
美 [skɪn]英 [skɪn]
  • n.皮肤;壳;外壳;外皮
  • v.剥皮;扒皮;削皮;擦破(身体某部位的)皮肤
  • 网络皮囊;思金斯;英剧皮囊

复数:skins 过去式:skinned 现在分词:skinning

animal skin


n. v.

身体on body

1.[u][c]皮;皮肤the layer of tissue that covers the body


2.…皮肤的having the type of skin mentioned

死兽of dead animal

3.[c][u](兽)皮;毛皮;皮张the skin of a dead animal with or without its fur, used for making leather, etc.

水果;蔬菜of fruit/vegetables

4.[c][u](某些果实和蔬菜的)皮,壳the outer layer of some fruits and vegetables

香肠of sausage

5.[c][u]外皮;肠衣the thin outer layer of a sausage

液体on liquids

6.[c][u](尤指冷却时形成的)薄层,皮the thin layer that forms on the surface of some liquids, especially when they become cold

外壳outside layer

7.[c]外壳;外层a layer that covers the outside of sth

8.[c](便携式电子音乐播放器的)护套,保护壳a special cover for any small electronic device that you can carry with you so that you can listen to music


by the skin of your teeth

刚好;勉强if you do sthby the skin of your teeth , you only just manage to do it

get under sbs skin

惹某人生气(或恼火)to annoy sb

have got sb under your skin

极其迷恋;被某人深深打动to be extremely attracted to sb

its no skin off my, your, his, etc. nose

(指某人没有受到不良影响)这不关某人的事,这跟某人没关系used to say that sb is not upset or annoyed about sth because it does not affect them in a bad way

make your skin crawl

使人毛骨悚然;让人起鸡皮疙瘩to make you feel afraid or full of disgust

(nothing but/all/only) skin and bone

瘦得皮包骨;瘦骨嶙峋extremely thin in a way that is not attractive or healthy


尼古拉斯·霍尔特_百度百科 ... 维兰德/ Wallander 皮囊/ Skins 唤醒死者/ Waking the Dead ...


皮肤Skins) – 皮肤是具体区块(Blocks)中的JavaScript、CSS和图片文件。你可能会问什么是区块?


...美国自行车队的打扮援助商。终年援助自行车的活动品牌思金斯(Skins)以为阿姆斯特朗禁药丑恶闻被曝光之后,他们的品牌名 …


英剧皮囊SKINS)第一季第六集13分16秒附近求助知友tx907419 |十三级采纳率27% 擅长领域:动漫电影娱乐休闲 |评论 1回 …


c盘下的logs文... ... DataCACerts.dat 存放的是安装各种软件的证书文件。 SKINS 存放的是主题文件。 Backup.xml 存放的是备 …


FM13 图像资源放置路径一览... ... BACKGROUNDS( 背景) Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2013\skins\ 皮肤名\ SKINS…


这些英文的意思?_百度知道 ... [update] 升级 [Skins] 外观,皮肤 [Languages] 语言 ...

You don't have to have the lime green thing, though. Several different skins are available for you to select. 除了石灰绿之外,您还可以选择一些不同的皮肤。
Dunhill do not recommend the use of alcohol on the Exotics leather skins as this will irrevocably damage the surface. dunhill不建议在Exotics的皮革上使用酒精,因为它将对材质表面造成无法补救之损害。
For all the presumed coolness on the surface, he had an instinctive tendency to put himself into the skins of others. 他表面上来虽然十分冷漠,但是他出于本能,总是愿意设身处地为别人着想。
Roast the hazelnuts in the oven until brown . Let cool , rub off the skins , and grind the nuts to a fine powder . 把榛子放到烤箱里烤至焦黄。待冷却后去掉外皮,打成粉末。
The new MTV show skins which seems to be some sort of sports center for pedophiles. Terrific, terrific program. MTV新播出的电视剧皮囊,看上去就像是恋童癖的运动中心,真是美妙的节目。
He was no older than some of the other men, but among the fresh ruddy English skins his stood out dry, pallid. 他并不比其中某些人老,但是同英国人鲜嫩,红润的皮肤相对照,他的皮肤显得枯干,苍白。
They dressed in costumes typically made of animal heads and skins, and they played games of prediction, trying to tell one another fortunes. 人们穿着动物皮毛制的服装,大玩占卜游戏,互相诉说对方的命运。
He made also a cover for the tabernacle of rams' skins dyed red: and another cover over that of violet skins. 以后用染红的公羊皮作了棚顶的罩,上边又蒙上一块海豚皮的罩。
Augusto Odone: And that would tell you what is obvious right now? That avoiding apple skins and pizza has no effect on this brutal disease? 奥古斯托:用来证明现在已经清楚的事实么?证明不吃苹果皮和比萨对这种可怕的疾病没有效?
The young Emperor was stretched on a couch of dyed lion skins, and a ger-falcon perched upon his wrist. 年轻的皇帝躺在染色的狮子皮榻上,手腕上栖着一只白色的猎鹰。
NASB: He made a covering for the tent of rams' skins dyed red, and a covering of porpoise skins above. 和合本:并用染红的公羊皮作罩棚的盖、再用海狗皮作一层罩棚上的顶盖。
And shall put thereon the covering of badgers' skins, and shall spread over it a cloth wholly of blue, and shall put in the staves thereof. 又用海狗皮盖在上头,再蒙上纯蓝色的毯子,把杠穿上。
Creating named skins allows you to set different skins for different instances of the same control in an application. 通过创建已命名外观,可以为应用程序中同一控件的不同实例设置不同的外观。
Some people are so dry that you might soak them in a joke for a month it would not get through their skins . 有些人干巴巴的,在笑话里浸泡一个月,也不能渗入皮肤。
They stood, feeling a bit odd in their clothes. They were dressed as hunters, with thick short cloaks made of animal skins. 两人站起身,感觉这身打扮有点怪异:他们一身猎人装束,穿着短小厚重的兽皮斗篷。
Skins can define the entire appearance, or only a part of the appearance, of a component in various states. 通过换肤可以定义组件的全部或一部分表现。
It is one of the few ways to escape from the "bubbles" in which they live and to get out of their own skins. 这是他们摆脱自身所处的“泡沫”以及摘下“面纱”为数不多的方法之一。
Improve skin elasticity and tightness, smoothen fine lines, present bright and compact skins, easy to absorb without the burden. 增进肌肤弹性与紧实度,加强淡化细纹,呈现肌肤明亮与紧致,易吸收无负担。
and he made a covering for the tent of rams ' skins dyed red , and a covering of badgers ' skins above that. 用染红的公羊皮做了罩棚的盖,又用海狗皮做盖,放在罩棚的盖上面。
Some people are so dry that you might soak them in a joke for a month and it would not get through their skins. 有些人是那么的乏味,即使把他们浸在笑话中一个月,也无法渗透他们的皮肤。
We now serve them with this formal warning: Better be careful. This fire is not a plaything . Look out for your own skins! 我们正式警告他们说:放谨慎一点吧,这种火是不好玩的,仔细你们自己的脑袋。
The package is distributed with three skins ready to be used, but you can easily create your custom one. 这个发行包里有三套皮肤系统可以使用,当然你也可以很容易的创造一个自己的皮肤系统。
The pupae do not eat, but after a few days their skins split and the full - grown mosquitoes crawl out. 蛹不吃食物,但是几天后,它们的皮肤裂开,长成的蚊子就脱壳而出。
eg. In some tropical regions small boats used to be made of skins stretched over a wooden frame. 过去有些热带地区的小船是用兽皮绷在一个木头框子上造成的。
Her audiences are usually attracted by her waterish huge eyes and pale alabaster skins. 她的观众通常被她水汪汪的大眼睛和白净的皮肤所吸引。
And Jehovah God made for Adam and for his wife coats of skins and clothed them. 耶和华神为亚当和他妻子用皮子作衣服给他们穿。
He then tried basketball, but as a late-developer did not like playing in the "skins" team, without shirts. 他后来又尝试了篮球,但作为一个发育晚的人,他不喜欢那种赤膊上阵有“肌肤之亲”的对抗运动。
colour as red, rose (pink), or white; colour depends on whether the skins of red grapes are allowed to ferment with the juice. 葡萄酒按颜色可分为红色、玫瑰色(粉红色)和白色。果皮的色素熔入果汁内,使酒色加深。
We haven't yet found any doors, but we think they might have hung animal skins at the cave mouth to keep out the cold. 我们没发现门,不过我们认为他们可能在洞口挂着动物的皮来御寒。
Their own technology is neolithic. . . bows and spears, clay pots, animal skins, that sort of thing. 他们自己还在使用新石器时代的…弓箭和长矛,陶壶,兽皮,诸如此类。