
美 [ɪntʃ]英 [ɪntʃ]
  • n.英寸(长度单位,等于 2.54 厘米,1 英尺等于 12 英寸)
  • v.(使朝某方向)谨慎移动
  • 网络尺寸;英制;寸动

复数:inches 现在分词:inching 过去式:inched



n. v.

1.英寸(长度单位,等于 2.54 厘米,1 英尺等于 12 英寸)a unit for measuring length, equal to 2.54 centimetres. There are 12 inches in a foot.

2.少量;短距离a small amount or distance


every inch

整体;全部the whole of sth

give sb an inch (and theyll take a mile/yard)

得寸进尺used to say that if you allow some people a small amount of freedom or power they will see you as weak and try to take a lot more

inch by inch

缓慢而谨慎地;一步一步very slowly and with great care or difficulty

not budge/give/move an inch

寸步不让to refuse to change your position, decision, etc. even a little

within an inch of sth/of doing sth

差一点;险些very close to sth/doing sth






此刀杆具有英制inch)规格,为法兰螺栓固定式(用于原有的JIS系列面铣刀)此刀杆具有公制(mm)英制(inch)规格,为 …


机械英语词汇|各类常用英语词汇 ... one stroke 一行程 inch 寸动 to continue,cont. 连动 ...


吸气口径inch):G11/4"重量(KG):70外形尺寸mm(L*W*H):710*410*290东莞市大路通真空设备制造有限公司成立于2003 …


高二英语词汇表 ... Montserrat n. 蒙特塞拉特岛 (加勒比海一岛) inch n. 英寸;少量 Maria 玛丽亚 (女子名) ...


职称英语等级考试A - 原版英语_馆档网 ... inadequate 不适当的,不充足的 inch 英寸,少许,少量 incidence 发生(率) ...

He was absolutely inch-perfect in qualifying, when it was very easy to make a mistake on the tyres as we saw other drivers were doing. 他几乎在排位赛上表现完美,而我们常常看到其他车手在轮胎上犯错误。
Bicycle wheel fell in love with the front wheel, but he knew he could never be with him. So he kiss times he walks every inch of the land. 自行车的后轮爱上了前轮,可是他知道自己永远不可能和他在一起。于是他吻遍了他走过的每一寸土地。
The door was flung open and there rushed in a paunchy middle-aged man, with inch-long hair cut close to his head. 大门猛然推开,一名只留有一寸长短发、腹大便便的中年男子冲了进来。
But most lovely of all was the skill with which they flew, their wing tips moving a precise and constant inch from his own. 但是最可爱的还是他们的飞行技术,他们的翼梢始终极精确地与乔纳森的翼梢保持着一英寸距离。
Bards sublime "who grass-inch heart, reported in the apartments, " expressed the grace of the children for the mother of endless feelings. 千古绝唱“谁言寸草心,报得三春晖”,表达了儿女对母亲的恩惠报答不尽的感情。
First, while mobile use for local information seems to be growing, the trend is still a mile wide and an inch deep. 首先,虽然使用手机浏览信息的趋势有所上升,但整体形势仍然是只有宽度深度不够。
Creepers are always ambitiously trying to crawl over every inch of the wall. 爬墙虎总是野心勃勃地想要占据每一寸墙。
It's been styled to an inch of its life, with every corner of the custom OS looking like it's stepped out of a graphic designer's wet dream. 它设计生活中每一英寸,操作系统的每个部分都看起来像是来自一个图形设计师的梦遗。
At last he arrived, by dint of feeling his way inch by inch, at a clearing where there was a great heap of whitish stones. 继又摸一段,走一段,最后,他走到了一处树木稀疏、有一大堆灰白大石头的地方。
the awful finality of it roared in like an enormous black cloud blotting out the sky, over every inch of the world. 由此带来的可怕结局就像是浓密的乌云遮住了天空,遮住了这个世界的每一寸角落。
An inch taller than I, he had a lean, muscular frame, clear blue eyes, blond hair and a strikingly handsome face. 他比我高一英寸,身材修长,肌肉结实,蓝蓝的眼睛,金黄的头发,还长着一张异常英俊的面孔。
Just before starting the driver picked up in the street a stump of a cigar an inch long, and put it in his mouth. 临出发前,赶车的在街头捡了截一英寸长的雪茄烟蒂,塞在嘴里。
And his father had worked to the last fading gasp; the horned growth on his hands must have been half an inch thick when he died. 他的父亲是一直干到呼出最后一口微弱的气才死去的,死时手上的硬茧足有半英寸厚。
Spot diameters of just a few thousands of an inch can readily be attained with convenient short focal length lenses. 用普通的短焦距透镜不难得到直径只有几十微米的光点。
You cannot be so nice to her, for you give her an inch and she'll take a mile. 你不能对她太好了,她这个人得寸进尺。
Assemble Drill To break through the first layer of crust, the crew deploys a steel pipe with an 11-inch-wide drill bit at the bottom. 为了突破第一层地壳,船员们使用底部装有11英寸宽的钻头的钢管。
The chilling rain was pouring down provided by three fire hoses, and every inch of me was soaked completely through for at least 2 hours. 三个消防水龙喷出冰冷的雨水打在我身上,我全身湿透至少有两个小时之久。
He began examining nearby galaxies with a 10-inch refractor to see whether any stars had flared up. 他用口径10英寸的折射望远镜巡视邻近的星系,查看是否有恒星已经闪亮。
They were both a little worse for wear, with Ms. Burnett sporting a six-inch wine stain on the front of her ivory dress. 他俩都穿的挺糟糕,伯内特小姐穿着一条象牙白的裙子,前面有六英寸的酒渍。
My pressure on her hips, sinking my fingertips into every inch of you, 'cause I know that's what you want me to do. 我的压力在她的臀部,沉入你的每寸我的指尖,因为我知道这就是你要我做什么。
I watched it over the weekend on my state-of-the-art, 197-inch flat-screen TV in the comfort of my own home and was in heaven. 我在我家的197寸的纯平超大电视上看过后,这简直比天堂还美好。
Over the last 30 years, the city began to suffer from dramatic rises in sea level of nearly an inch a year. 在过去30年,海平面每年上升近一英寸,休斯顿开始受到严重威胁。
She finished off each with a sun in the upper right-hand corner, surrounded by an inch or two of blue sky. 她每画完一页,都会在右上角画上太阳,周围是一两寸的蓝天。
The pliosaur 's head was twice as big as that of a Tyrannosaurus rex and was filled with an impressive set of 12-inch teeth. 这只上龙的头比霸王龙的大一倍,满口是令人印象深刻12英寸长的巨齿。
Fill a casserole dish with an inch or two of water, bring to a boil, put a heatproof or metal vegetable-filled colander inside and cover. 在炖肉用浅锅中加入1-2英寸深的水,待水沸腾,将装满蔬菜的耐热或金属滤锅放入沸水中,并盖上盖子。
And as you get older and more decrepit, you sort of inch along on this sort of depressing, long staircase, leading you into oblivion. 而且随着你变得更老,更加力不从心,你步履艰难的在这个令人沮丧的,长长的,最终会带你通往灭亡的楼梯上行走。
"There have been a number of incidents involving Chinese troops trying to extend the line of control in that area, inch-by-inch, " he said. “已经发生了多起事件,涉及中国军队试图拓展那个地区的实控线,一寸一寸的蚕食,”他说。
Over the course of a day, you can lose up to an inch of your height due to intervertebral disk compression. 在一天当中,由于椎间盘的压缩你就会失去了一英寸的高度。
When she had a half-inch of hair on her head, she decided to show the world that she'd gone through chemotherapy. 当她的头发长了半寸多长,Lovell决定向她的世界表明自己正在经历着化疗。
And although we had all vowed to never yield an inch of our land to the enemy, we started to retreat within the first few days of fighting. 尽管我们宣誓说绝不放弃一寸土地,但还是在经过几天的战斗后开始撤退。