
美 [ˈɪntɪmət]英 ['ɪntɪmət]
  • n.知己;密友;至交
  • v.暗示;透露;(间接)表示
  • adj.亲密的;密切的;个人隐私的(常指性方面的);宜于密切关系的
  • 网络个人的;亲热;私人的

复数:intimates 现在分词:intimating 过去式:intimated

intimate knowledge,intimate friend,intimate relationship,intimate conversation,intimate contact


1.亲密的;密切的having a close and friendly relationship

2.个人隐私的(常指性方面的)private and personal, often in a sexual way

3.宜于密切关系的;温馨的;便于有性关系的encouraging close, friendly relationships, sometimes of a sexual nature

4.详尽的;精通的very detailed and thorough

5.密切的;紧密的very close


英语词根6 - Leo.Zhu - 博客园 ... incipient 开始的 intimate 亲密的 暗示 isolate 孤立 ...


英语词根6 - Leo.Zhu - 博客园 ... incipient 开始的 intimate 亲密的 暗示 isolate 孤立 ...


I开头的单词记忆中国记忆力训练网 ... interior n.内部 a.内部的 intimate a.亲密的;个人的 invasion n.入侵,侵略;侵犯 ...


NK-words2 - 博客的日志 - 网易博客 ... intermittent 间歇的,断断续续的 intimate 亲密的,密切的 intrigue 阴谋 ...


PETS3_资料内容_资料下载_学习资料共享网 ... interview 会见;采访;面试 intimate 亲密的,密切的 n.知己 introduce 介绍; …


亲字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 亲切〖 cordial;kind〗 亲热〖 affectionate;intimate〗 亲如手足〖 closeasbrothers〗 ...


职称英语考试大纲(B级) - 豆丁网 ... interval n. 间隔(时间) ; 幕间休息 intimate a. 亲密的; 详尽的; 私人的 invalid n. 病人 ...

A woman from Wisconsin wrote to me recently to say that she effortlessly shares intimate feelings with her friends. 最近,一位来自威斯康星州的女性写信给我,说她可以轻易地和朋友分享内心的感受。
Little by little however, she seemed to get comfortable with the fact that I wanted to be close and intimate with her. 可是,渐渐地,她似乎已经习惯了我想接近她,并且想和她建立亲密关系这一事实。
I would not give up the pleasure and honour of being intimate with you for anything in the world. 无论给我什么东西,我都不愿牺牲跟你相交的快乐与荣幸。
Take the security, specialized, quick, the intimate service realizes the happy person as you to occupy the ideal! 以安全、专业、快捷、贴心的服务为您实现美好人居理想!
It won't take much to turn a friendship into an intimate relationship. This can turn into a very passionate and fulfilling week for you. 把友谊变成爱情不会花太多时间,总体来说,这一周你会充满激情和满足感。
It should be a intimate relationship between human beings with opposite sexes, and naturally between a man and a woman. 这应该是一个亲密的关系,人与异性,与自然之间的一男一女。
Some of those who had been most intimate with him appeared, after a time, to shun him. 也有一些一度和他十分亲密的人,经过一段时期以后回避他。
Because you know. . . Yeah, really. Seriously. You know, because that's the most intimate part of what I do. And I'm not gonna. . . 谢尔普德:因为你知道……哦,是的。当真。你知道为什么吗,因为那是我最私密的一部分,而我不想……
One time listens to her to mention a time complete intimate process, understands the general idea finally. 某一次听她说起一次完整的相亲过程,总算明白大概。
The only impression left by such a life is that of the strong calm sanity that Our Lord gives to those who are intimate with Him. 这样的生命仅留的印象是坚强,沉静和健全的心智,这是我们的主赐予和祂亲密的人的。
By getting in touch with your body and controlling it in such an intimate and precise way, you feel mentally more in touch as well. 通过这样亲密和准确的方法和身体接触和控制,精神上的愉悦是更快乐的。
You've been more than just a teacher to me, you've been more like an intimate friend. 对我来说你并不只是我的老师,你更像是我亲密的朋友。
She spoke about Andy Warhol, Madonna and Grace Jones as if they were not just her influences, but almost her intimate confederates. 她谈及安廸·沃霍尔,麦当娜和恩·琼斯,好像他们不只是她的影响者,还几乎是她的亲密的盟军。
We both went out with other people and there was never any jealousy, although I found it hard to be physically intimate with anyone else. 我们都和别的人出去约会而从不会去妒忌,但是我发现身体上很难与其他人有亲密关系。
The way to do that is to stay intimate with him and to let the Holy Spirit direct our sight, both our physical eyes and our spiritual eyes. 做到这一点的方法是与他保持亲密的关系,并且让圣灵指引我们的视线,包括我们肉体的眼睛和属灵的眼睛。
Was also never finish, and also look to see enough, the beautiful mother of the motherland, touching, intimate look - think about and see ! 写也写不完,看也看不够,祖国妈妈美丽、动人、亲切的容貌——想想看吧!
Hold Hands: Hand holding is one of the most intimate ways to connect with one another. Take any chance you have to hold his or her hand! 牵手:牵手是最亲密的联络感情的方法之一。抓住所有的机会握住她的手吧!
This annual list provides an uncompromising look into one of the most intimate issues in our daily lives- how much money we make. 这份年度排行榜详实地调查了人们日常生活中最为隐私的问题:收入问题。
There is a limit as to how much politicians can affect the workings of our most intimate lives. 那些政客们对我们最紧密的生活轨迹造成的影响是有限的。
We were trying to do something different, more intimate, maybe a little more realistic. 我们另辟蹊径,我们的片子会更贴近生活,更真实。
Some Soros-watchers intimate that his vast network of international contacts might be an important source of his market prescience. 一些索罗斯的观察者宣称,索罗斯巨大的国际关系网络或许是他市场先见之明的一个重要消息来源。
An evening service, followed by a supper in an intimate restaurant could fill you with a sense of well-being and peacefulness. 傍晚宗教活动结束后,选一家餐馆,共进一次亲密的晚餐,这将会让你感受到幸福以及内心的平和。
When a Christian man has a close, intimate walk with Jesus Christ, it gives his wife confidence in his leadership. 当弟兄与耶稣基督有亲密的关系与神同行时,这会带给妻子信心,相信丈夫的领导力。
"What an intimate couple! " suddenly two men got out from the dark, and said in a strange voice. “呦,小两口还挺亲密的!”突然从黑暗中闪出两个人阴阳怪气地说。
Come to think of it, my relationship with her is not as intimate as my relationship with Malaya. But she is constantly in my mind! 说起我和她的关系,还比不上马来亚这样密切,可是我时时刻刻都在怀念着她!
That Europe was deeply familiar to me; it was an intimate saturation that compelled me in every way. 我对他笔下的欧洲耳熟能详;我浸润其间,亲密融洽,正因为如此我才处处受到促动。
Why asks always in the intimate, moreover after why always, does not have the sound, she did not know, therefore. 问起为什么总在相亲,而且为什么总是相完之后就没声音,她也不知所以。
When you do an intimate scene with a man, it is often awkward, so actually it was fine. 当你和一个男人拍亲密戏时,通常都很怪,所以这其实挺好。
so intimate to your master that I must supply the place of this with my own, if he attempt to remove it. 所以通知你主人说,如果他打算带走他,我就得要我自己的孩子补这个缺。
There was but one person on intimate terms with Tschaikovsky- Nadyezhda von Meck. Yet it was an intimacy of correspondence. 只有一个人跟柴可夫斯基有着亲密的关系,那就是娜蒂契达·冯·梅克,但这仅限于通信来往。