iron man

  • na.钢铁工人;铁汉;〈美俚〉银元
  • 网络钢铁人;钢铁侠;铁甲奇侠

iron maniron man

iron man


钢铁人》(Iron Man),2008年,饰演 维吉妮雅·「小辣椒」·波兹(Virginia "Pepper" Potts)《晚安好梦》(The Good Nigh…


...019 化学化工学院 材料化学 2007 级 看完钢铁侠Iron Man)之后,我期待 Speed Racer(改编自日本 60 年代卡 通),突然地…


日前铁甲奇侠Iron Man)罗拔唐尼( Robert Downey Jr.)、美国队长( Captain America)基斯伊云斯( Chris Evans)、 …


西洋人气排行榜 - KKBOX ... Mariah Carey( 玛丽亚凯莉) Iron Man( 钢铁人电影原声带) OneRepublic( 共和世代) ...


铁男(Iron Man)1989-1992(两集):普通人和金属融合成为了铁男,他有金属的胡须、满脸的螺钉和钻头一般的阳 具……彼得…


求生之路2_百度百科 ... Gib Fest( 无法近身) Iron Man铁人意志) 死亡中心( Dead Center) ...


PSPWWE2011菜单翻译 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... --FIRST BLOOD: 第一滴血 (把对方打到出血) --IRON MAN铁人赛 --LADDE…

It's easy to forget, now that he's been so absent the last two years, that Yao Ming was once an iron man. 在姚明受伤的这两年里,有些事情似乎很容易被人们忘记:姚明曾经是一个铁人。
Kang said he made it out of his personal love for Iron Man. The suit, weighing 50 kg, took him more than three months to make. 王康说,制作钢铁侠套装是因为喜欢钢铁侠,这套装备重约50公斤,他用了三个多月时间制作完成。
Mary: Oh, the man called the "Iron man of the sea" , isn't he? Students in Peking University also talked about him. 玛丽:哦,是那个横渡渤海海峡的“海上铁人”,北京大学的学生们也在议论这事呢。
And a helmet would be a great role play addition, as they are the rage with the kids these days (Iron Man and Clone Wars are examples). 而且头盔将是一个巨大的roleplay此外,因为他们的愤怒与这些孩子们天(铁人与克隆战争的例子)。
Even coffee could not pull me out of it but as soon as I walked out to go home, I felt like I could do an iron man. 咖啡也不能让我清醒。可是一出办公室要回家了,我觉得我都能演钢铁侠了。
To prepare for his role as Iron Man, Robert Downey Jr. spent five days a week weight training and practiced martial arts to get into shape. 为了准备铁人的角色,小罗伯特·唐尼每周花五天的时间进行体能训练和武术练习以达到合格的身材。
Knew that the kopeck is an iron man, but these many hidden dangers let us be unable to restrain to be anxious for him. 都知道科比是铁人,但这么多的隐患还是让我们不禁为他捏了把汗。
In the first "Iron Man, " weapons manufacturer Tony Stark has an epiphany when he winds up on the wrong end of some of his deadly products. 在第一个“铁人”,武器制造商托尼斯塔克有一个顿悟时,他就吹了他的致命产品的一些错误的结束。
LOOK at him standing there, a great big movie star in a great big movie, the Iron Man with nary a trace of human frailty. 他在一部大制作电影里饰演了一个毫无人类弱点的“钢铁侠”,于是他以一个伟大的电影明星的身份,站在了我们的面前。
Tony Stark has revealed his identity as Iron Man and is resisting calls by the United States government to hand over his Iron Man suit. 唐尼•斯塔克公开了他的钢铁侠身份。美国政府要求他把钢铁外衣上交,但是他不愿意。
Known as the "Iron Man of Asia" , Yang Chuan-kwang from Taiwan won the gold medal in the decathlon at the 1954 Asian Games. 来自中国台北的10项全能选手杨传广在1954年亚运会中获得金牌,由此获得“亚洲铁人”的称号。
This message is widely disseminated through the network, many users a message on the "iron man" of plagiarism by ridiculing. 此消息经网络广泛传播后,很多网民留言对《高铁侠》的抄袭行为进行讥讽。
Customers will be able to purchase new Dell computers with a $20 option to have Iron Man pre-loaded on the machine. 消费者在购买新的戴尔电脑时,可以选择支付二十美元来把《铁人》预先下载到电脑上。
Dirty washing goes into a lift which takes the clothes to the washing machine in the basement. The "Iron Man" then does all the ironing. 脏了的物品可以放进一个吊篮后呗送到地下室的洗衣机里洗涤,“铁人”随后负责熨烫。
This helped the company break out on its own and finance its own movies, starting with Iron Man, which was released in 2008. 这让公司得以突破自身、并在经济上支持自己的电影。他们在08年制作了《钢铁侠》。
In the Ultimate Iron Man comics, Whiplash is a super villain who possesses a pair of gloves with steel wires attached that acted as whips. 在铁人漫画的最后一集,“鞭索”是一个超级坏蛋,他有一双连接有钢缆线的手套,可以作为鞭子使用。
Inspired by the "Iron Man spirit" , China will no doubt continue to build its global champions. 有“铁人精神”激励着,毫无疑问,中国会继续构建全球领头企业。
Leonard: Okay, let's see: money, women, technology. Okay, we're agreed. Our new friend is going to be Iron Man. 莱纳德:好了,我们瞧瞧:钱、女人、科技。行,大家都没有异议,我们的新朋友得是钢铁侠。
Symbol of strength, the ONLY THE BRAVE fist is wrapped in Iron Man's high tech glove for this exclusive Collector's edition. 实力的象征,只有勇敢的拳头被包裹在铁人的高本独家珍藏版高科技手套。
That is better than geologists had expected a few years ago, but slowing the rate of decline has required efforts worthy of the Iron Man. 这比地质学家数年前的预期要好得多,然而减缓下滑的速度需要不下于铁人的努力。
A simple and funny tank game, all the characters are the popular heroes, the Transformers, Iron Man, Spider-Man, Superman ETC. 游戏的坦克主角采用当代的卡通英雄人物作为设计参考对象。变形金刚、钢铁侠、蜘蛛侠、超人等深入民心的英雄一个不少。
Aside from being wildly entertaining, Iron Man serves up a number of lessons that can be carried over to business. 除了极佳的娱乐效果之外,《钢铁侠》还给我们带来了一些可以运用在商业上启示
I would almost be blasphemous by saying it's better than Iron Man but I don't know. 或许,如果我说这部电影甚至超越了钢铁侠有些不敬,但,好吧,我也说不清。
After "Iron Man 2" came "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, " which should go down as one of the biggest failures of the year. 紧随《钢铁侠2》之后的是《波斯王子:时之砂》,此片当以年度最失败作品之一而消落。
So he improved steel armor, create another piece of fusion energy, a real Iron Man. 于是,他改进了钢铁盔甲,制造了另一块聚变能源,成为真正的钢铁侠。
Even after reform and iron man finally and qian qian meet again, but the result of a big meet but iron man expected! 众目睽睽下,改造后的铁男终于与倩倩见面了,但是相见的结果却大出铁男的预料!
Well, the Iron Man Suit is pretty amazing . It gives its wearer super strength, as well as the ability to fly. . . 好的,钢铁侠外套让人相当惊奇。它为它的穿戴者带来强大的力量,以及飞行的能力…
And, of course, there were some rather disappointing missed opportunities (*COUGH* Iron Man 2 *COUGH*). 当然,令人非常失望的是,还有一些电影错失了机会。(【咳嗽声】《钢铁侠2》)。
Yet when it came time for Marvel Studios to cast the lead for a huge franchise film, "Iron Man, " it bet on Mr. Downey. 然而当惊奇漫画制作部为钢铁侠这部大制作系列影片物色男主角的时候,他们仍将赌注压在了唐尼身上。
As an avid reader of the Iron Man comics, I was excited but also very scared that this movie would flop. 作为一名狂热的读者的钢铁侠漫画,我很激动,但也很害怕,这部电影会失败。