土运输条款外没有包括那一夷别。
Some urged him to burn the letters, throw them back in the ocean or give them to a church, Lacovara said. 拉克维拉说有些人让他烧掉信件,重新扔回大海或者捐赠给教堂。
When released in the ocean, radioactive iodine tends to get absorbed by seaweed and local plants. 放射性碘排放到海洋中时,往往会被海藻和当地的海洋植物吸收。
There was once a wave in the ocean, rolling along, enjoying the warmth of the sun and the swiftness of the breeze. 一次,大海里有一波海浪,独自翻腾着,享受的阳光的温暖和微风的吹拂。
Visitors can enjoy all the beauty and wonders of life deep down in the ocean. 游客能享受所有美景和奇妙的海洋深层的生活
This is like a drop in the ocean when compared with the stimulus package, which is to be spent in the next couple of years. 这感觉起来就像是沧海一粟当与刺激方案相比的时候,将在接下来的两年被花费。
Humans born into the world are like ephemeral insects on an old tree, like a drop of water in the ocean. 人生天地间,就好比蜉蝣之于老椿,滴水之于大海,哪里能比量?