
美 [ɪnˈsɪst]英 [ɪn'sɪst]
  • v.硬要;坚决要求;坚决主张;坚决认为
  • 网络坚持;坚持认为

第三人称单数:insists 现在分词:insisting 过去式:insisted




2_connie_新浪博客 ... ) led( 领导, 致使,铅) ) insists坚持, 强调) indicate – show - reveal 显示来源:中国职称英语考 …


CNN news 2011-09-26... ... 7. conversion n. 变换, 转化 8. insists v. 坚决宣称, 坚持认为 9. oust vt. 驱逐, 革职, 罢黜 ...

Armani insists he is no hero. And he says he would handle the Garrow case just the same if he had it to do over again. 阿玛尼坚持认为他并不是英雄,如果类似Garrow案再次发生时,他仍然会那样做。
The UK insists the bank must conduct a human resources review by the end of the year, as well as a staff survey. 英国政府坚持表示,该行在今年底前必须进行一次人力资源评估和员工调查。
poor is a state of mind, you if lifetime insists he is poor, with a large amount of money is not going to save you. 穷是一种心态,你若一辈子坚持自己是穷人,拥有大量金钱也救不了你。
As Marcus instructs his companions to leave, an elderly woman (Jane Alexander) insists they stay long enough to feed the girl. 随着马库斯指示同伴离开,一名老年妇女(简亚历山大)坚持他们多留一段日子,饲料女孩。
But a peaceful religious accommodation of evolutionary ideas is possible, Hameed insists. 但是,宗教接受进化理论是可能的,Hameed坚持认为。
Nevertheless, Sir Alex Ferguson insists the 31-year-old will not be back in first team action until the beginning of next season. 然而,弗格森爵士坚持这位31岁的球员在下赛季开始前不会回到一队。
But, although Torres has handed in a transfer request, Dalglish insists the club's determination to keep hold of him has not wavered. 但是,尽管托雷斯在传输请求霸道,达格利什坚持俱乐部的决心继续他的电话也没有动摇过。
His wife, who will then also be a mother, might watch in silent dread but Massa insists he shall push himself to the limit again. 他那将要成为母亲的妻子,可能又要无声却担心地观看他的比赛,但马萨坚持他将再次不遗余力。
Barcelona coach Frank Rijkaard insists revenge was not on his mind after seeing his side knock Chelsea out of the UEFA Champions League. 巴萨主教练里杰卡尔德在看到他的球队在冠军联赛淘汰切尔西队之后坦言,击溃切尔西并非是在报仇。
The head of the University insists the funding income is not enough to continue improving its facilities, and the quality of its education. 清华校长强调,这些资金不足以持续改善学校设备和教学质量。
Sucre is suspicious of his motives and nearly leaves, but C-Note insists that he's trying to help. 苏克雷疑心他的动机,准备离开,但本杰明坚称,他只是想帮忙。
Karadzic also insists on conducting his own defence and declared last week he would not be in court because he needs more time to prepare. 卡拉季奇还坚持由自己来安排辩护事宜,并于上周宣称他需要更多时间准备而不会出庭。
Sebastian Giovinco has a galaxy of stars in front of him in the Juventus pecking order, but insists he's "not afraid of competition. " 在尤文图斯队中,排在塞巴斯蒂安。吉奥文科前面的有众多球星,但他坚称自己“并不害怕竞争。”
"This has nothing to do with my authority, " Mr Duncan insists. "This is all to do with the opportunity that states have. " “这跟我的权威没有任何关系”,邓肯先生坚称,“这只跟那些州拥有的机会有关”。
Yet the former Hamburg stopper, who was one of the side's best players last term, insists his future is in Tuscany. 这名上个赛季俱乐部表现最好的球员之一的前汉堡后卫坚称他的未来在托斯卡尼。
She confesses to being scared; her mother insists that being a single mother is the hardest possible job a woman can have. 她非常害怕、困惑,她母亲特别告诉她,成为一个单身母亲对一个女人来说是天下最难的事。
One of the doomed democracy activists, plotting against the regime, insists: "It is our obligation to call injustice by its name. " 一位因密谋推翻独裁政权而被判刑的民主活动人士坚称:“呼唤公正是我们的责任。”
But he said Tsvangirai would be willing to contest a run-off, if the Commission insists one is required. 但是比提说,如果选举委员会坚持认为有必要进行决选,茨万吉拉伊将愿意参加。
For its part, the White House insists that it intends to reach out to Republicans so it isn't seen as the cause of a breakdown in comity. 在这一点上,白宫方面坚持说自己打算去联络共和党,这样它就不会被看成是搞坏和谐气氛的那一方。
At one point it looked as if full-blown nationalisation might be on the cards, but the government now insists that this is not an option. 这样的要求看似是完全符合民族化的要求,但是政府目前坚持认为这不是一个选择。
bothers, now thinks that did not know how oneself is insists. 真是又苦有累,现在想想都不知道自己是怎么坚持下来的。
She did not authorise treating other arrivals that way, she insists. 她肯定地表示自己并没有同意对其他入境者也同样处理。
He never has anything to do. No matter how busy you are, he always insists on coming with you. 他从来都是无事可做,不管你多忙,他总是坚持要跟你去。
Mr. Chen insists he is innocent of any wrongdoing connected to the cases, but has said he would step down if his wife is found guilty. 陈水扁总统坚持说,他没有涉及这些案子中的任何不法行为,是清白的。但他同时表示,如果他的妻子被判有罪,他就会辞职。
He insists that the children should learn agricultural labor first, and must take a second vocation. 他坚持儿童应首先学习农业劳动,还必须学一门职业。
Douglas insists that " reading cannot be taught directly and schools should stop trying to do the impossible" . 道格拉斯表示,“阅读不能直接和学校教应该停止试图做不可能的”。
Summit hasn't revealed how much it spent on its academy campaign, but a source close to the film insists that it was modest. 顶峰娱乐没有披露他们在奥斯卡的竞选活动中花费几许,但一位有关的知情人士宣称花费并不多。
Totti is expected to be out of action for up to three months, but he insists he's desperate to get started on his recovery. 预计托蒂会休养三个月,但他坚持说他会不顾一切地尽快复元。
Chelsea and England left-back Ashley Cole insists it will take at least a season before he is back to his best. 切尔西和英格兰的双料左后卫A科尔强调:可能至少要花一个赛季才能回到巅峰状态。
If I ask him for money to buy cigarettes he insists on going with me to purchase them. He will not be left alone, not for a second. 如果我向他要钱去买烟,他便非跟我一道去不可,他自个儿绝不独自呆着,一秒钟也不。