the ceiling

  • 网络天花板;顶棚;天花板图片

the ceilingthe ceiling

the ceiling


3.自从上课开始,他就一直在看(stare at)天花板(the ceiling). 4.电话响了几分钟还是没接. 5.他们一直在讨论这个问题,已经有一个 …


英汉航空词汇 - 击剑手的日志 - 网易博客 ... the floor 地板 56、 the ceiling 顶棚 57、 the galley 机上厨房 58、 ...


五意大利图片 Cinque terre, Italy - 图蛙... ... 雄禽图片 rooster 天花板图片 the ceiling 阴影图片 Shadow ...


... fall ~ the sky 从天空落下 hang ~ the ceiling 自天花板垂吊而下 Come down ~ that tree at once!. 立刻从那棵树上下来! ...

And, the ceiling may have been a bit lower than normal because it felt like it was pressing down on me. 并且,天花板可能比正常水平低了些,因为我老觉得它像是要压到我身上一样。
Gates is also known as an avid reader and the ceiling of his large, home library is engraved with a quotation from The Great Gatsby. 众所周知,盖茨是个手不释卷的人。他的家里有很多藏书,在他的书房的屋顶上有一段引自《伟大的盖茨比》的文字。
Talen was looking straight up at the ceiling, not even blinking, he wasn't bleeding but there was a red mark on his head. 塔伦是直视天花板,甚至不闪烁,不出血,但他有一个在他头上的红色标记。
A fuzzy puff playful motif where the ceiling is adorned with dandelion puffs seems to float and drift through the air. 应用绒毛活泼主题的天花板则装饰有蒲公英的绒毛,看起来像是漂浮在空中。
"At the moment, she's there with a hole in the ceiling over her head. I don't have time to fix it, " Eugene admits. “现在,在她的头上的天花板上就有一个破洞在那里。我根本没有时间修理它”尤金承认说。
Hooked up to the heart rate monitor was a pale body, staring off into the ceiling, seeming like she was off in La La land of sorts. 与心率显示器相连的是一具苍白的身躯。她呆滞地凝视着天花板的神情,让人觉得她似乎有点神志不清。
Shortly after graduating, her hands also began to shake and her eyes rolled towards the ceiling uncontrollably. 毕业后不久,她的双手也开始震颤,她的眼球则无法控制地向上翻。
Unable to sleep, I tossed restlessly in the bed and stared at the ceiling, wondering what life would be like stuck on a tiny island. 我睡不着,在床上不安份地翻来翻去,盯着天花板看,想像着困在小岛上,以后的日子该怎么过。
Some of them were smoking in a very classical style, one slim cigarette was between two slim pale fingers up to the ceiling. 有些人抽烟的姿态非常经典,两只细细的苍白的手指间夹着一只细细的香烟,冲着天花板。
as small wisps of smoke began to float out of his ears and curl towards the ceiling. 同时一股烟雾从他的耳朵里出来,弯弯曲曲地冲上屋顶。
Employee was at a bowling alley and a bucket filled with water (due to a leak) crashed through the ceiling and hit her on the head. 在保龄球馆被装满水的桶(因为漏水)砸到头。
The sick old man does nothing but stare at the ceiling all day long. 那个生病的老先生整天除了瞪着天花板看以外什么都没做。
I had so much anxiety that I would wake up in the middle of the night and stare at the ceiling. 我太担心了,以至于我会在半夜醒来,盯着天花板。
The next day, Michael stands inside a bank, arm raised high with a gun pointed toward the ceiling. 第二天,迈克站住一间银行里,手臂高高举起,手里拿着枪对着天花板。
When she stepped out on the fourth floor there was no one at hand, only great aisles of boxes piled to the ceiling. 她在四楼出电梯时,看不到一个人影,只见成堆摞到房顶的盒子,中间留出一条条走道来。
Mr McCain was the worst, jabbing at the ceiling and breaking into a shout at unseen enemies, a disturbing spectacle in the quiet room. 反应最激烈的麦凯恩指着天花板,对着臆想中的敌人咆哮起来,这在安静的房间里是一幕令人不安的奇观。
If I was to get a habit (as you call it) of walking on the ceiling, like the flies, I should hear enough of it, I daresay. 如果我得了一个像你所说的习惯,像苍蝇一样在天花板上走来走去,那么我想我对这就会听够了。
Even when the worker hammers at the ceiling of the basement, I tell you to see the pipes the lines inside, which makes you dirty. 甚至当工人敲打地下室天花板时,我居然叫你去看里面的管线,弄得你一头灰!
There was a small click, and the ball of light from the lamp flew back to the ceiling and illuminated them all once more. 随着“喀哒”一声轻响,灯火球又飞回到天花板,照亮整个房间。
Loudspeakers embedded in the ceiling of every room summon reporters to inspection tours of NATO targets, often in the middle of the night. 而镶在每个房间天花板上的扩音器召集记者们去巡视北约轰炸的目标,通常会是在午夜前后。
There are two scuttles on the ceiling; one is at the front and the other at the rear. It is still unnecessary to turn on all lights at 6 pm. 天花板一前一后开了两个天窗,下午6时左右仍然不必大张旗鼓给灯光。
I had so much anxiety that I would wake up in the middle of night and stare at the ceiling. 我非常焦虑,以至于时常在午夜失眠,躺在床上呆呆地望着天花板。
He sighed and tossed the envelopes to the far side of the bed, then flopped back on his pillow and stared at the ceiling. 他叹了口气,将信封扔到离床边很远的角落,然后躺在枕头上,盯着天花板发呆。
When Carol found out her boyfriend had been cheating on her, she just hit the ceiling and threw all his stuff out of the window. 当Carol发现男朋友一直对她不忠时,她气疯了,把他的东西都扔了出去。
Try to rotate even your navel upward toward the ceiling just as you do your face. 甚至试着转动肚脐向上往天花板的方向,就像你的头一样。
She stopped again and again, Yang Toukan look at the ceiling, tears in her eyes in agitation, she strongly tears from falling. 她又一次停下来,仰头看了看天花板,泪珠在她眼眶中激荡,她坚强地不让泪珠掉下来。
He said to use the lifeline running along the ceiling, a slender rope threaded through wooden cones, like floats in a swimming pool. 他告诉大家要使用天花板上垂下的救生索,那是一条穿有木质球果的绳子,类似游泳池内的浮标。
The tallest man in the group, George Phoenix, an engineer, found a hatch in the ceiling of the lift. 一行中个头最高的男子-一位名叫GeorgePhoenix的工程师-在电梯顶棚上发现了一个开口。
Thick pipes protrude from the ceiling, and a window in the front room opens onto nowhere, just another gray tunnel wall beyond it. 粗壮的管道从天花板上突出来,前屋的窗户外不过是另一堵灰色的隧道墙壁。
They laughed, rocked back in their chairs, shook their heads, stared at the ceiling and muttered oaths to each other. 人们大笑,欢喜地在椅子上摇摆,疯傻地摇头,对着天花板发呆,相互胡言乱语地嘀咕着。