
美 [ɪnˈseɪn]英 [ɪn'seɪn]
  • adj.精神失常的;精神错乱的;十分愚蠢的;疯狂的
  • n.精神失常的人;精神错乱的人
  • 网络患精神病的;疯子;精神病患者的

比较级:insaner 最高级:insanest



1.精神失常的;精神错乱的seriously mentally ill and unable to live in normal society

2.(informal)十分愚蠢的;疯狂的;危险的very stupid, crazy or dangerous


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淡淡的英文单词怎么写?-外语-天涯问答 ... ignorance n. 无知,愚昧 insane a. 精神错乱的 languid a. 倦怠的,无精打采的 ...


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大学英语精读单词表(第六册) - 豆丁网 ... interior n. 内部 insane a. 患精神病的, 精神病患者的 anyhow ad. 无论如何; 至少 ...

His wife's leaving him drove him so mad that he had to be put in an insane asylum for a while. 他妻子的离开使他变得如此发疯,他只好被暂时送往精神病院。
She was still insane, but was no longer able to express her wandering ideas in the wild notes of her former state of exalted imagination. 她仍处于颠狂的状态中,但是已不能够再用狂野的调子来表达她放荡不羁的思绪了。
The Black Adder I - King Richard IV is the insane monarch ruling England during the really dark part of the Dark Ages. 黑加法我-金理查德四是疯狂君主统治时期的黑暗时代英格兰很黑的一部分。
What? That's insane. I'm glad you broke up with him. Anyway, you'd better not try to make me feel guilty about him. 对,他呀,是有毛病,所以我才和他分手的嘛。我告诉你可是没有要让你感到
If insanity means being out of touch with reality, Nebuchadnezzar was insane long before he thought he was a cow. 如果疯狂是指脱离现实,那麽尼布甲尼撒在他以为自己是一头牛之前早就已经疯了。
He drew a picture of the girl etched in his mind, along with a portrait of himself with this disclaimer pointed at his head: "Not insane. " 他将深深印在脑中的女孩形象画了出来,还附上了自己的画像,并在他脑袋旁写道——“精神正常”。
He insane person outside the capital, with his wife and one of his daughters, told no, he sold rely on the word living. 那人外界都城他为疯子,带着老婆和一个女儿,三口都没工作,就靠他卖字为生。
Sometimes I couldn't bear to be in Shane's room. I felt as if I were going to explode or go insane. 有时候我无法呆在沙恩的病房里,我感觉自己似乎快要爆炸,快要急疯了。
It is often hard to remember how insane the 1970s were, but China, for all its faults now, did emerge from the shadow of Mao's death. 回忆上世纪70年代的疯狂常常让人感到难过,然而,尽管目前存在那么多的问题,中国最终走出了毛的阴影。
We suggest you take this guide (and you guy) to bed and tap into the insane pleasure this tiny part of your anatomy can produce. 我们建议你和你的伴侣将这份指导应用到床第之间,从而享受这么一个小小的地带产生出的无尽的满足。
"The Japanese came into relatively small markets with so much money that they drove the markets insane, " Mr Dolman remembers. 杜尔曼回忆道:“日本人带着如此大量的资金进入了规模相对较小的艺术品市场,令整个市场失去了理性。”
There was the case of 10-year-old [and a younger child, whose mother attempted to kill them both. ] The mother was found legally insane. 有一个案件的当事人是一个10岁的孩子(另外还有一个更小一点儿的孩子,他们的母亲打算把他们都杀掉)。
"What's wrong me me? Am I insane? " he said he thought, and knew something had to change. “我出什么问题了?我发疯了吗?”他说,他开始了思考,并知道啥时候做些改变了。
There is little variation among states on the matter of contracts with the drunk of insane, but minors are a special category. 各个州之间在醉酒者和精神病人订立合同的问题上几乎没有差别,但是未成年人是一个特殊类别。
It used to be an insane asylum, and before that it was an orphanage. 被用来当作精神病人的收容所,以前这儿是一所孤儿院。
Among one of his plans was the creation of an insane clone of Obi-Wan that would figure prominently in the events of the Thrawn Trilogy. 他的计划之一就是创造一个发疯的欧比-万克隆人,他将成为《索龙三部曲》故事里的重要人物。
Leonard: like, uh, like, how the Joker got back at Batman for putting him in the Arkham Asylum for the Criminally Insane. 就好比蝙蝠侠把疯子罪犯小丑扔进了亚可汗疯人院,事后他不是越狱了吗。
Kobe is the best. The shots he made last night was insane. We played great defense and he would not be denied. You have to give him love! 科比是最棒的,他今晚命中的那些球太疯狂了。我们防得很好,可他还是无法忽视。你必须给他赞美。
Even if we're opening a bank account, or trying to get a visa to some foreign country, people see that I'm supposedly insane. 即使是到银行开户或者签证去其他国家,人家也都能查到我是精神不正常的人。
She was almost sightless herself (due to a childhood fever) and was, at one time, diagnosed as hopelessly "insane" by her by caregivers. 她自己因为儿时发高烧而几乎双目失明,且一度被看护者们诊断为精神失常,无法医治。
A game like this usually ends up in an arms race of insane skill checks, save DCs, Armor Class, and attack rolls. 一个游戏经常就这样结束在技能核对、难度等级、装甲级别和攻击计算里面。
Are you ready to consume an insane amount of resources, to have a huge impact on the environment, to work long hours to pay for all that? 疯狂的购买一大推东西,给环境带来沉重的负担,为支付这些东西加班加点工作,这,你又准备好了吗?
She was to visit asylums for the insane where she came across feebleminded children, unable to function in schools or families. 当时,她的职责之一是探访精神病院。在精神病院里,她见到一些弱智孩童。
Then his red eyes focus on me again, still that creepy insane sort of smile on his lips. 然后,他的红眼睛专注于我了,仍是爬行类疯狂的微笑他的嘴唇。
If you were in the business, you would have been insane not to want him because he had a great flair to his game. 在生意场上,你不想要他那你就是疯了,因为他对比赛有着伟大的判断力。
He was an exhorter, all right, and I was caught in the crude, insane eloquence of his plea. 他是个名副其实的“规劝者”,言语粗鲁,颠三倒四,但辩解起来连我也被吸引住了。
The man who shot him said he supported the political group that supported Vice President Chester Arthur. The gunman was found to be insane. 刺杀总统的人说他支持那个支持副总统切斯特.亚瑟的政治组织,然而,这位凶手被证明患有精神病。
On the outside, Tony said, not wanting to spend time with your criminally insane neighbours would be a perfectly understandable position. 托尼认为,表面上看来,这种不愿意与那些不正常的罪犯们同流合污在一起的态度很容易被人理解。
It would be insane, for instance, for Germany to embark on an expansionary wage policy that led to higher unemployment. 举例而言,德国实施导致失业率上升的扩张性薪资政策就将是愚蠢的。
"I would like you to give tours, " she responds from the front of the room. "That would be pretty insane. " “我希望你来巡视。”她在会议室前面回答。“那一定非常疯狂。”